How do we fix the Sup Forumseddit problem?


Change each instance of linux to GNU+linux.

Very tendentious...

Make the words 'game' and 'video' filter to 'my cock sucking lust'.

screenshots of Xubuntu running on 10 year old laptop in 1366x768 is what I want when it comes to Sup Forums, don't want to see any stupid win babbys with state of the art computers and stuff, i'm a technology guy thats why i come here dudes and dudettes

Someone clearly hasn't read/seen American Psycho
Bateman is the antithesis of Sup Forums

or, as i've come to call it, GNU and Linux

It seems they are younger, weight less and have lower % of virgins.

>cavemen units

post and opinion automatically discarded.
Oh and while you are at is post that image when some 7/10 slut from /cgl/ lists her preferences, Sup Forums being the last.

Ban phoneposters

>Sup Forums
avg age 18
more like 14

/jp/ really is the place where Sup Forumsspies go to die

>screenshots of Xubuntu running on 10 year old laptop in 1366x768 is what I want when it comes to Sup Forums
It's not Xubuntu, but Debian. But close enough.

As a gamer and game developer, I can authoritatively deny this is the case. (Pic related.)
1) Of course video games are founded on emotion, they're an art form. And I lost my virginity at the age of 4. It was awful.
2) Wrong, I watch cute animal videos and let's plays.
3) Wrong, I game and program on Linux which is my only operating system and the only reason I even have Windows installed on any of the computers I use is because I can't afford a computer of my own as a webserver so I have to run one off my family's computer and my family doesn't know Linux.
4) Wrong, technology causes global warming.
5) Wrong, see 3.
6) Wrong, see 3. Also real communism has never been tried.
7) Wrong, see 3.
8) Wrong on both sides. The real cause of fake news, media manipulation, and government surveillance is the greedy mega-corporations and the illuminati who own them.
9) Wrong on both sides. I donate to free software and use gimp and inkscape, not "adobe premier" whatever that is. I do buy games from Steam though, but only because I don't know how else to get them on Linux other than using a Windows VM which is an unacceptable solution because then I'd be running Windows and also it would be low performance because it would be a VM.
10) Wrong, IQ of 138.

>(Pic related.)
Motherfucking router went down so I had to restart it and refreshed and the second time I opened the reply flyout I forgot to attach the picture.
Pic ACTUALLY related.

>2) Wrong, I watch cute animal videos and let's plays.
>cute animal videos
>let's plays
jesus christ that's a thousand times worse


Fucking manlets

Nothing. Autistic children need their own playgrounds.

Leave themn alone!

This unironically

I just say GNU because that's what the majority of the OS is, Linux is just the kernel.

>real communism has never been tried
>IQ of 138
I call bullshit.

Fucking Manlets, when will they learn?
>6ft 5

>Paying companies
How does a product pay a company?

that's literally all of Sup Forums

War doesn't determine who's right, it determines who's left.

Can you losers start using this reply as your pasta instead of the long one?

I feel like /fit/ lied about their stats

I go to /fit/ to shitpost so I know that thry are all losers. The virgin statistic is closer to 90%

I'd just like to interject

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as pasta, is in fact, pasta/sauce, or as I've recently taken to calling it, pasta plus sauce. Pasta is not a dinner system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning and delicious system made useful by the parmasean, sauces, cutlery and plates comprising a full dinner as defined by Michelin.

Many restaurant patrons eat a modified version of the pasta system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of pasta which is widely used today is often merely called pasta, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the pasta plus sauce system, developed by the chef.

There really is a pasta, and these people are eating it, but it is just a part of the system they consume. Pasta is the kernel: core part of an essential dinner containing fiber, carbs, and causing a feeling of fullness. The kernel is an essential part of a dinner system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete meal. Pasta is normally used in combination with the pasta plus sauce dining system: the whole system is basically sauce with pasta added, or Sauce/Pasta All the so-called pasta distributions are really distributions of Sauce/Pasta!

>Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Kids nowadays are not virgin anymore, where is the self respect?

mmm, pasta+carbonarandroid

Ask your mother.

add terry to the right column

>nobody lies on Sup Forums

I see, and I just say Gnome system (or whatever DE you're using), because that too, takes up a big portion of what defines what my system is and does. GNU is just the libc, the compiler and the coreutils as well as some extra programs here and there.

Jokes aside, in normal case I'd just call it whatever the my current distro's name is. Or if I want to be broad, I'd say *NIX-like os. :3

Is this from like five years ago? Because Sup Forums has devolved into an extension of Sup Forums

We get it you bought x brand video card or n brand CPU for your video game machine. Shut the fuck up

I was prepared to be triggered by this, but, actually, it's unironically correct. All of it

Except the apple part, apple makes nice stuff

>/mlp/ has the least amount of virgins and probably the least normalfag board on the site.

Apple hires little kids for building hardware which then gets filled with jails, malware, spyware and other crap which when gets sold overpriced to retards who want to show off.

The worst is in regards to CPUs, when shithead Sup Forumsedditors only use gaming benchmarks.

That's just wasting time and not a reflection of how they can be used professionally.


Pisses me off more than anything else in this thread.

First lets fix Sup Forums then we can worry about Sup Forums. Shit this place has been getting worse progressively since like 2012, probably earlier.
Its like the average IQ of our users has just been dropping.

t. butthurt Sup Forumstards

t. flaming homosexual.

>Donates to Gamergate causes
>Thinks """Ethics in Video Gaming Journalism""" is """important"""
>Opposes Net Neutrality

>t. butthurt Sup Forumstards
I'm the first of the four people you linked before saying this. Do you have an actual counterargument?

>>Donates to Gamergate causes
Wrong. I hate gamergate. Fuck gamergate. Women can make and play games if they want and shouldn't face doxxing for it.
>>Thinks """Ethics in Video Gaming Journalism""" is """important"""
It is though. Games journalists should always tell it like it is and never sell their individuality and loyalty to corporations. The importance of the issue isn't the problem. The problem is that was never what gamergate was really about. It was just about rampant conservative autist-machismo and attacking women for trying to usurp the supposedly sacred throne of "mlg pro."
>>Opposes Net Neutrality
No I don't. I want net neutrality to happen.

In their own way each is as bad as the other.
OP obviously sees himself as the Sup Forums man (Lumberg, of all people). If truth be known he's the Sup Forums man in disguise.

There is no "Sup Forums problem". This board is and has always been Sup Forums's personal tech support and GPU review site.

>This board is and has always been Sup Forums's personal tech support and GPU review site.
Is that why you're here?
I'm here for the chicks.

The amount of replies in this thread proves that OP is right and there is a problem.
Praise stallman

>Have some stodgy old faggot that didn't even make the OS or kernel, but the tools used to build it dictate what it's called
That's like saying Tchaikovsky's works should be renamed because the guy that made the paper he wrote the piece on and the guy that made the pen he used to write it down

*because of

Just give it time, none of those virgins breed.

Sup Forums isn't that good and Sup Forums isn't that bad.