>Ameriburgers will defend this
Ameriburgers will defend this
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If the facial detection is used to discover criminals that are already in a database over wanted people, I see no inherent difference in this and automated car plate recognition systems that already exist in police cars.
I'm not American btw.
>get pulled over for driving 5 miles over the speed limit
>your face is now in the database
You're right, there's nothing wrong with this, good post.
>Machine makes mistake and thinks you're a wanted criminal
>Get ass beaten by cops and arrested
>People will still think this is a free nation.
You get fined for driving 5 miles over the speed limit, you don't get arrested.
If you rape someone, your DNA is in a database. I guess you have a problem with that as well, don't you?
Machines are inherently more accurate than humans. Cops beat the shit out of people already because they mistake them for someone else. This is not something new.
>You get fined for driving 5 miles over the speed limit, you don't get arrested.
I didn't say you get arrested you dumb incoherent fuck. How does that change anything? You still get put into the database?
Your face will be added to a criminal database afterwards, even if you haven't commited a crime.
It's in the event that you might commit a crime in the future.
Are you literally retarded or just pretending to be? Do you know what mugshots are?
So? I also had to give a DNA sample to the police because I was a witness in a case, and they kept it on file. Only reduces the risk of false identification.
If you object to automated facial recognition, you probably don't travel outside your country's borders very much. Modern passport controls run facial detection and check towards an international criminal database these days. I haven't seen anyone on Sup Forums sperging out over this.
because the state would never ever use the picture from your is, drivers license or a passport to feed police database..
If they would, they already do. See Everytime you pass through passport control in a modern airport, your face and name is matched with an interpol database and any number of national crime registers.
>drivers license and passport photo
I don't think you know how facial recognition algorithms work. You also need to take pictures in various profiles. Mugshots only include frontal and profile. Future mugshots will include more angles.
Once again, niggers fuck everyone over
The fun thing is that facial recognition software is probably just going to identify all black people as the same criminal dude.
Even software is going to do racial profiling. Love to see how SJW's are going to protest that one.
lul that's what the public thinks
>Human makes mistake and thinks you're a wanted criminal
>Get ass beaten by cops and arrested
>People will still think this is a free nation.
It's okay as long as it only happens to niggers.
You handphone shills have thumbprint scanners that can send data to NSA botnet now. So what? Is Sup Forums finally gonna stop shilling every single phone and go back to 2G Nokias?
So cops are investing in this bullshit yet they still lack the ability to verify whether or not I actually have car insurance.
what a bunch of fuckwits
>Ameriburgers will defend this
>One non-burger defending it
Good thread user
>He thinks the feds won't use this to silence all those who dissent.
Remember Ian? That was an assassination, not a suicide.