/wdg/ - Web Development General

I program in pure css Edition

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>Getting started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Everything you learn will have these as their base.
The Mozilla Developer Network offers a good intro (no matter your browser choice)

>Online courses

>Further reading/viewing

>Code challenges

>Useful resources
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - General documentation for HTML, CSS & JavaScript
libraries.io/ - Discover and keep track of open source libraries, modules and frameworks
stackoverflow.com/ - Developers asking questions and helping each other
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs
caniuse.com/ - Check browser support for front-end web technologies

>Useful Youtube channels
youtube.com/learncodeacademy - codecademy
youtube.com/channel/UCO1cgjhGzsSYb1rsB4bFe4Q - funfunfunction
youtube.com/user/TechGuyWeb - Traversy Media
youtube.com/channel/UC8butISFwT-Wl7EV0hUK0BQ - freeCodeCamp
youtube.com/user/shiffman - coding train

>cheap VPS hosting in most western locations

>an in-depth comparison of hosts

Other urls found in this thread:

google.at/search?q=hardening apache&oq=hardening apache&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3047j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#safe=off&q=hardening apache&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgecToyi3w8sc9YSmbSWtOXmM04-IKzsgvd80rySypFNLgYoOy5Lj4pLj0c_UNkk0Mk4uzNBikeLiQ-DwAHYkj3EoAAAA

>dead threads

I'm making a site that can store videos. up to three videos can be featured though, and that goes in its own section as well as the normal videos section.
How would I represent this in a relational database without wasting a bunch of space (ex: boolean values in a "featured" field)?

actually nevermind I just remembered supertypes exist.

>tfw shit at css

I'm building a web application where users can post images n shit. Here's what's got me fucked up right now.

When a user is uploading an image, I want to check if that image has been uploaded on various other sites with public APIs, and if so, grab some metadata through those APIs and show it to the user. I wanted this to happen before the image is sent to the server, so I figured I could do the whole process through clientside javascript. That was before I knew about CORS. This is my first web development project, fuckin' sue me dude.

Should I:
A) Keep trying to do it clientside using JSONP or something,
B) Query all the APIs serverside with the image's md5 and relay that back to the client, or
C) Not do this at all because it's a bad idea for reasons I don't understand

Is ASP.NET worth getting good at?

If you want to get a job and make money, then yes.

op u fucking ugly chinese cartoon pedo pls die

what is the actual function of this feature?

I haven't done any server admin shit outside of local network hosting.
Now I've got a debian server setup with apache, and my website up with a domain pointed to it.

I've done the normal advice shit given out by the providers, but I figure there's something I'm missing.

Does anyone have resources for learning about what I should do to keep this functional and secure?
Honestly just any good info about linux or apache server administration would be good too.

Integration with danbooru-style imageboards. It's for porn.

When the user is uploading an image, I want to search for that image through a specific set of booru imageboards, collect the artist, source, characters, copyright, tags, and whatever else, and summarize all of that to the user. I would like the user to see that before they post it so that they can select whether or not they want to include that data in their post.

Can someone help me understand returns?

var processed = 0;
function processArg(num) { return (num + 3) /5; }
processed = processArg(7);

this was a challenge in fcc and can't understand how the argument got to 7

Is MEAN stack worth learning?
What are the best free resources for learning development in node.js?

yes. I find it pretty enjoyable. As another user said, it's great for finding a job, and with .Net Core it's only gonna get stronger.

What do you mean, how the argument got to 7? That is just an arbitrary number that they are calling the Fu ction with.

google.at/search?q=hardening apache&oq=hardening apache&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3047j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#safe=off&q=hardening apache&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgecToyi3w8sc9YSmbSWtOXmM04-IKzsgvd80rySypFNLgYoOy5Lj4pLj0c_UNkk0Mk4uzNBikeLiQ-DwAHYkj3EoAAAA

I've been told that ASP.NET jobs are mostly corp jobs and the degree is necessary to get your foot at the door there, plus it defines your salary forever.

>Decide to check treehouse
>it's actually good

I was expecting that everyone was memeing me desu.

Alright, I got the 3 months Pluralsight offer and gonna milk the shit out of it. Hopefully their introductory front-end stuff are good.


The import tab of phpmyadmin truly is useless.

If you import using any other method it's done within seconds. If you use phpmyadmin your lucky if it works at all.

Of course it's worth learning.

As for ressources USE GOOGLE GODDAMNIT !!1!

>tell me your super sekrit ressources that máke me senior dev in one day!! xD

Is it important to use schema.org thingy for markup?

Why does about:blank show up in some places on websites? I changed the color using @-moz-document url-prefix(about:blank) {*{background-color:#272B35;}} in .mozilla/ID/chrome/userContent.css.

Also, how can I make a homepage in about:blank? Or there is no way around it? I just don't want the URL address to have anything in it so I can write directly in the address without pressing Alt+D to select all the text and start typing.

sounds pretty hard unless you want to reimplement google image search. I wouldn't do it at all

Is SASS a meme or should i learn it?

I just got asked by a recruiter if I have a Github account to show to potetial employers.

Who has time and energy to do more web development outside of work? Am I in the wrong industry?

>Am I in the wrong industry?


it's alright

Get with the times' gramps. Sass is soooo 2014.
Learn PostCSS instead:

Is jQuery still relevant or can I skip it and stick to vanilla JavaScript until I'm ready for some framework?

well look at sass-lang.com/guide and see if you find it useful.
also good if you have scss based frameworks, that you want to customize

>so I can write directly in the address without pressing Alt+D
pretty sure you can find a JS solution for that

there is no need for it imo.
You can basically do the same thing with vanilla JS and compatibility is not really an issue anymore.

so i just installed wordpress. despite the text editor that is shit. i cant understand all the hate.

After going through barely the first 2 books of YDKJS I feel like calling out every other tutorial out there for their bullshit.

>let's just "use script" everywhere, it's a good practice
let's not.

WHAT? dude stop this shit right now ! why cant you niggers stop memeing those gay ass frameworks? how can i even follow this shit up ?

shit im terribly sorry for my other comment i just checked PostCss and its a dream come true.

>Is SASS a meme or should i learn it?
Just learn fucking CSS. Try to solve the problems it has in your own way. Then learn SASS or whatever once you can fully appreciate the reasons it exists. HTML, CSS, and JS will always be around. Learning how to deal with them normally will make you a god. There's nothing more embarrassing than a dev who gets assigned to a project that isn't using his/her flavor of the month framework and ends up being completely useless because he/she doesn't know the underlying technology.

>>let's just "use script" everywhere, it's a good practice
Do you mean "use strict" or are you talking about something else?

I know right? It's faster and better in every possible way over regular CSS or Sass. Godspeed user and make awesome things.

Yep, that.

What's wrong with strict mode? Is it that you need to be careful that you don't accidentally let it bleed into other scripts?

I am working on a fund raising site. I am not using a preprocesser for CSS

>he's not an asynchronous developer

isn't strict mode implicitly used with ES6 anyway?

Where can I host a wordpress site for cheap?

with a domain name or just a testing web server? there're many freehosts that make you create wordpress websites for free but they offer only subdomains, there're some free indian vps providers too that offer root access and all, even though their specs are very limited.

I have a domains. I'm building a pbn so I can get my main website to rank.

there is literally a list of VPS hosts in the OP.
Unless you want shared hosting, then I don't know. I used namecheap for a shared once and that was kinda ok.

Just avoid any host owned by EIG at all cost. google if you want to know why.

is you don't know JS good to be an expert on js ?

Realize that, even after assimilating everything that his books has to offer, you'd still be behind. There is a difference between a developer that *develops* frameworks (React, Angular, Vue, etc.) and a developer that *uses* said frameworks. The former has typically received a formal education and is thus well-educated in discrete structures and abstract mathematics, while the latter has not.

anyone know decent asp.net hosts cheaper than azure?

>have job
>do online job fair anyways
>all of the development roles are available for india only.

If you already know CSS yeah. I pretty much only use nesting but it's worth it.

What sort of job can I get for low pay and low expectations but which will still provide a good background in web development for future employment opportunities?

level 1 IT support

I finished a Pluralsight "quick start HTML CSS and JavaScript" crap and dunno what to do next. It honestly felt short and lacking. Anyone did learn.shayhowe.com/html-css/ ? My alternative is either freecodecamp or derek banas.

I learned a lot (and still learning) from making freeCodeCamp projects.
I highly recommend it.

Just do freeCodeCamp

Yep. Thanks guys, will do.

I just backed out of an FE Magento developer interview (my current job is the same) after realising how little I actually understand Magento. It feels really shitty to have worked for so long with this piece of shit and yet I still don't know some of the basics, due to the nature of the work and lack of training.

I want to move into a JS Framework role - should I start learning and make an app outside of work before applying to jobs, or should I just do both at the same time and give up because I lack motivation/ confidence?

I'm also planning on telling my boss I'm looking to move jobs because I can't handle the constant lies about being sick to go to interviews, nor can they possibly believe me.

what about WebAssembly guys?

I'm new to this cPanel shit. When I first set it up it asks me for a domain name but I don't have any domains in my hosting provider, do I provide the domain name that I will buy from another company to later point it there?


Please respond.


what about it?

I'm trying to make a little meme page that serves a random video from array as a full background/full page video. The only problem is that what I have working on jsfiddle doesn't work live and isn't throwing an error at all for me to debug.

Here's the setup:


src='" + videoList[0] + "'

>" ' " " ' "

anyway, nothing useful in the console or network tab of your devtools?

>double quotes
Doing anything was a miss steak.

>nothing useful in console
Nothing at all. No errors logged in my webserver, nothing thrown in console, and it works just fine if I swap back to an HTML5 video tag for serving a static file in the same directory. Everything at root and below are owned by the correct user/group as well.


Is the javascript for client and server still a meme?
Are there any good Django or Rails alternatives?

Probably. I've dabbled in nodeJS but have never used a production environment. You have to code way too many things from scratch or rely on 3rd party libraries that may or may not be supported by whoever that feels like supporting it.

you write
>watching the network tab under the browser console doesn't show anything wrong;

so you get an ok status in the network tab when fetching the webms?
does the element with its attributes look ok, when you inspect it on the live page? sry, really a bit hard to read with the nested quotes


Lurk more.

Why PHP is becoming a massive mess now? Why?
public function find(int $id = null): ?array {
$query = $this->pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM id WHERE id = ?');
$query->execute([$id]); return $query->fetch() ?: null;

huh, Node is fine
do you really have such special requirements, that you need to rely on some obscure 150 dl/month module?

Is it too early to use CSS Grid?

Looks like the support on all browsers is almost there (edge and ie excluded naturally).

That's fair, I wasn't precise in my statement of 'it's not working'. The webms are not being served on live but are working flawlessly on jsfiddle, but the index is properly calling everything on live.

It just werkz in jsfiddle, though, so I'm not quite sure as to why the JS would fail to serve on live with the exact same setup.

Use this since day one on my sciences and mathematics websites.
Yes my users are mostly smart and don't use deprecated shits.
For porn, casino games and everything about retarded things, you shouldn't.

Which is it?

Can't see any relevant web services using node.js today.
Flask, laravel and asp.net core are 100000x more used than node now.
Even golang is more popular (mostly Asia) and relevant for current web applications.

whats the proper way to test your app? i made one in javascript and so far ive just done a shit load of user test cases myself. I'll pretend im the one using it and try to "break" it or make it do something i dont want to.

don't say that user
Node is all I know

How do you even use relative urls on jsfiddle to load the webms.
There is something I am not getting here.
jsFiddle is just html/css/js right? So how does that work?

7 is num

Is it as good as it looks or are there some pitfalls to it?

Also like page pls. I'm a smart person.

>relative URLs on jsfiddle
I'm not, I'm calling to internet facing files. As in:

["example.com/webm/whatever.webm", "...whatever2.webm", ..., ...];

Am I retarded in thinking that I don't need to serve the webms from 'js/webms/whatever.webm'?

is js in danger?

no, WA is no where near being ready. It will be amazing when it is though



so you get a 404 on the webms or what exactly?
"webms are not being served" is not much to go on.

Why is webextensions such a bunch of shit

guys they are gonna deprecate LibreJS

The JS is called, the stylesheet is applied, but the webms are not served. There is no content on the page.

was the video tag created by JS?
if so, inspect it and check what the src attribute is.

also video#videoplayer does nothing afaik, since it's looking for a video tag, that has the videplayer ID (which is on the div)

link your site, it's fine

Should I keep learning Node or is it just a meme?
I already know Java.


guarantee you, that 5 different anons will tell you 5 different backends to learn
For me Node is fine. Does the job well and NPM is really useful.

>link your site
N-no. Pls.

>video tag created by JS
It was being created before as a generic with no real source, but now it's not generated at all.

well, then see why it's not inserted

I am wondering why you are creating the whole element via JS.
Write it in the HTML and then just use JS to set the src attribute. (unless you have a specific reason)
Also no need to use jQuery for something, that you can easily accomplish nowadays with vanilla.


gonna sleep now
hope you get it sorted out

It sounds like they are just giving you the opportunity to interview anyway, so why not try? Could be a valuable learning experience.