The Trouble With Sex Robots

The Trouble With Sex Robots

>LONDON — Frigid Farrah. That’s the imaginatively alliterative name of the sex robot that’s yours to rape for just $9,995. Or rather, that’s the name of the “personality” you would set your Roxxxy TrueCompanion robot to if you wanted to find her not too “appreciative” when you “touched her in a private area,” according to the company’s website.

>Sex robots are coming, warns a new report from the Foundation for Responsible Robotics. Indeed, many are already available and shipping worldwide.

>This is not a niche issue. A 2016 study by the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany found that more than 40 percent of the 263 heterosexual men surveyed said they could imagine using a sex robot. One company, the California-based Abyss Creations, already ships up to 600 hyper-realistic sex dolls per year to customers worldwide.

What is it with feminists and their fascination with the sex lives of undesirable men who are presumably the market for these robots? This is like the 5th major article on sex robots on a major lib newspaper in these past few weeks. What do they have to fear?

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I had enough of this shilling.

God I wish I could.

Isn't that why they exist?

fuck it, ill just buy an onahole from jlist

Fucking dumbass journalists, how can an object consent?

Why don't they just get phone sex operators to play the part of the robot while you're smashing on it

>wat do they have to fear
They fear the competition. Take the nonwhite ivasion of europe for example, women support this shit because its bringing in millions of men, more pool of fish for them, now imagine the biggest part of the immigration was millions of tight asian cuties, women would faster go full 1488 ethnonationalist than you can say acidattack.

dumb phoneposter

>Sex robots are coming, warns a new report
>This is not a niche issue
I like how they jumped straight to the feminist narrative of "ROBOT BAD, STACY NO LIKE ROBOT, STACY BAN ROBOT!" without explaining to the reader why sexbots are "bad".

It's almost as if they only expect to have readers who politically align with them.

I want the women responsible for the rape of billions of dildos held accountable for their heinous crimes.

>ny times
literal fake news lmao

>sex robot that’s yours to rape for just $9,995.

WTF I'm raping my fleshlight now!

We are about 15 years from semi decent sex robots, and around 25 years(if you trust experts that we will have AGI by 2045), from sex robots that'll be superior to women. Most sex bots these days are glorified silicon dolls with vibrating lady parts. I think we will.need major advancements in artificial muscles(dielectric elastomers) to have westworld tier robots. The generation of men born today are going to have an interesting time.

I don't need a FULL human personality in a sex bot, if you can get me a glorified Mr Handy with an Onahole I'm fine

There's a lot of female personality traits that sexbots exist to avoid, after all!
>tfw dumped by my sexbot

I think the articles mainly talking about an AI setting to simulate rape, not just actually fucking a robot. Its not "wow he's raping that robot!", its "Wow that company actually is producing a AI setting to simulate resisting sexual advances so that rape fetishists can get their jimmies off.

I still ere on the side of "Hippity Hoppity but not on my property", but I can understand the objections to it. Its essentially the same issue as loli porn.

>banning rape with a victim
>banning CP with a victim

>banning THE IDEA of pedophilia and rape as disgusting fetishes that should never be commercially marketed by a responsible society.

>Stacy says I'm not Chad enough to have sex with her.
>Stacy is now upset that I'm happily fucking a Robo-Stacy. She resorts to calling it rape and tells me I'm a creep.
>Stacy currently has 12 Chad-dongs in her nightstand and two on order from Amazon.

Whatever. If it's socially acceptable for girls to have 20 rubber dicks, then it's acceptable for me to have 20 rubber pussies. Stacy's insecurities isn't my problem.

>Last year, a Hong Kong designer made headlines for creating a robotic version of the actor Scarlett Johansson without her permission. RealDoll explains on its website that it is illegal to create exact replicas of women without their consent
Why exactly would this be illegal? Movie stars are public figures that don't have a right to their own image like normal people from the street do.

>The generation of men born today
this generation is full of fagbois and some other abominations

my stuff, i can fuck my table however i see fit since i own it and its not a person with rights

>This is not a niche issue...
>...more than 40 percent of the 263 heterosexual men surveyed said they could imagine using a sex robot
That wording is key. Pretty much means the entire "study" was a bunch of bs. I can imagine many things, does it mean I'm going to do them?

The discussion about sex robots is coming, but it isn't here yet. These things are still glorified plastic dolls.

I could understand a company not selling sexbots with a loli body-figure or rape simulation, but lets be real, after the bots take off in popularity they will be modded and reprogrammed.

Loli and rape simulation sold big company = Poor taste.
3rd party mods ans programs = Something society will have to get use to.

I'm sure the loli-sex-bots will have to be kept indoors, after the mountain of regulations on sexbots are made.

Coincidently the 2030s is when it is predicted that we will have a roastie epidemic, with the low rates of marriage amongst young women. With sex bots becoming a real alternative by the 2030s, We will probably have a gender coldwar as women lose their only leverage over men.

>Stacy currently has 12 Chad-dongs in her nightstand and two on order from Amazon.
Top Kek and /thread

Don't forget dragon dongs and horse dongs and all manner of mechanical vibrating bead turboclimaxer 5,000's

Don't forget we've also stepped into the realm of motherless birth, thanks to the creation and successful use of the artificial womb.

Eerie how much the times and commentary match that of sci-fi movies/shows of our day and of the past. Quite the timeline were on.

>dragon dongs
>for stacy

>tfw we're probably only a few years from the first sexbot fatality

You'd be surprised the kinds of weird kinky shit that run-of-the-mill normie girls do in their private time.

Yep. What men should have been doing and still doing to a high degree is watching women quite closely in these times. They're giving you deep looks into their true character.

Stacy :
> Dragon dongs
> Half upper male body attached to dong
> Horse dongs
> Dongs attached to power tools
> Two dong attachments
> 5000000 shades of grey
> Jumping off/on 40 dicks a year on tinder
Etc etc all common place and considered female sexual liberation

> Guy decides to fuck a thick piece of rubber...
Stop the presses .. hol up .. hol up .. hol up

Society has become a meme/joke.
Best to just laugh at it and carry on.

> Stacy : You're not going to fuck that piece of rubber
Yeah ok... whatever you say...

I think having a surrogate will be much cheaper and less riskier than artificial wombs for the next few decades. We still can't perfectly recreate the complex conditions in an artificial womb.

Marriage is already irreversibly fucked in the west anyway, so we might as well go all the way and see what happens.

"Who's going to deal with my neurotic bitchy ass now?"

hahahah i love this

"Rape is not an act of sexual passion. It is a violent crime. We should no more be encouraging rapists to find a supposedly safe outlet for it than we should facilitate murderers by giving them realistic, blood-spurting dummies to stab. Since that suggestion sounds ridiculous, why does the idea of providing sexual abusers with lifelike robotic victims sound feasible to some?"

Sounds like a really great Pinata.

the brits really are at it again

the point is that probably more than 50% of the consumer base of bad dragon is male

Not to mention it's mainly dudes or fat chicks on toypics.

*err on the side

Sure but there are probably still a lot of normie girls that buy them, even if they are only about

>you're not fucking a REAL woman so its RAPE and you cant HAVE IT!!!!!
More feminists scared of losing their pussy monopoly.
Nobody wants to deal with your screechy batshit crazy asses when we dont need you for a warm hole.

To add: Though I am curious if there are any actual stats for that.

It's not really a concern if its from BD or not, probably 80%+ of women over the age of 20 own at least a vibrator, while even the most simple male sex-toy is considered offensive.
It's a pussy-monopoly strategy. Women don't like the idea of not being able to leverage sex because its often, even in this glorious age of liberation, that they have to offer.

Are those women really trying to give a fucking doll its own rights?
Why would a object need to consent to something?

Oh yeah of course, I completely agree there. It was merely speculation.

I think this also is similar to the reaction feminists have about male birth-control (pills, not condoms). The only power women generally have over men is babies. Take away that power and they have nothing.

Would be nice to hear more about the actual technology involved in these instead of the usual /pol9k/ bleating about being oppressed or whatever. What are these things actually capable of now apart from lying limp and taking dick?

Feminists, the (((powers that be))) and Silicon Valley are creating the perfect storm for the destruction of relationships between men and women. I feel sorry for women born today who had nothing to do with the post 2nd wave feminist movement, but will pay the ultimate price for the sins of their neurotic millennial/gen x/gen z/boomer sisters. There's undoubtedly going to be a swing towards men in the next 30 years with advancements in technology, and unlike this generation, they will be more ruthless and less forgiving towards women after seeing society treat the average man and their fathers like disposable punching bags. Also, most of these guys were raised by neurotic single mothers, so they will probably project their issues to the average woman. The future of heterosexual relationships seem so dystopian.

>Rape is not an act of sexual passion. It is a violent crime. We should no more be encouraging rapists to find a supposedly safe outlet for it than we should facilitate murderers by giving them realistic, blood-spurting dummies to stab.
This argument is super flawed, especially since we have given them that through video games (coincidentally violent crime has been plummeting since the 90s). Besides if someone really wants to they can buy like a manikin and fill it with ketchup then stab it (I doubt anyone would care). I think this would reduce rape as rape is probably caused by a mix of sexual frustration and mental illness, and these remove sexual frustration. Also, we all know the only reason these things piss of women is because they see themselves as objects whose only value is in sex.

Right now, it's basically a glorified sex doll with Siri and maybe vibrating or self warming/lubricating private parts. But with advancements in dielectric polymers/actuators, artificial skin, machine vision, Narrow AI and sensors on the horizon, the sex doll of 2030 will look very different.

Do they self clean?

Probably not.

The way this keeps getting brought up I thought there was some kind of huge breakthrough in the last couple years.

Wow, that's actually an amazing idea. It shuts up the people whining about sex bot consent, makes it more immersive AND creates job positions for back-end sex bot operators.

>What is it with feminists and their fascination with the sex lives of undesirable men who are presumably the market for these robots?
It all comes back to hookup culture.
>husband is normally expected to provide emotional support, financial support, and bang his wife so hard she can't walk right
>hookup culture means women are fucking random guys instead of settling down
>they get emotional and financial support (gifts, a shoulder to cry on, etc.) from undesirable orbiters instead
>orbiters do this because they want to get in her good graces and maybe fuck her
>eventually she'll realize she's past her prime and settle down with one who has a lot of money
>sex robots come out
>ugly orbiters spend money on sex robot instead
>don't need to give attention and gifts to this woman in the hopes of getting laid
>woman ages out of being fuckable to chad
>all the undesirables who actually have enough money to support the lifestyle she wants to have just bought sexbots instead

Fact. If the women were hairless, sexually liberated women, they'd be fuming.

>This is like the 5th major article on sex robots on a major lib newspaper in these past few weeks. What do they have to fear?

A company is selling a creepy product and putting out press releases. Just because feminism is cancer doesn't mean it's the reason everybody is hating on you and your waifu.

Well there has been breakthroughs, but small firms who make these sex robots cant afford to take advantage of these breakthroughs.

>creepy product
according to whomst?

>muh video games make you violent

Fake news. SAD!

What is "the combined work of Milton Diamond?"

Isn't it fine though? Since pedo can have their own loli sex dolls, they wouldn't fuck 3DPD anymore.
I even wonder why anyone wants to fuck 3DPD.

>mfw stacy is against freedom of hardware AND software


feminists 360 into massive sex negative hypocrites when it's men's sexual freedom

I'm not a libtard but I've given this a lot of thinking and I have to agree with the feminazis

vibrators, fleshlights, etc are all good

but this is a full sized thing that looks and feels and sounds like a real person... and you fuck it

it's disturbing

>but what about mannequins?
well those are hard, faceless, limbless and not used for sex (I hope) so it's different

>oh no people are doing things I don't like with the inaminimate objects they own!

>be a modern western female
>crank up the price of your only asset way past what the market wants to pay
>make yourself into a walking liability for false accusations and divorce payments
>shriek like a banshee when men invent sex robots and artificial wombs to totally replace you

Should have seen it coming.

>I think we will.need major advancements in artificial muscles(dielectric elastomers)

Too complex in next 50 years
Some game likes honey select photorealistic comes in 15 to 20 years

>AI setting to simulate
Some track say don't rape me...

There's nothing wrong with disturbing

>Reading this article
> my wife texts me half way through to tell me she wants me to pretend to break in the house and "rape" her tonight.
>3 laughing rape victims.png

And millons rape fantasy novels for women, and begins most common sexual fantasy for women.

>my wife


>That’s the imaginatively alliterative name of the sex robot that’s yours to rape for just $9,995.

And I suppose masturbation is when you rape your own hand? What the fuck is wrong with feminists? Surely they know their arguments don't hold water, and they're just hoping people aren't educated enough to point it out?

how can woman != object and object == woman both be true?

check mate feminists

Well, gosh, if it disturbs you, no one should participate. Thanks for clearing this all up!~

seem to be fine with dildos objectifying men

The trouble is that men can enjoy them a lot more than women can. They cannot stand this fact.

>"Who's going to deal with my neurotic bitchy ass now?"
I too love how women panic when they realize you don't really care if you get to fuck them or not because you got alternatives that are just as good.

I don't see how sex robots would change anything, though. There's cheap silicone vaginas, there's a whole range of fleshlights, there's cheaper dolls like jsdoll's and expensive dolls like Realdolls. So what if you add a speaker and some electronics so it can make sound or motors so it can move a bit on it's own? That's just a marginal improvement on what we already have plenty of.

And in all seriousness, why would you want too much AI in a sexdoll anyway? It's not like you're going to be using it as a chess partner or have long deep conversations with it.


It's interesting that it says "reproducing real women".

Nobody is reproducing a "real women". Sex dolls won't be able to actually reproduce or have children and they won't be self-aware or "alive". What a bunch of hogwash.

>What is it with feminists and their fascination with the sex lives of undesirable men who are presumably the market for these robots?
Desirable men are only desirable because they put more effort into meeting women's demands than undesirable men. If desirable men could just fuck a sexbot instead, they'd stop meeting women's demands and become undesirable too.
And because tech costs a lot at first, the men turning to sex bots in the next few years will be rich men. IE, the men that Women's Studies majors were planning to marry.

Sexbots will be a huge step toward gender equality. Since feminists hate the idea of being treated like equals, they hate sexbots

>What do they have to fear?
Easy, they (ugly, fat feminists who rode the cock carousel during college fucking drunk fratboys) know they aren't getting married to Chad Thundercock who's engaged to a model and they are in desperate need of a provider (ie. a bottom of the barrel guy with a steady job and a home). They are afraid their only chance at a functioning marriage will be lost to robots.
Face it, if you're someone who already has no hope of getting it on with a model looking girl, which one would you pick, an ugly feminist or a realistic model looking robot with your personality of choice?

Clown makeup, mushy sort of overweight, box color hair, annnnnnd...she's entitled. Shocker.

>I'm not a hypocritical poltard but I've given this a lot of thinking and I have to agree with the cuckservatives

>Women kissing, lesbians porn, girl on girl action etc are all good

>but this is faggy cock in anus and scat play thing that gay's love to do...

>it's disturbing

>but what about lesbians?

>well most of them are pretending to be lesbians, and men love girl on girl action since they get to masturbate to two beautiful women making love... so it's different

If she lost 20 pounds I'd be in love
>tfw love the entitled man-hating bitch attitude but hate fat chicks
why do the two have to go hand-in-hand?

>And I suppose masturbation is when you rape your own hand?
No, it's when you rape yourself. It's called self-abuse for a reason.

>having any clue of how women will react to anything
>using a hypothetical reaction so support an assumption.

>it's disturbing
Is this bait?

Fuck off roastie, tits or GTFO

Find literally any butterface autistic girl.

They almost never leave the house and they are the one you see wearing a coat in 80 degree weather.

Please be London

>Not realising that the "women are complex" thing is a meme
"I don't understand women" is codeword for "women are just fucking crazy."
They aren't complex, they aren't wonderful, they aren't mysterious - they're all fucking crazy in various levels. Its not even a good thing.
Women are just batshit insane and the only difference is how long it takes you to see through their shit.

actual feminist here
article is fucking retarded

>be Chinese
>Live in country where obesity is almost non-existent
You don't know how much it sucks to be in Burgerland. Non-obese women are basically all Stacies

t. feminist

Don't worry, these dumb cunts will all shut up about men getting fuck dolls as soon as they realize they will all get a 6'7" robot Brad Pitt slave / bodyguard / fuck machine / thing that will smile and nod while they still whine endlessly about their now even less relevant first world """problems"""

Why do you hate men though?