What the fuck is flatpak?

What the fuck is flatpak?

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A shitty way to package each program with all the dependencies. Flatpaks don't have your gtk/qt theme or use your font settings, looking like absolute shit.

Windows tier packaging for Linux, cancer should die off already. Only useful for bloated proprietary shit with outdated dependencies, which you should not use in the first place.

Why they need to do that, why there isn't a repo of only appimages yet?

Linux ridding itself of the MitM.

Fedora tippers new toy software, don't use it until it goes mainstream, you shouldn't beta test redhat softwares

>very good digits
>very good post
all is well with the world

The Linux community's half assed attempt to implement all in one app packages like macOS.

It's the next generation technology for building and installing desktop applications, it says right there in your pic dummy

It's the most awesome thing happening to Linux since systemd. I'm not even joking.
Finally a way for the programmers themselves to distribute their programs instead of having to wait and hope for distribution packager retards
Also backwards compatibility, cross distribution compatibility and security.

It's a problem for autists though, just like with systemd

>Windows tier packaging for Linux

Linux ain't much better considering how little shared libraries get used and how shitty build systems are, Linux userspaces are garbage and the sooner we get a non-Unix monolith built with kernel and userspace in parallel the better

It's the future of application distribution
and god is in his heaven

nobody asked for your opinion lennart

>and security
Name one (1) way in which flatpak is more secure than the current distribution model. Keep in mind that AppArmor already exists.

>It's the future of application distribution
>It's the most awesome thing happening to Linux since systemd

Linux's dependency system is such garbage that any successful attempt at a mediocre distribution system is hailed as innovation

systemd is cancer eating cancer

Noone uses it and it's not enabled by default
Makes it completely useless

If you're running GRU/Linux, would you trust AppArmor to keep you safe?

>IKEA is a world-wide known brand whose success was partly built upon having developed and refined the idea of flatpacking their furniture, which allowed them huge cost savings and efficiencies compared to their competitors. So when we needed a new name for the packaging technology that had been developed by Alex Larsson, a native Swede, we thought that Flatpak would both be a nice play on his nationality and pay homage to the success of IKEA and at the same time send a strong signal about how revolutionary we thought this new packaging technology could be for the Linux desktop.
is ikea a fucking cultural icon in sweden or something?

personally I'd be fucking insulted if somebody tried to pay homage to me with a tim hortons reference or something

Sweden doesn't have many international successes, but they REALLY exploit whatever it is (pippi longstrum, ABBA, IKEA)

its basically the hipster version of a .deb. also it usually doesn't work.

basically it's a way to bundle proprietary shitware. should fix the issue of poorly supported crap that only targets Ubuntu 12.04 and doesn't even fucking work on that, or stuff breaking when your system updates its libs, etc.

package managers are real fucking cool but they're as much the result of the tools themselves as the free software ideology that allows maintainers to repackage shit however they want.

>calling it simply Linux
already asking you to trash it while it's hot
Have fun trying to run it on some weird non-GNU system.