How do I heat it up?

How do I heat it up?

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Buy an onahole heater. It's a stick that slides into the onahole and heats it up from the inside out. I don't know how effective they are.

I've always wondered the same. I guess running it under warm water?

Can't you just warm it up with warm water? Why not just let your dick warm it up?

cum in it

Don't microwave it, it slowly melts the internal lining each time. I recommend sticking it on top of your toaster (with the opening facing down against the toaster slots) and putting the toaster on high, and instead of inseminating your plastic pussy, inseminate your little sister instead.

Microwave your dick instead



Don't. heat up the lube.

I don't see why you couldn't. That seems like a hassle though.

Fill it up with steaming hot diarrhea farts

7 minutes of microwave at full power will do

insert your dick inmediately after for your pleasure

stick into pooper

sous vide to 101.4

lmao cuck

>I recommend sticking it on top of your toaster
That will melt it too.
Wouldn't it be better to enjoy the feeling for a few minutes rather than releasing too early?
onahole heater = bull
OP = cuck

Greetings from /ona/.
You can buy a USB powered heater for under 20 bucks. Let it warm up for about 3 minutes then stick it inside the onahole for 10 minutes or more. Leave it too long though, and you can potentially damage your toy. This method of warming is very much considered to be a waste of time and money, but just letting you know your options. From personal experience, I can tell you that it does feel nice and hot (not just warm) after you let it sit in there for long enough, but the onahole still cools down very quickly.
Another way is to submerge the onahole in hot water (do not exceed the temperature shown on the box) for several minutes. This is considered to be a cheap and effective way of warming, and the hole stays warm for longer too.
You can also heat up lube, which is extremely dangerous. Put the desired amount in a container and microwave for just a few seconds (I'm talking three or less). Then check. It gets hot very quickly. Strongly advice against this method, but you're a big kid now so do whatever works for you. I'd feel bad if you burned your dick because of something I suggested though.

All that being said, warming up your onahole at all is widely derided for being a "meme". I can tell you that it warms up as you use it. Sometimes I like a hot insertion though.

lol cuck

hot water stupid
>is your peepee this small??

Microwave; baked potato setting.

Heat a little bit of coconut oil, which you should be using anyway, in a pan, or in the microwave to a comfortable temperature. It takes some experience.

then be sure to leave the cum inside of it for a few days so it turns green

think youre suppose to put it in warm water

Leave it on the dash of your car in the sun.

This guy fucks...

>his microwave doesn't have a fleshlight mode
wtf i thought you guys were into tech

Made me kek harder than it should have

>Heat a little bit of coconut oil
oil ruins the material
oil is also terrible lube for condom sex, it deteriorates the latex.
Unless, of course, you're using something like the naturalamb stuff.


Put it in your bf's armpit for a while

Does anyone here own a vibrator? I was thinking about picking one up. Not for my butthole, my ex-gf was telling me that if you press it against your taint and or the under part of your dickhead you'll cum like crazy.

What kind of vibrator is a good one?

Why would you? I put it in the freezer beforehand.

Same with my dragon dildos.

Do these feel any better than the usual microwaved banana?

>Can't you just warm it up with warm water?
You can, but with the heater its less of a hassle.

>Why not just let your dick warm it up?
Because its sucks to insert your dick into a cold pussy, you'll want the warm, embracing feeling

>all these butthurt roasties


>Not just rage-fucking a sack of sand

If you're not sticking it inside you, you can't go too terribly wrong with much of anything. Just get an egg vibrator and knock yourself out.

While you're at it though, I'd recommend you try prostate stimulation. What's the worst that could happen ?

What if the egg vibrator inputs come loose, fry my dick with electrocution and kill me. It would be hours before anyone comes to find me dead, all the while this egg vibrator is continuing to liquify my remaining carbon-infused genitalia and pork fat cooked on high?

That would be embarrassing.

Or this.

Warm water is better. The usb heaters are known to overheat the toy and melt the texture on the inside if not properly watched. Warm lube is the best method. DON'T microwave the lube, use the warm water to heat the bottle of lube.

Honestly as long as you aren't keeping it in a freezer, a room temp toy feels good and will become warmer from friction while in use.

Dead people can't feel embarrassment

Then I think you should reconsider whether it's a good idea to describe an electric chair as an "egg vibrator."
Also this

An egg vibrator huh? I guess the worst that could happen is it could explode inside of me, setting off the fire alarm, everyone in my apartment building gets alerted and evacuates, I'm unable to move very fast due to shock and an exploded asshole. I slowly make my way to the middle of the road with pants around my ankles, awaiting the ambulance to take me to get my asshole sewed up. Now I'm in debt for 10,000+, everyone in the apartment complex thinks I'm a freak, and I gotta buy a bigger and gayer NEW vibrator just to feel anything because some random online guy wanted me to go against the natural order of things.

Plus my finger would stink the whole time because I would have to do some prep work. You think this is a fucking game nigger?

Thanks btw.

Of course they do, why do you think they wait until the ambo picks them up to drop their guts.
Nigga I don't know what an egg vibrator is. I do know that nobody figured out who broke the subwoofer when I was a kid, apparently there was a mechanical failure on the voice coil that caused it to stop working.
Also, apparently nerve damage is a thing.

Textured, soft, tight rubber gliding on your dick. You have some that imitate the feel of 3DPD, some that create the feeling of a puffy anime pussy, and some that feel alien in every way.

>You can, but with the heater its less of a hassle.
There are those electric heaters that boil water in 2 minutes.
>Because its sucks to insert your dick into a cold pussy, you'll want the warm, embracing feeling
Then get a real woman.

>Then get a real woman
They're expensive and have feelings other than physical. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Attach to nuclear-tipped ICBM and program it to go past the atmosphere then right back onto your dick.

This achieves maximum comfort.

>There are those electric heaters that boil water in 2 minutes.
You still need to get a bowl of water, then clean and dry it afterwards, opposed to just stick a dildo inside your rubber pussy and remove 5 minutes after.

But all feelings can be modeled by physics.

get an usb onahole with built-in heating feature.

>Under $20

lmao go to aliexpress and you can get it for $1, hell I got a """toy""" with it for $7-8 including shipping just for a laff.

My uncle was a Wiccan. When I was a kid, he tried to rape me, but I put up too much of a fight so he just ended cursing my asshole instead. I'm concerned that if I use an egg vibrator to stimulate my prostate, the combination of the excitement and the ancient magic will tear a hole in this fragile realm and bring forth the dark lord Cthulhu, at whence point he can begin to sow the seeds of the vile calamity anew - ending this brief reprieve from suffocating nothingness for all of humanity

>user you haven't been to work in a whole week, are you ok?
Don't talk to me about a hole weak.

Anyone else hoping some faggots shove this up their asses while it's plugged in?

Just bang once and move on
That's disgusting

I've had the opposite problem my heater was perfectly safe but warm water has destoyed two 50 dollar onaholes.

any good hands-free masturbatur that jack it off for you?

The only downside to these things are the cleanup and how easy it is to rip some of them.

It's not the washing part that's hard, it's the drying. Some holes, like the Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Virgo, are so tight that it's nearly impossible to dry them. Some have walls that are so thin that you'll only get 3-4 uses out of them. And some are stupid expensive.
Yet they all are less pricey and require far less maintenance than a real woman.

If you have the money, try a Hip onahole like the Puni hole DX. Going balls deep, while hands-free, and feeling the toys soft hips push against you with every thrust is a great feeling.

I used to heat mine by sticking it behind my PC and firing up furmark.

Have you guys given up on life?

where do you think you are

>Why not just let your dick warm it up?
You have never felt a pussy? have you?
it's always WARMER than your dick

>it's always WARMER than your dick
the ones i had werent

Get a beaker or something similar, bowls,bottles big enough to fit your hole in but also small enough to stop it from floating. Fill it with hottest tap water and submerge your hole in there for a couple of minutes.

Is that a Evangelion reference?


Fill it with premium butter and microwave for 3-5 minutes on fullheat.

Put it on a Macbook while you're rendering a video

Luxury gourmet masturbation.
You're a man of taste and refinement!

Nigga you don't have to marry them, just go outside and fuck one

Use the onahole to beat one unconscious.

just get a real woman. its easy if you dont care about her looks

Put it in hot water like when you wash it. The fastest and safest way.

That'ss very expensive

Eh, this is all entry level shit. Have anyone tried actual electric stimulation? Not that lightning shit, but the stuff directly stimulates the neurons in your dick(and potentially more). Are there any kits on ali?


>neurons in your dick


Life is a game that can be played in several ways.

stick it up your ass

Suggestions for first onahole? Average dick size (15-17cm)!


>less 18

>bigclive thinking it's a butthole warmer
This guy is a gift.

No it isnt. That's just a stupid porn/hentai convention. gg outing yourself as a virgin.

Trying to make it feel like a warm apple pie, user?

The fuck is your problem?

>How do I heat it up?
Obviously using friction.

>all this effort for a good masturbation
Just get a woman fffs.

Women are quite bad for masturbation to be honest.

They have the advantage of being able to learn.

This. Vagina made from flesh and muscles is barely better that a cheapest onahole and worse than any advanced masturbator with additional stimulation.

How does it feel to be so emotionally impaired the only stimuli you get from sexual intercourse with another human being are those you experienced around you groin area?