Who wants to start a startup with me?

Who wants to start a startup with me?

Sorry, sweetie. We're only looking for koders with slim waists and pert racks for our startup right now.

I'm down. I'll be the idea guy and you do all that programming stuff.

I'll create the logo for 25% equity

I'll be that guy who says he's going to do all that social media/website handling stuff but then half asses it and never completes it

Can I be the pink haired male in the youtube videos?

I'll handle the business side

I'd never be partners with a dumb frogposter

so then what's your idea

It's like hackernews for uber drivers

it's like grindr for lyft drivers

let's make the new facebook!

Wrong board, frogposter, Sup Forums is to the left of here.

Its like tinder for for dementia patients

Hello darkness my old friend. To be fair though, the other party needs to at least show up at the table ready to talk strat.

Lead a horse to water and all that.

dumb frogposter

You forgot to sage mate

You should make totally open source computers. Make your own RISC based CPUs and freely distribute all schematics and source code. Just sell the actual hardware which comes packaged with your own software or a GNU/Linux distro. Advertise it as being the most secure platform for businesses because it doesn't include any hidden "features" like x86 and ARM platforms.

This! Please, actually do this someone.

yes please someone else but me do it! seems kinda hard but if someone else did it that would be great!

Whats the start up? Refurbishing outdated hardware to run Linux then selling them to faggots.

I'm here for the money

I can't even program. I have the time but not the skills. I would love to help. I just can't lead such a thing.

We need to hire a webdev with 30 years of experience

it's like shazam but for deaf people

tinder but for the BDSM audience

uber for neghole pozzing
I call it 'pozzr'

>Thank you for joining ForgetMeHot!


Fetlife is more targeted at an older, more edgy crowd than an app like Tinder for BDSM would be. Most people on fetlife are frankly completely insane

we merge facebook and Sup Forums.. we'll need more lawyers.

Been done.