Distros still have fucking appstores

>distros still have fucking appstores

A god-damn five year old can install a deb or rpm file. It takes a maximum of 8 clicks.

I guess this also has to do with every distro creator's wet dream of becoming normie-tier. They want their distro to be "user friendly" and "innovative" (i.e a fucking smartphone)

It sickens me that I use the same kernel as people who download packages from appstores.

I just used gnome-software to install proprietary drivers. How does that make you feel?

Not surprised honestly.

Stop being such a faggot OP, its just convenient, some of us don't care to make things more complicated for literally no other reason but to feel like you fit in with the neckbeard linux crew who want to fuck with typing commands all day and night to complete simple fucking tasks.

What happens if your beloved "app" isn't in the Appstoreā„¢?


It's generally easier to find software through an app store. Especially when you know what sort of application you need but not the name of any particular program.

apps in appstore are out of date half the time

I will admit that, but people who say linux is too hard are usually the ones who don't even try in the slightest to understand it (linux isnt that hard to learn). Really activates my almonds

I recently started using OpenSUSE and YaST is pretty damn good.

I usally just look on the arch wiki even if im not using arch they have good write ups for most popular packages.

That's why you know how to use both
Using fucking apt-get doesn't mean you can't also use the fucking store when it's easier
I swear this board reads like some nip zoo partook in an experiment where they gave a bunch of monkeys macbooks and released them onto Sup Forums.

>using apt-get



Pointless elitism: The Post.

Who the fuck has ever said linux was complicated. If you put literally any amount of effort into understanding it you can use it. Plus, there are a bunch of yard birds making step by steps on youtube daily. My younger brother who is a union lineman and gives zero fucks about computers and tech in general dual boots linux and runs commands like he's done it his whole life. Youre a real basic phaggot if you think there is anything difficult about a command function.

you've been in the dark a long time fren

literally anywhere but Sup Forums on the internet, if you reccomend switching to linux (they complain about bloatware, etc) they'll say "linux is too complicated"

>installing a deb or rpm file
>8 clicks
the fuck?

>Centralized software repository
Sounds like botnet

I just don't see harm in downloading a package from an app store with an organized interface instead of going full herp derp trying to prove my knowledge of linux. Oh developers "wet dream" of going normi??? FUCKING eat ass you big cuck chuck, many programmers work day and night and don't get any recognition for any of the shit we do. I dont blame a single person for wanting to develop something that will be appreciated or "Normie" in your eyez. Typical /g new boi that started trolling a year ago and is finally getting a handle on linux and attempting to appear elite by bashing as simple of an aspect as an app store.

>download link
>go to files
>copy path to deb
>open terminal
>type in command
>right click/paste(depends on whether or not your terminal accepts kb shortcuts

Easier done than said.

>dpkg -i *.deb
>rm *.deb
0 clicks

You're delusional. A code-monkey Pajeet at best. Maybe nobody appreciates your work because you're working on something nobody will use? Your post made it seem like you actually believe in that "linux going mainstream" bullshit every Rahjed jizzes themselves over.. Linux will always be irrelevant, and I'm OK with that. Attempts to make it mainstream are a waste of time.

Furthermore, I like how you went from calm to "i have no job security so i blame everyone else" mode real quick. You need to accept that you and your fellow curry-munchers can be replaced with exact replicas of you guys in 4 days.

>FUCKING eat ass you big cuck chuck
Mind repeating that to me in C or javascript?

Sounds like you need some AUR in your life bud

This is such a dumb post. "distros" could refer to literally a thousand different things.

>tfw caught by bait

>You're delusional. A code-monkey Pajeet at best.

Listen here for a second you subhuman burden to society, the likelyhood of you being of any value at all to mankind is around zero so you should take some. Go take your phaggot mech keyboard and shove it right in your dickhole.

>"i have no job security so i blame everyone else"

Kekd. At no point did I state I lack job security, you have a lot to learn about the tech industry in general. Thousands of coders make great livings putting in hours behind the scenes. Its not a bunch of prickly little dick heads getting high and putting lawn ornaments in their led lit cases while bragging about their level thinkpad setup.

>Listen here for a second you subhuman burden to society, the likelyhood of you being of any value at all to mankind is around zero

What value to mankind do you hold making pretty boxes and glorified package managers, may I ask? Right. Garbage men give more to mankind than you ever will, because they collect trash instead of putting it on a 4MB """material design""" website in the form of an ISO.

>Thousands of coders make great livings putting in hours behind the scenes.

Thousands. What about the other millions of code monkeys who think they're better than everyone else, albeit having 6 other loos waiting in line right behind each of them for a below minimum wage job?

>I hate convenience
>I want my distro to stay as less user-friendly as possible
>muh sekrit club

>A god-damn five year old can install a deb or rpm file. It takes a maximum of 8 clicks.

And people with computer literacy bigger than zero know that packages have dependencies those ain't gonna install themselves.

>Package libpajeet >=0.8.0 required
>You've fucked.

You got the command wrong. It's actually: sudo apt-get install

Oh no, a fucking centralised source for common and basic apps. KYS

Literally people who treat linux like windows and fucking ruin the ui with windows like features and don't understand that an appstore is essentially a package manager with a GUI. Also imagine how hand it is to have a package manager when doing large roll outs and you can set up every-pc using shell scripts through ssl.

Face it, downloading apps is okay for single installs and niche apps but a package manager with repositories is fucking GOAT.

>It sickens me that I use the same kernel as people who download packages from appstores.

damn you can cut titanium with how edgy you are

I synaptic is close enough to an app store as I need.