Is this literally Dunning-Kruger: the community?

is this literally Dunning-Kruger: the community?

Other urls found in this thread:

it's the community where autists talk sanely for the first time after a miserable long day of work

This is commercial technology forum, what do you expect? You think tech 'journalists' are actually smart? They are monkeys that only know BIG NUMBER GOOD, LITTLE NUMBER BAD.

You need to go elsewhere to find anyone that knows how to program or engineer.

You can learn a lot of things reading the comments here. It's the second coming of Slashdot in a lot of ways.

On the other hand, you have to watch yourself since any challenge to the leftist narrative on gender or race, explicit or implied, is grounds for immediate hellban.

That shouldn't matter too much since you're going there to talk about tech, not women and niggers.

I'm starting to think that everyone who namedrops the Dunning-Kruger effect is functionally retarded and worst affected by it.

> Lifetime Bell Labs intern Russ Cox promises that his boss will care more about your opinions. Hackernews threatens to shoot down the International Space Station unless someone brings them generics. The Rust Evangelism Strike Force circulates plainclothes agents in the crowd to disperse pamphlets.
My sides

Considering most people there are professional software developers or researchers, and most of the posters here struggle to do FizzBuzz for the millionth time, you tell me

> On the other hand, you have to watch yourself since any challenge to the leftist narrative on gender or race, explicit or implied, is grounds for immediate hellban.
I.e. they are actually normal people and not poltards?

Thanks for reminding me this exists, i hate these investorcucks and the bitch boys that suck up to them.

I'm sure any one of them would sell their own soul up the river for dust.

I highly doubt its 'most', that place is cancer. Or as they would have it I'm sure: "cancer.js.ang.fuckmyass"

>only """normal people""" have nothing to say about gender or race

>Considering most people there are professional software developers or researchers
This is the funniest thing I've read all month.
>is this literally Dunning-Kruger: the community?
Not sure but they're obnoxious as fuck. I remember reading the comments on a TempleOS article once and it was just 80% shitting on Terry.

this guy tries way too hard

It used to be better but now it's basically full of "idea" guys. None of them can program and they've never been successful at anything in their entire lives but they've read a bunch of management books and consider themselves the next Steve Jobs.

Hopefully the VC bubble bursts and they all starve.

>most people there are professional software developers or researchers

That might have been true several years ago but it sure as fuck isn't now.


The Fibonacci Sequence in Pure CSS


Leddit tier smelt-it-dealt-it logic: the post.

"You noticed the design of this toilet, so you must love toilets dont you? Oh you scatophile, time to make a CREAMY LOAF POST."

No I think you're thinking of Sup Forums

HN is for non-autists who wish they were

Hahaha. He's right, though.

Piss poor bait mate.

They are mostly entry-level web developers that went through boot camps or are "self-taught" and spend their days working for the loose change their uber meets pet grooming startup could wrangle out of VCs.

The community there is changing rapidly and its quickly becoming neo-reddit.

There are LOTS of non-technical posts there now, most of which are SJW. They hell ban anyone who doesn't endorse the desired narrative.

I think the value of HN has died down a lot. A lot of the comments are reactionary and out right stupid. The web devs there are fucking morons, the managers and business types are fucking morons, etc. Show HN is still okay.

Someone should make an tech news site where the requirement is to have a project on github/bitbucket/whatever that isn't a complete joke. People can apply to join the community by submitting their project and existing members would decide on whether or not to extend an invitation.

All non-tech topics including pro or anti SJW garbage, women in tech, minorities in tech, h1b visas, CEO sexcapades etc are deleted and abuse gets you banned

I just want one legit place online where I don't have to worry about political garbage and I can talk with others about technology. The irony of this is of course is that I want a tech safe space.

Wanting to discuss technical topics rather than fashionable politics is not safe-spacing.
>except how would we discuss lazy brahmin cunts whose idea of professional programming is posting their spec as given on a q&a site

>where the requirement is to have a project on github/bitbucket/whatever that isn't a complete joke

There are several sites kind of like this already. They're not public though and most of them are very difficult to get into if you're not living in the SF/SV area or are a well known open source contributor. Post quality is way above HN and far more technical.

Disrupting air traffic control with Clojure micro-services

Anyone remember the half-decent technical discussion on all the Citadel-alikes or am I too oldfag to be here?

Why I quit my dev job and became a pig farmer

I think /r/cscareerquestions takes that award. Never have I ever.

As a memer that is implementing microservices in Scala, I kek'd

This post and the me too response is the quintessential reddit mentality where nothing is allowed to challenge leftist orthodoxy

In this post the trigglette (triggered leftist) asserts that the majority agrees with their psychotic opinions despite losing the 2016 election.

>le 5% meme

Yep, every post about freshman CS or Math, muh advance topics nobody using in real life.

JS,WebDev,PHP haha everybody is expert.

ML,computer graphics,AI,chips architecture,language programming, some 10X programmer must done it.

No, you're thinking of Sup Forums.

shithead, Sup Forums elected trump. this is the home of altright. you should fucking leave you waste of human life. you should have ended up as an anal leakage cumstain and not a child.

>implying Reddit didn't win Trump the election

How droll

They are so fucking insufferable

I got banned for my first post which wasn't even that edgy. Not I just spread hate even though nobody can see my fucking comments. I do it out of pure spite.

I have nothing but disdain for the plebs on that website. None of them are worth saving. Most of them get pegged on a daily base. I'm praying for tidal waves.

The "community" writes garbage comments but is refreshingly effective at voting up the most important news and topics.

Not that it isn't already happening anyway, but I'll keep enjoying that until marketers and other corporate interests implement full voting manipulation. At least until then it seems more value-driven than any part of Plebbit.

No, this is.

What I Learned From Writing a Code of Conduct for My GitHub Project
Actually Interesting Paper from 1995 That Nobody Will Read
A 1 kb WYSIWYG Editor I Made Coffeescript That Doesn't Work
What I Learned From Failing to Have a Discussion on Sup Forums Is Now Hiring a Full Time Data Materialist

>5% meme
>Back to The_Donald
You're missing the point idiot. The left were defeated, they are NOT the majority.

How I rewrote some random thing in Rust (even though nobody ever asked for it and there's no real reason to do it)

You're reading too much into an election by assuming that people actually do want what's on offer. Then again, that induction of cognitive dissonance is part and parcel of the whole game of single-winner elections.
You're making the follow-on mistake of assuming that the 40% of people who don't align with one of the two corporate parties don't want you all dead.
You're also making the shipost-tier error(?) of assuming that the Democrat Party is "left" in any frame outside of the owners of the two corporate parties.
Your assumptions are the sorts of assumptions that someone who actually believes in the corporate two-party system would make, and therefore you're no friend of Trump either.

My sides

5% of their community in really competent but the rest is a softer version of Reddit

I have read a post about a dead pig on this morning. It was interesting, but still... not so tech related.


>Sup Forums is sane

that's a good joke

Show HN: To-Do list app written in Go

g and hn both suck. too much pol here and too much sf shit there.

A way better place than consumer Sup Forums

They aren't Sup Forumstards, but they have recreational nuke types and Moldbug himself posting there. is invite-only

HN has never been just for technical content. It started out as Startup News and has always had business stories. The SJWs are a separate matter. Remove them and the nontechnical content will revert to business, history and science fiction.

the funny thing about hacker news and even present day slashdot is the readers still call out the SJW shit, but only when it's the immediate danger of "women in STEM" or "H1B visas are the best thing ever"
The editors still try to peddle those stories but time and time again they get called out in the comments

>Actually Interesting Paper from 1995 That Nobody Will Read
I'm guilty of submitting those.

That'd be Sup Forums, fampai.

>is this literally Dunning-Kruger: the community?

The only thing worthwhile about HN is reading the comments of some old users that still have something interesting to say. Animats, for example.

The site itself is useless to debate anything. It's ridiculously puerile in its passive-aggressiveness: the graying-out moderation, the random hellbans, the moderators that unashamedly cut threads they don't like (usually for going against The Narrative), etc.

They are a VC company, so they try to direct all this tech talk
Of course, that means they HAVE to virtue signal
All those funded companies are shit, even the ones that make money, they have dotcom thinking
The way they can censor posts is pretty amazing, detaching it from the thread and making it hard to read
The ads look exactly like normal posts except they can't be upvoted
i think r/LateStageCapitalism (a SJW cancer) could farm content from there

i skim those, thanks

Who is your favorite HN shitposter?


>all this mental gymnastics to avoid admitting the majority do not believe in left wing orthodoxy

wew lad


Wow no one wants to hear about your racial theories? gee I wonder why.

dude, can you invite me?

This, to be sincere.


>Sup Forums

Also, he has a cat-v background, which makes his opinions worth less.
That being said:
> Near the end, the truth comes out: this is just another pack of Haskell people trying to be taken seriously.

>second coming of slashdot
>how to create startup with nu-male sounding names

>literally every single thread has someone going off on a tangent so he can shill his own startup in the comments


They are 10x worse than HN. Literally like Mastadon compared to Twitter.

but can you invite me?

No, I don't have an account there nor do I want one.

Why I want to castrate myself while working on my startup trying to be the next 1B business while my mouth covered in VC's cum while niggers fucking my petite anus for the sins of my ancestors and giving up my job for 2 beautiful black ladies while giving Paul graham a rimjob.


Show HN: Cuckold matchmaker written in Rust, CockroachDB, and Elm.

Fuck you. JavaScript is the future.