>he fell for the samsung meme
Why haven't you joined the Apple masterrace yet?
>he fell for the samsung meme
Why haven't you joined the Apple masterrace yet?
I had an iphone from a 3g to a 6s, I swapped to android and to be honest I've not noticed anything I'm missing.
>lifts up iphone to view the time
>lights up, no buttons touched
It's a render of an S7 with iOS photoshopped on the screen.
Listen, BiPhones are comfy, I understand, I get it. Thing is, some people just want more.
I want to be able to root my phone and flash a custom ROM of I want.
Apple products are for tech illiterate. For the aged, the infirm, ladies, children and men who are "good with colours".
All these shit fake renders that are being posted are just a fucking embarrassing.
must be s8.
writing on s7 edge and it doesnt look like this.
Apple is for those who care about being part of the winning team, those who care about supporting a great brand
Samsung is...well, it's never been relevant
The galaxy is for the chinese fucks who don't care about buying ripoffs
>winning team
>support a great brand
is this a fucking charity? dumbass.
just get off this board you tech-illiterate piece of shit
the only thing I liked about the iphone I had compared to my s6 is that the iPhone was practically a baby phone and I thought it was cute.
>picks up iphone to put in pocket
>lights up, wastes battery
>throws piece of trash into trash and gets an Android
Im just wainting till linux can be installed into phones without problems
Also Android has gotten better, but it's still ugly as fuck lel.
>Samsung and Apple
According to genune retards, these are the only phone manufacturers. Coincidentally, these are the manufacturers one should avoid the most.
>buying ripoffs
>op's pic is literally a s8 ripoff
apple is shit tier android master race if you try to do anything on apples the phone just locks up
This. The absolute maximum bloatware/slavery memesters ever, and normies think it's the only choice they have.
What is Android?
Tell me, why would anyone sane choose iPhone instead of Android flagship models? You can't do shit because muh locked os, screen is inferior to many Android monsters, camera is inferior, raw power is insufficient, even the so called design and build quality are no longer apples prerogative considering what Samsung, Huawei and others are doing. Oh, and yet still apple has the audacity to be the pricier one out of the bunch.
>looks at always on display to look at time
>no buttons touched
>no wasted screen on time
>tries to convince people to use an iPhone instead of a Samsung by using a photo of an imaginary iPhone that resembles an existent Samsung
Is this your first day at Cupertino Shill Central?
is that a s9 edge?
Let's run down the list
Android phones let you:
>have real encryption with no backdoors
>download over 100MB over mobile data
>install a third party app launcher and icons
>use it as a flash drive
>share any kind of file over wifi/bluetooth
>torrent via torrent clients in the playstore
>install apps outside the playstore
>modify a few system settings to increase performance and decrease battery drain
>manually control complex camera functions via third party apps
>natively browse files
>view better colors via amoled displays
>browse Sup Forums and natively open webms inside them via third party apps
>extract/browse archives
>add additional phone storage via a micro SD card
>replace the stock battery with a bigger one
>add widgets to your home screen
>access important functions by swiping down
Also with iPhones you LITERALLY pay more and get less (ie oneplus 5 vs iPhone 7)
Never happens, unless you're an ocd faggot who plays with it constantly.
>being a male human being and older than 18 and even considering the possibility of iPhone
Top Kek, next thing you gonna post is that cuck webcomic about mac, PC, fine dinner and shitty fastfood
>men who are "good with colours"
These men of which you speak. Would you say they step lightly? Would one tend to find them on the other bus? What I'm trying to ascertain is: do they prefer potting brown to pink? Is Bumchummery their journey not their goal?
Asking for a friend
>Never happens, unless you're an ocd faggot who plays with it constantly.
He's referring to the notorious dogshit battery life iPhones have. An always on screen would reduce the battery life further.
t. ex-iPhone 7 plus user who could rarely make it more than 30% at lunch time.
no custom roms
My phone is a toy compared to my desktop and laptop. I just don't care about fucking with it, even though I am tech literate. I'd rather have a stellar user experience for the small amount of tasks I expect of it.
I have.
Used a Samsung once when the phablet meme was just taking off (Note 2) and it got stuck on the same fucking Android version for like 9 months after a new release.
Went to an iPhone 6
Got bored, switched to a Nexus 5X to try the "Android with timely updates" thing, it ran like an absolute piece of shit, I completely hated it
Switched to Nexus 6P, this was lovely, but huge
Switched to a Oneplus 3T, best Android phone I ever had, but still Android and I still had to babysit the background apps / battery usage constantly and couldn't use Wifi Calling.
Went back to iPhone, went for an SE so it's not sticking out of my pocket all the time, absolutely love it.
If there's one good reason to use Android it's the ability to run emulators without dicking about with a hack to install a half-assed iOS equivalent emulator every 7 days, but it's not enough to outweigh iOS's love for muh battery and privacy.
iPhones are famous for horrendous battery life.
Are you seriously going to ignore the FBI unlocking an "encrypted" iPhone?
My SE lasts ages.
Triple letter agencies can get into anything, that's a given. It's more that using Android you're basically handing yourself over to Google.
That said, they sure as hell had a hard time with that terrorist's iPhone last year.
Then you don't use it. The power consumption of networking can only be countered by a big battery.
I use it heavily, including infamous battery drain Pokemon Go at lunchtime, and usually still have 40% left by the end of the day (all I ask is lasting to the end of the day, I have a charger).
Other phones have huge batteries and excessive RAM to compensate for inefficiency
>call quality worse than $50 dumb phones
iPhones are fucking shit. My boss fell for the meme and got us all switched to them two years ago and we dealt with non-stop problem after problem after problem. Horrible battery life, dropped calls, bent phones from normal use, infuriating lag after a year, etc. When the contract finally ended we couldn't get rid of that fucking trash soon enough.
>have real encryption with no backdoors
you're world's biggest goy if you believe this
>download over 100MB over mobile data
wasn't that the limit only for store apps?
>install a third party app launcher and icons
useless ricing
>use it as a flash drive
>flash drives in 2017
>share any kind of file over wifi/bluetooth
except this works better in apple ecosystem and transfers between pc/phone are seamless
>install apps outside the playstore
you talk about rooting yet ignore jailbreaking which gives you that ability
>modify a few system settings to increase performance and decrease battery drain
there is no excuse for this to have to be done by end user and not phone manufacturer
>manually control complex camera functions via third party apps
complex camera functions on phones, jesus fucking christ
>view better colors via amoled displays
and get them burned in real good while we're at that
>browse Sup Forums and natively open webms inside them via third party apps
i don't think that's a huge point with close to zero webm adaptation on the internet
>add additional phone storage via a micro SD card
a feature most android phones miss nowadays
and this is coming from someone who's still using his Nexus 4 bought on release and hasn't touched an apple phone since 3GS
>My SE lasts ages.
lol liar, I used to have an SE and battery life was a fucking joke. God forbid you make calls on that piece of shit.
>Triple letter agencies can get into anything, that's a given. It's more that using Android you're basically handing yourself over to Google.
That's optional, you can disable gapps any time you want to, Android itself is open source. iOS is a walled garden and you have to trust apple isn't mining/selling your data and installing backdoors all over the place (which it's been proven they do both).
>That said, they sure as hell had a hard time with that terrorist's iPhone last year.
But they still broke its "encryption". If you want actual privacy then you can't do better than an android phone with an unlocked bootloader and Lineage OS on it.
ex- iPhone 5c user here
>you're world's biggest goy if you believe this
Android is open source. Please show us where in the code the backdoors are.
Source code can be found here :source.android.com
>wasn't that the limit only for store apps?
Yeah, the thing most people download from despite $40/month unlimited high speed lte phone plans existing.
>useless ricing
Not when the stock iOS launcher and icons look and feel like absolute garbage.
>>flash drives in 2017
I know right? Now we just use our phones.
>except this works better in apple ecosystem and transfers between pc/phone are seamless
lolno, you can't even transfer files with bluetooth. Last I checked airdrop was limited to specific videos and images. God FORBID you need to transfer important docx files.
>you talk about rooting yet ignore jailbreaking which gives you that ability
Ahhh but on android you don't need to root to download apps outside the playstore. All you do is uncheck a box and you're ready to go.
Tell that to apple and their laggy performance and abhorrent battery life.
>complex camera functions on phones, jesus fucking christ
Phone cameras are already fucking garbage as it is. Being able to fine tune advance settings can make dogshit photos look acceptable.
>and get them burned in real good while we're at that
Hasn't been a problem for a while now. I've had my galaxy S7 active for about a year now with no burn in whatsoever.
>i don't think that's a huge point with close to zero webm adaptation on the internet
You're in one you dumb fuck.
>a feature most android phones miss nowadays
Not at all, most LG/Sony/Samshit/ZTE phones still have it.
>and this is coming from someone who's still using his Nexus 4 bought on release and hasn't touched an apple phone since 3GS
Then stop talking out of your ass. You're like that priest who has never even seen pussy let alone touch it and is giving parents advice on child planning.
What? they are the only manufacturers you should support, since they are the biggest and most important ones
You are supposed to side with the big companies, not the no-name fucks, those are supposed to disappear
>in 2k17
get the fuck out
>you're world's biggest goy if you believe this
Post proof of how they broke RSA.
>useless ricing
Let me guess, the "things I can't have don't matter" fallacy is going to get used a lot all along your post.
Even if this is was remotely true, you could just not use it. I don't understand how having less features is a good thing.
>flash drives in 2017
And look at that, you did re-use it.
>you talk about rooting yet ignore jailbreaking which gives you that ability
First of all, you don't need to root to install shit from F-Droid or any source. The post was very clear about that, but how can we expect a child of New Delhi to read proper English?
Second, have you jailbroken an iPhone? Do you actually think it's the same as rooting?
>there is no excuse for this to have to be done by end user and not phone manufacturer
Of course there is. It's my phone and I choose the balance between battery life and features. Some people might want no animations and a 4-day battery, others feel another way. I know the concept of having choices is tough to comprehend when you're on an iPhone.
>complex camera functions on phones, jesus fucking christ
>and get them burned in real good while we're at that
You know what, I actually agree. Even though AMOLED has better colors, it burns out. Luckily there are tons of fantastic Android phones using IPS and, once again, you get to choose which you prefer.
>i don't think that's a huge point with close to zero webm adaptation on the internet
You're literally on a website with webm adaptation saying webm adaptation doesn't matter.
>a feature most android phones miss nowadays
Then buy one with it. My Redmi 4 has it, or you can use a second SIM if you want to cheat on your wife..
>you're supposed to side with companies
>both of them are locked down shit that's probably spying on you
No thanks, I'll stick with my $20 flip phone with a removable battery because I'm not a retard that's going to carry a personal tracker.
my nexus 6 does that though
thats like four year old technology lmfao
Because I love communism and google botnet.
Literally like a hundred apps that can do the same thing and more on android. On PCs and loonix... probably even more. It's matter of what platform/apps your friends and co-workers are using.
because i'm not a pretentious faggot
>I still had to babysit the background apps / battery usage constantly and couldn't use Wifi Calling.
You don't even have that option out of the box with iShills. But oh no, that's BLOATWARE!
>Wifi calling
Use skype?
My anus is at a normal dilation and it will stay like that
>no phone jack
>no home button
Trashed right there. Apple isn't giving me much reason to """upgrade""" from my SE
Android phones have been able to do this since Nexus 6
My old cheap ass htc from the same year had this.
Did iCucks just get this or something?
Do a "pull the phone out of pocket" gesture - screen unlocks.
Do a "put the phone in the pocket" gesture - screen locks.
literally everyone in the US is on iMessage
Its ok user. iPhones are easy enough for even gay people to use.
literally everyone in the WORLD is on WhatsApp
>lifts phone up to view the time
>2560x1440 screen displays time in the most crisp, clear, customizable font you've ever seen on a phone
>AMOLED display ensures deepest blacks, as well as saving battery, due to only using what leds are needed to display the time, with blacks being "off"
>uses about as much energy to display the time as a digital watch, and does it better
>unsheathes stylus
>teleports behind you
>nothing personell, kid
I prefer not having my hand held when it comes to the little things, like, I don't know, rearranging the fucking icons on my home screen so they don't have to sort by the top.
Having your chats everyday with everyone you know through an ugly pos app owned by FB which you better believe is mining all that sweet sweet data.
said no iphone user ever
Moto X actually, just shortly before the Nexus
Used iPhones until ios7 when apple shit the bed. Switched the Android(Nexus) and haven't had a desire to go back.
You know what's more comfy than an iPhone? Enjoying a 5.8 inch S8 that's almost as small as a 4.7 inch iPhone 7.
please leave or lrn2troll better
The Galaxy S8 does this.
>plebbit spacing
The iPhone 8 is the first phone they've released that has a decent screen, but I'm not in the business of paying $1000 for phones. I use my laptop/desktop far more for work and content consumption. If it was closer to $500, I probably would, but I just can't justify it with all the other devices I have that are easier to work on.
Your ignorance has shown you haven't done research for your weakbait in never.
the most recent update brought WiFi calling to OnePlus 3/t
>Having your chats everyday with everyone you know through an ugly pos app owned by FB which you better believe is mining all that sweet sweet data.
>Muh google botnet!
>Imma give all my privvy data to apple, the corp founded by a syrian terrorist!
The iPhone 6S' speakers are such shit. I can barely hear people when making phone calls unless I switch to speaker phone, even then at max volume it's not very loud and I have to cup my hand underneath.
The glamour of smartphones wore off on me very quickly. I "need" nothing more than iMessage, a browser, GPS, email, and camera. Anything else is a waste of time trying to do on tiny screens with shit touch based UI. I've given up downloading apps as well; I've got about three on my phone and they're only for generating authentication codes.
thinking bout getting s8 plus ,, went to a small shop selling iit cheaper than everwhere else , it had vodafone written on the box ,, wtf ?????