Asked my CS prof why he uses a Mac instead of Linux

>asked my CS prof why he uses a Mac instead of Linux
>laughs in my face
>says that I've got better things to do than mess about trying to get Linux working

Other urls found in this thread:

he's right though

Sometimes it's nice to just pay a little extra to get something decent with no effort. Sure it's not too much effort to get drivers working and shit but I have disposable cash so I don't care.

Also the terminal looks very nice on OSX.

He has to spend time teaching your stupid ass

Mac is a device, a device which can run Linux.
Linux is a kernel, which can run on a Mac.
OP is a faggot.

Later, I was working in the lab on an assignment. I was using my ThinkPad running Arch + i3.

He walks past me, stopped and asked "how much time did it take you to set everything up?"

I said it took me a few hours to get everything set up the way I liked it.

He replied "if only you spent that time studying, you'd be producing better code"

Setting up your system and getting to know the internals is never a waste. If you have a shitty grade and you're wasting time setting up linux then I would agree with your teacher.

Your CS "prof" is a dumb cuck

>asked a litter collector why he won't get a better job
>laughs in my face
>says he got better things to do then mess around schools trying to get qualifications

>a few hours to get everything set up the way I liked it.
What does it look like? I've spent two entire weekends and I'm not even close to having what I want yet ;_;

>better things to do
If he had better things to do he'd have a real job.

rekt kunt, uninstall arch.

>CS prof
>Tell him I use hackintosh
>Get a thumbs up

Tell him he should enjoy his propietary software slavery and send him a few stallman speches.

Frankly I'm tempted to report him to the department chair for bullying. It's totally ruined my self-esteem.


Your professor confuses Linux with ricing. Pic related, Jeff Dean has plenty to do on stock Ubuntu. He literally made Google what it is today.

Your skin isn't black enough for those antics

>search 'auti' on google
>look at all results
>switch to image results

I only get car pictures

He's right whether you want to believe it or not.

macOS as an OS is brilliant though. Its only Apple's hardware choices that raise concerns. Like their thermally gimped trashcan, all USB-C laptops with no real high power options etc. The OS though, basically flawless.

He's right.

Linux is for hobbyists and neets.

>t. mactoddler

macOS os an excellent OS, gimped by Apple because they can't have so much quality

Linux is a complete piece of garbage that people slowly try to get to work fine

Keep copping, but you know it's true.

>trying to get Linux working
I have not had to "try to get Linux to work" in nearly 10 years. Everything is flawless out of the box these days.

>alright class, today i've put together a beamer presentation on the numerous advances made by the FOSS community in recent years
>let me just connect to the projector real quick...
>uhhh it's not seeing it, hold on, let me just
>uhhh maybe it's my iptables rules, hold on let me try this
>uhhh maybe i need to run the client as root, hold on
>is it even on? somebody check if the projector's on
>uhhh well it should be connected but it's not doing anything, uhhh
>uhhh does anybody remember the netstat flags to show all the uhhhhhhh
>uhhh okay nevermind i'll just hook in through HDMI hold on
>uhhh hold on
>uhhh it sees the projector it just doesn't do anything hold on
>uhhh let me just add this to my xorg.conf, that should do it
>uhhh how do i add a resolution, i think i might need xrandr, let me just install that real quick hold on
>uhhh okay if i restart it should just automatically, uhhh, hmm, guess not, maybe I need to uhhhh
>uhhh oh, i should have put it in xorg.conf.d hold on let me restart again
>uhhh weird now my laptop's upside down hold on
>uhhh let me just check the arch wiki again real quick hold on
>hey did anybody check if the projector's on? it is? well check again, maybe it went to sleep
>uhhh oh maybe it's because i have kernel mode setting turned off, let me just update GRUB real quick
>uhhh well now it doesn't boot
>uhhh maybe i can VNC into my desktop at home from this smart projector and
>what do you mean class is over

bought a am4 motherboard ryzen 1800x and ddr4 ram, dualbooting openpepe and w7

windows: shitty resolution no drivers usb ports dont work so i cant even fix it

opensuse tumbleweed: change the default network device anderen continue doing Shit

mac: lol upgrading xdd

Although I prefer Linux systems, its pretty neat that you can even customize the terminal preferences to even look like Linux terminal

This is what way too many people see as using Linux every day. Truth is, if that happens, you only have yourself and your autism for 'muh minimal kernel and conf' to blame.


Stock Ubuntu user here. I'm not really interested in customizing what is already a good DE with good built-in keyboard shortcuts.

I've customized my Kernel (lowlatency for audio), customized my PC (liquid cooling for fun), customized my startup scripts (to let jackd and pulseaudio coexist), customized my input settings (to easily switch between English US and English INTL keyboard), customized my Docker configuration (to restrict Docker apps system permissions), et cetera.

People who feel a need to leave their mark on a DE are 'power users'. In other words, people who know just enough to fuck up their system.

Someday you'll realize that stock is the most productive configuration, because it's the best tested configuration.

>iptables rules
Sounds like the guy in your story is stupid and isn't using a DE which lets you handle projectors and shit really easy. Gnome on Wayland would probably work out of the box for projector.

anyone got that really lame copy pasta of the kid using his arch thinkpad for a class presentation.

he has to go into the config and edit his nvidia drivers to get the projector to work or something

CS is not CE
Computer Science is about the science behind computation, not actually engineering computer hardware/software systems.
Unfortunately, the distinction isn't made very clear and many schools only offer CS and treat it as CE.

>mess about trying to get Linux working

There's literally nothing to mess with unless you choose to do so. Ubuntu installs in 20 minutes and requires no configuration.

All in order.

>made "the switch" last year by trying a few distributions until settling on Xubuntu
>installed on my laptop while having my Windows desktop to run back to when I get frustrated by Linux
>have a few growing pains getting used to the environment
>come back and try again if I get tired of fooling around with it
>eventually start to figure out the methodology of using Linux
>wipe and install Xubuntu from minimal net install and only what software I want
>Have Linux configured pretty much exactly as I want it for all practical purposes
>Laptop loads OS in seconds, responds instantly to most commands
It took me about 45 days from start to finish, and that is just fucking around for a bit in the evenings, not sitting down and making a long, concerted effort. But now I would not go back. I only stick to Windows 7 on my desktop for now because of the nature of my RAID setup, but I'll overcome that obstacle shortly.

I installed windows 7 on my uncle's new (to him) T420 today and.... good lord what a slug. Feels awful in comparison to the x220 I have Xubuntu running on. And the installation process and update process of Windows had several shitty moments where you have to have esoteric "gut" computer knowledge get through it. Like I had to sit and wait for Windows Update to catch up with the on-screen display for about 20 minutes while it was downloading the update. The update window was blank during that time, as if it had crashed. But I knew otherwise. And sure enough it corrected itself eventually. That's some bullshit you have to put up with with Windows, and I'm pretty tired of it.

>install *buntu
>connect to projector
>just works

>what is Mac OS 10
>inb4 he thinks it's oh ess eggs

How the fuck did you take 45 days to 'configure' xubuntu?

Enjoy your info being sold then faggit

Strangely that's how I see Windows user. They have more difficulties to plug anything compared to me with GNU/Linux.

20 minutes? Wtf? Windows 10 installs in ~7 minutes on my desktop, and another 30 seconds for the drivers.

It didn't. It took me that many days of usage before I no longer had issues using the OS. In that time period things would get in the way of what I wanted to do and I'd have to spend time troubleshooting and resolving the issue. After around 45 days I didn't have to learn new things every few days, I could resolve whatever popped up in a couple of minutes using the knowledge I had gained.

So many lies in one post.

>Windows 10 installs in ~7 minutes on my desktop
Ubuntu would probably do it in 3 on the same hardware.

Not him but not a lie at all, if you have an SSD windows 10 installs in like 5 mins

well he's right isn't he?

They made a lot of progress.

That doesn't make any sense. God I hate pretentious retards with no self-deprecation sense trying to form "witty" analogies that only make sense in their head.

i love how linuxbabbis cant accept simple facts

It's an Unix-based operating system that runs exclusively on Apple devices because otherwise they would go bankrupt

I'm in a CS school where everyone run on Linux. We must do presentation regularly. By the end of the year, everyone was using powerpoint on windows because Linux was a fucking mess.
Libreoffice randomly crashing when you plug the HDMI cable, not restarting, forced to fucking restart arch during the presentation, arandr crashed, etc.

After a year, everyone had capitulated.

>configuring your OS
Whats that? No wonder linux is dead


Until linux comes preinstalled and has everything the average person needs, and NEVER needs anything more advanced than Windows style installer level knowledge from its users, it'll never get anywhere as an end user OS.

It has had that for 7 years and longer. How can you have the gall to post on this board without knowing that?

I can guarantee you that he never even tried it, probably read some stupid meme like the one you're making right now.

> a little extra

>Mac instead of Linux

see a frogger
pull the trigger

You can't just produce "better code" in a few hours of practice.

what are you on about, cia shill?

>Anonymous 07/18/17(Tue)03:57:09 No.614

Why do you lie on Sup Forums?

>The OS though, basically flawless.
More kernel panics on dedicated hw than on a sid install on my netbook. Also the eyecandy is bloat and launchd is basically a POS.

>Computer Science is about the science behind computation
Computer science is math.

>Computer science is math.
It's a meme, not science.

Nobody's talking about this much performance at that price range.
Shoo, autist, shoo

>Tfw university only allows RHEL and fedora to connect to their network

They also have undergrad slaves to set up our laptops with everything we need. It's pretty great.

Fucking bullshit

>Computer science is math.
/sci/ here, you're a dumbass.

Genkernel can do magic. Deal with it.

> shoo autist

enjoy getting ripped off, "genius".

I'm not planning on getting any Mac hardware, I'm just saying you're an autist for having rustled jimmies when someone does.

It's real tempting, though. Stock Ubuntu looks OK, but the sort of glass bubble design it still has is a little bit dated. So you swap out the icons for something more clean, then you realize that they clash with the orange aesthetic, so you decide to install a theme...
Eventually you end up with monospaced text that even a 20-year-old with a magnifying glass can barely read and anime titties everywhere.
And then you drop out of college.

that mac is from like 2011 lol

>implying producing better code and configuring your desktop the way you want it are mutually exlusive

I compile the kernel myself but use genkernel for my initram, really cool stuff

Can anyone tell me what terminal/colorscheme he is using

my niggah

>Handbook of Neuroevolution Through Erlang

Shit kernel
Shit filesystem
GUI worse for screen real estate than even fucking gnome
Comes with an outdated bloated second OS on it by defauly (emacs)
Worst OS desu

Just like the hardware in 2017 macs

lmao dude i couldn't give less of a fuck what you buy

but its nice to laugh at the idiots who fall for the iToddler shit


How fucking amazing must it be to teach a programming class and just BTFO spergs all fuckin day...

Not sure why that would be bullshit. In my experience distros like Ubuntu and Fedora are as easy to set up as Windows/Mac these days. Unless you have some obscure wifi chip with bad support, you should have a smooth experience on GNU/Linux.

He's right. Everywhere I've worked the critical software developmeny teams get MBPs. Everyone else gets a Windows workstation that s usually garbage. Never seen a developer using a Linux machine


You fags who try to install a muh minimalist special snowflake build need to stop crying when your shit breaks.

Ubuntu with Unity, Gnome, or KDE just werks when plugging things in. I had less troubling plugging in an HDMI and getting audio through the TV with Ubuntu w/ KDE than with windows

Why do you hate Arch? You should be hating Void Linux, SUSE, Mint, ReactOS, and a few others.

I don't hate on Arch itself. I hate those faggots who make some ultra minimalist install that is tailored to their home use and then cry and bitch that it doesn't work with every possible hardware out there

Tbh, they are all prob lying and spreading FUD or bait

I installed Linux on my laptop. But I hate having to fuck around with file permissions if you want to get anything unusual done.

tell him that he's an utter retard if he can't install gentoo on his first attempt

>4-5 hrs of "koding" can help me produce good code
Jesus, no wonder the software industry is going to shit.

It isn't "GNU/Linux". GNU only consists of some basic programs every beginner programmer could write, except for gcc. Stallman did a good job writing gcc, but that doesn't mean it has to be included in the name of the operating system. You don't call a car Factory/Car, do you?

Should I get linux or Win10/7 for C/EE classes?


CS is a cross section of math dept, CE, IT, Soft. Eng. everyone who grads with CS degree falls somewhere different on that spectrum

>Never seen a developer using a Linux machine.

Are you retarded, or just a poo in loo shill?

Get out of here you fucking shitskin pajeet curry nigger.

CS is the study of algorithms. Everything you do as a CS student is to further that knowledge.

wow people fell for this b8