This is a 10/10 in united states of amerispic

>this is a 10/10 in united states of amerispic
>a fat brown midget



She's not a 10/10, she's like a 6/10 or maybe 6.5/10

Pretty. Would definitely fuck

She has a round face, but she's not fat.

she is in murrica, has the highest number of istagram followers

She's like a 7-8/10 in Mexico
A 9 in the US

I dont see a problem at all

That's because she's a singer retard. You think men are the ones following her?

love you like a love song is a classic

i think she pretty cute.

maybe ur gay........thats okay tho.

>united states of amerispic
>this nation is a million times better than yours
How does that make you feel, you third-world, gyppo cunt?



fuck you mongrel rapebaby
go die for your zionist masters, spic

Is this Bulgarian the same annoying faggot that's been shitposting the past week or what

were the fuck is Bulgaria kek.
is you're government forcing you to eat cat food and grass again thats why you are so hostile on Sup Forums?

bulgaria >>> cucknada. TBF



I'm sorry that American women aren't subsisting on vodka and crackers like bulgaria

Well better than bulgaria since apparently everyone seems to be leaving that country

why her face looks so small

i fucks your mothers pussy and eyes, dirty mudblood faggots

what sort of nigger are you, ooga or booga?

>Turkish Gypsy rape baby calling anybody else mudblood

not an argument

>mfw even Bulgaria is worse off than Romania


Posting a 10/10 in all countries

What sort of gypsy are you, rapist or thief? Well i suppose all are both. Welfare leeching isnt enough for you it seems

>is you're government forcing you to eat cat food and grass again thats why you are so hostile on Sup Forums?