sticker thread
Sticker thread
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I can smell the smegma from here user.
you know the point of a laptop is to be able to take it places right?
I want anime to leave
Unfortunately that's not going to happen since this is an anime website.
Good taste.
Excessive, is this you?
Imagine being this much of a cringy flaming faggot. Goddamn it, even shrimps got more self awareness than these types.
Not that I don't like the anime grills tho.
when will these threads just fucking stop.
Where are the autism awareness stickers?
Any fake tattoo versions? Stickers gather dust too fast and I love next to a massive construction site.
qt hakase and hotarun
Good taste.
Pure autism
Kill it with fire.
Do you have an NVIDIA dGPU on that Thinkpad?
>A E S T H E T I C
>Moon mayne
>nsa inside
fucking disgusting
>Trump Pepe
even more disgusting
no comment
>top kek
>CNN Fake News
Disgusting recent "meme", all news stations are shit
>Arch sticker
Thanks for giving me some decent feedback.
The pepes will be gone when I get some more stickers.
And I thought Macbooks had huge trackpads.
Holy shit user.
Great minds think alike.
kek summerfag
i can totally sign what this user said.
your stickers are a mix of good and bad one.
i like the priatebay and the nsa inside one
where do you even geth those stickers
try vinyls instead of stickers then
do you use that in public? has anyone ever said anything about it?
i think i whooped your ass on code fights earlier
Where'd you get the lain sticker?
Is Redbubble a safe site where to buy?
I found a pretty good TOP GNU sticker, but I'm not sure wether I can trust my money or not
yes it is but they have ugly white borders like the ones in the OP, fixable with scissors though
buying at least 4 stickers makes them cheaper
Any stickers you see with that white border are from
Anyone know of a better sticker website?
I don't understand what I'm looking at. did you put stickers on the screen itself?
excellent taste
Eyy someone saved my laptop
The lid flips around.
trackpadless master race
Why is it that I never see a DELL XPS or a ThinkPad X1 Carbon in these sticker threads? Always low end used trash.
now if waifu and yummy could sent me my shit, i can get started.
old laptop.
I'm shipping orders today bby
Also nice Win2k sticker
this is where the memes go right
Where do you guys get your stickers? I have none but am really interested in collecting some after seeing these threads.
I'd probably decorate my stuff with weeb shit and memes.
Redbubble or a single custom made Vinyl.
don't mix both, it ends up horrible
Check the sticker thread on /o/. There's also a couple of sticker guys on /k/ patch threads.
Working on a meme sticker I will have made and sell, pic related. Taking suggestions for text
Did you email Kansai about this?
Absolutely, it's how I got the .ai file.
>Sup Forums related
replace the car-related things with custom thinkpad specs (since they're very upgradable and customizable)
thinkpads are like the de facto Sup Forumsee shittop anyway
I'm stumped on the MFD and what to change the text below it as well.
Especially the text on the left.
>I'm shipping orders today bby
>Also nice Win2k sticker
still cant believe i paid $5 for it.
what is your store site?
jewgle patch dynamics
looks good
that serb-chan patch is cash money ima probably get that when my paycheck hits friday
Posting the auto sticker pastebin
Someone posted in a sticker thread here before so I thought i'd post it again
where'd you get the eagle jump sticker?
Who else has their own vinyl cutter?
fuck im all out of vomitting anime girls
I like that akihabara sticker, where did you get it from?
redbubble along with the scp and eastnewsound one
then x-acto knife to remove the white borders
What is the point of a portable computer if you make it so hideous you can't take it anywhere?
show your cute portable computer with anime to the pleb masses with shit taste
Progress being made
Also alternate name
would buy top
this is nice, i dont like having swearwords on my person in public
Four (4) Keions
Also why do you have Konata, and a smug Maki?
It got replaced with a Death Parade sticker.
Not sure why that guy keeps posting the old one.
No it's mine.
Trigger alert
Alright, messed with some stuff and I think we're nearing something complete. Thoughts?
>Yes, I know I added an over 9000 joke
I accept any better recommendations for it.
Manufacture date is now the release date of Win 98.
>some generic skull Micky mouse sticker
It's not triggering, it's just bad taste.
If you seriously put stickers on your laptop, you should definitely consider killing urself.
Remember when these fucking threads were frowned upon and Sup Forums fags and lonely weebs kept their attention whoring faggotry to themselves? You can really feel the summer
what is this wat stuff?
is it some sort of /o/ meem?
It's actually logo of the tattoo studio
I wish I could get stickers in case-badge size, like under an inch on a side. Everything you can just order (as opposed to laying out your own sheet and having it custom-printed) is way too big.
>advertising for free
getting a tattoo is literally paying the tattoo parlor to put their advertising on your body
a sticker isnt a big deal
Yeah its an /o/ meme. Goes back a ways
WAT Racing Development.
/o/ produces the most patrician content, its a damn shame that /dbt/ is filled with such worthless autists. I'd give out Revzilla giftcards at Christmas but I'll be dead in my grave before I ever give a dollar to some of those fucking tripfags.
It's worse, he paid them too.