Do the woman that made this law know that there's a psychological build up of desire in men the longer they go without...

Do the woman that made this law know that there's a psychological build up of desire in men the longer they go without exposure to porn or IRL sex? Think of what you would have been like once you hit age 17 if you had no prior exposure to naked women and porn on the internet between the ages of 12 and 16. Shit would hit the fan HARD and you'd be fucking the first 5/10 chick you could get your hands on.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this technology?

How insecure is that old hag theresa may?
Makes me glad Clinton never won the election.

>on a commercial basis

So basically all free porn is safe then?

>'Are you over the age of 18?

even a 17 year old could outwit it

>Think of what you would have been like once you hit age 17 if you had no prior exposure to naked women
I'd still be doing gay shit with my friends. Literally, gay shit.

Porn saved my life.

Why is the UK so backwards?

baseless claims
kill yourself

>Shit would hit the fan HARD and you'd be fucking the first 5/10 chick you could get your hands on.

Like what is happening in euroland on a daily basis?

yeah i guess. most those guys probably don't have access to the internet do they?

didnt have during their upbringing i mean
Other sources say they'll require a credit card.

Let me know if you ever find a 5/10 or higher British woman.

Does the UK have net neutrality?

I see the conquered territory that was once the UK is going to slowly ease its way into sharia...

They'll get rid of it once they're out of the EU

I don't know about UK but not everyone has a fucking credit card.

Does the UK not allow you to buy a prepaid credit card without an ID?

Guide to watching porn without government surveillance and tyranny

First, you need to download the Tor Browser. Contrary to the popular opinion, using Tor is perfectly legal, for now at least. You should disable Javascript for more security or you can leave it on, a trade between security and usability. More information regarding what you should do while using Tor will be linked at the bottom of the homepage of the Tor Browser.

Normally, Tor connections can be blocked by government officials on the basis of preventing censor circumvention. In order to circumvent such measures, Tor has a module called Pluggable Transport. What Pluggable Transport does is obfuscating traffic between a Tor node and a Tor Browser instance so government officials cannot censor this connection. Here is an official guide regarding Tor and Pluggable Transports.

porn is haram
men and boys may just have sex with the english lassies

The UK's firewall will give China a run for its money one of these days.

I woukd have been a jihadist teen.

More dumb tory bullshit
It's clear that they don't know a single thing about how technology actually works if they think they can just ban or restrict everything
This bill in particular also raises the maximum imprisonment time for piracy to 10 years, but you don't hear about that too much in the media either

>waaah tories
you have to be 18+ to use this website

A true englishman hates the tories but votes for them anyway. It's just a shame none of them understand the internet and modern tech.

>set up a couple porn sites
>credit card info and private info starts flowing in from the UK
>'accidentally' leak the database
>over and over again until the privacy related issues here are clear to everyone

>you have to be 18+ to use this website
Not in a literal sense, but soon might be for the UK.

People who vote for the tories are almost as stupid as the retarded students that constantly whine about them.

>Not in a literal sense

I wonder about reddit with /r/gonewild and all their other amateur porn boards.

It's a rule but do you think it stops anyone?
Soon it will, in the UK.

I don't remember them being in supermarkets when I lived there but 12 year olds can get debit cards at a bank

How come you only have to be 16 to have sex but you need to be 18 to watch porn?

That's not true though. I went 5 months doing nofap to prove to myself that I could and my libido was the same before, during, and after.

nofap AND no porn? or were you still edging to porn? Because I've done no porn or looking at attractive women and only allowing myself a release without lustful thoughts and the passion definitely did build up.

>the woman that made this law
>signed by digital minister Matt Hancock

omfg stop whining

As someone who was 16 when websites thought they might actually have to enforce the Communications Decency Act in the US, it wasn't that hard to get porn.

Look at South Korea for an example of a society where porn is outlawed.

>ruled by devil worshiping, fetus cannibalizing feminists
>also Samsung

I wish I was making this up.

>complain about them - you're an idiot
>support them - you're an idiot

No porn, no masturbation. I even stopped using websites with questionable content.


>be a whiny student extreme liberal bitch(male) who hates all white people
>(you're retarded)

>be a whiny student extreme liberal bitch(male) who hates all white people but has slightly more money
>(you're retarded)

>I even stopped using websites with questionable content.

Except Sup Forums, porn central.

>you'd be fucking the first 5/10 chick you could get your hands on.
This is a bad thing. Masturbation and porn in moderation are good, not releasing now and then is pretty bad, you start thinking with your dick instead of your brain and might do all kinds of stupid things just to get your dick in a whore.

Ideologically, May was the trump of the election. Also, trump is worse for Internet freedom. See: net neutrality being majorly supportes by Democrats and rejected by Republicana

South Korea is a highly developed country though from its shit recent underdeveloped beginnings

Net Neutrality is bad for freedom. It consolidates more power under the already too large FCC. If it's a matter of competition, that's up to the FTC, not the FCC.

>consolidates more power under the fcc
All they'd do is say "treat all traffic equally" and enforce that. That's it. There's no more meddling than that. Saying it's giving them more power is misleading

That's what they're saying they want to do. I'd rather not give an organization like the FCC power over the internet.

>le ebil gubmint doesn't exist to serve the people and wont do what it says it does even though what it does is clearly set out and it will face legal attacks if it does something else

ugly women hate porn because it gives you an easy way out of having to play their game. It's like sex economics where they want to create artificial scarcity on something that nobody wants

ugly women especially hate pretty women and this is like everyone being able to quickly get one or at least in a way so that they can replace the ugly woman.

anyway you need to stop paying attention to pseudo proposed legislation, you simply can't regulate the internet. Even if they did it would only be the simplest ways of getting it ie through a web browser since they have no idea how anything else works. You could always get it some other way.

>being this retarded

You're saying that like you don't think it's true. FCC is a big part of why TV and Radio are shit these days.

That's *not* an argument

>yfw Brexit was just a way of getting rid of EU's regulations so they could turn the UK into a literal police state

British refugees not welcomed, by the way. Get fucked.

Nobody wants to leave Britain you dafty

>80% of all women think the same thing

You're a dumbass.

>Think of what you would have been like once you hit age 17 if you had no prior exposure to naked women and porn on the internet between the ages of 12 and 16. Shit would hit the fan HARD and you'd be fucking the first 5/10 chick you could get your hands on.
Uhm, no I didn't? Are you a negro or Muhammadan by change?

maybe the british men will go out and take their country back now.
They should start in londinstan and work their way to scotland in a clockwise spiril

Because there's going to be more whites than Asians soon

>Woman who ran the home office wants to make a database of people and the porn they watch, including present and future politicians

This, what the fuck? This was a fact for most white Europeans crowing up before the late 90's and there sure as hell wasn't rapey party everyday.

>punishing the use of bots to snatch up scores of concert tickets
okay now I am angry

this user does have a point, even if he's drinking the Ted Cruz kool-aid.

net neutrality should be enforced by the network itself, not by a single entity. it should be outright impossible to offer preferential service.

Give it ten years and you'll see.

I don't really care for Ted Cruz. I'd rather see a true decentralized network, rather than a centralized network with a gummint authority that we're supposed to trust.

> and you'd be fucking the first 5/10 chick you could get your hands on
It's either this or muslimes will dominate, so I understand they may want to restore a brit population.

>muh men are animals meme
Way to fall for their propaganda, dipshit.

give it ten years and it'll be the racial holy war and leaving will be punished by death

This is like sponsoring sexbot research.

well, no porn for you then

That's what the two uncompetitive ISPs in my area say as well.

>not everyone has a fucking credit card
not having one is a crime here

UK is a mistake. Hitler should have destroyed shitland before losing the war

Why are they non-competitive? Because of government regulation. That's how these monopoly's exist. You can't fix shit by piling more shit on.

> Because of government regulation
Mind to explain that?

>send email to bong gov
>>I'd like to let you know that the website Sup serves pornographic content here Sup
>>Please add it to the list of pornographic website
>Instantly improve Sup Forums quality by denying access to all the underage bong faggots

let it happen

It's just vapourware politics, it'll never happen and if it does it'll be woefully inadequate at providing even the most basic functionality the same way UK ISPs are required to block pirate sites, turns out they're DNS-based and even using HTTPS beats it.

We're dealing with a generation who grew up around the internet in a different way to millennials, how can they possibly prevent a generation of horny tech-savvy teens from viewing porn when their parents can't operate even basic technology let alone manage their son/daughter on the internet. It won't work and if it does work the younger generation will find a way around it.

For reference credit cards are only issued to 18+ in the UK, debit cards can be issued to 12 and up but no credit. Discussing the method of authentication is irrelevant though because the hardest thing to implement would be forcing these companies to give the UK special treatment when they've been operating successfully for years.

>Shit would hit the fan HARD and you'd be fucking the first 5/10 chick you could get your hands on.
It's more likely you'd develop an imagination

> UK ISPs are required to block pirate sites, turns out they're DNS-based and even using HTTPS beats it.
They do not enforce blocks because there's no punisment for that, I believe. Otherwise, blocking 50K domains with Squid is easy-peasy.

I can't be fucked to write up a whole thing

>tv and radio

What did he mean by this?

The poor kids will have to go back to jerking it to underwear catalogs and swimsuit ads like how it was back before the internet. They'll be better off for it too, free easy porn broke my dick by the time I made it to college.

lmao the jews own you even more than they own the americans

Impossible to enforce, literally just another power grab

No, they'll just find their way around UK site blocks.

Alternatively, people with used up vanilla visa gift cards could post the CCNs online for people to use it as a form of fake ID. After all, the requirement isn't for people to pay money with said CCN, but for it to be a valid CCN.

Life in Britain is pain

>you'd be fucking the first 5/10 chick you could get your hands on.

Wasn't that the plan all along?

Commercial basis = doing it for money
They don't have to get the money from directly charging consumers. If they have ads and are free to use they are still money making and still classed as commercial sites

Sup Forums and Rebbit will fall under these rules

What if I make a website which acts as nothing but a mirror to adult websites? I am not providing any adult content, and seeing as I'm not based in the UK, I won't need to identify myself to fetch the adult stuff.

>net neutrality
It's not even a real thing, it's a buzzword.

Net Neutrality, as Obama would have had it, would have entailed a lot more than passing packets from Netflix. It would have enabled Internet censorship, allowed companies to dox people who 'offend,' and it was all around a horrible piece of shit.

If and when you Googlebama shills can come up with a fucking decent net neutrality plan which doesn't fuck over the consumer, please try to get it passed through congress.

Ramming a fucking 'rule' which has the force of law up the backdoor through the FCC isn't how you do it.

I like the idea, honestly. Porn is bad mm'kay and and people needing to show ID would cut down on it's viewership. It won't work though, people will just move to illegally watching it to save face.

>It would have enabled Internet censorship, allowed companies to dox people who 'offend,'

If you have a citation for any of this I'd be interested to read it.

You can feel free to read the 90 page long, tiny print """rule""" which Trump threw out if you wish. If you weren't lazy you'd have done so already

That's the citation, Reddit. I refuted you, time to go back.

Okay. I asked that in good faith momentarily pretending you based your post in facts, but I can see you're just parroting what you heard in your echo chamber.

Calling me reddit because I wanted to read more about your viewpoint was a nice touch, though. You'll convince a lot of people like that.

I'm afraid you're the parrot here CIA.

If you're unwilling to read the rule which was repealed, how can you have a profitable conversation on the issue?

You prefer not to understand, and I'm certainly not going to waste time holding a shill's hand and providing citations and stuff while you ignore them.

This is Sup Forums, not Reddit, and we're all quite familiar with your little shill games.

Read the fucking rule or get the fuck out of this thread. Once you've read it, you will find it impossible to be in favor of it unless you're a kike.

You don't want to read about my viewpoint, you want to attempt to 'refute' me because I'm not providing citations and such.

It's such a tired old game, so inherently Jewish, that it is giving me and the rest of us here a rash.

Please, I implore you, go back to your safe space. It'll be much more comfy and you'll encounter and endless stream of mental midgets who are more than happy to give you citation after citation even though it is clear you're not interested in reading them.

Read the rule and come back, or get the fuck out of the thread, shill.

You're asking me to read 90 pages of fine print from somewhere to prove to myself a statement that you've put forward. That's a little unreasonable. You're clearly familiar with the rule itself and I'm likely to pass it by while skimming over it, so, if you want people to come around to your way of seeing things, pointing to the censorship and doxxing clauses in it would help.

However vague it is, I'm not interested in debating you, I'd just like to see where people are sourcing this kind of information from. You aren't the first person of seen say things to this effect on Sup Forums or Sup Forums, but no one else has backed anything up either.

Debt card works too.

>i dont have a bank account
okay, why are you using the internet?

>trump is worse for Internet freedom
Trump withdrew from the TPP though. The TPP was terrible for internet freedom.

>The TPP was terrible for internet freedom.
That wasn't the reason he opposed it, though.
He was against liberalizing trade. He (or his supporters) didn't want US subsidies and tariffs dismantled. You guys would be getting cheap, high quality foods now. Instead, farm products subsidized by your taxes will continue being dumped on world markets.

Yeah, and local agricultural industry would be dead. I want globalist shills to leave.