I want to learn to program but I don't have time to learn 30 different languages.
What is the most widely used, cross platform, and future proof programming language?
I want to learn to program but I don't have time to learn 30 different languages.
What is the most widely used, cross platform, and future proof programming language?
> html5 and css
> Javascript (learn to access RESTful services)
> SQL queries
> C# or Java (I dont even know anymore)
> Python3
If you can learn C++ you can understand every other language
what happens to train
C is and always will be the place to begin (and stay comfortably if you like), everything else comes from here.
This is a pretty good list.
>and stay comfortably
pic related. it is your education
OP can probably forego SQL and use parameterized queries if you go the C# route.
I mean to reply to
learning html and css helps you understand a lot of the technology we use daily.
Also learning html and the DOM lets you learn javascript for a real purpose.
Learn C/C++ or Java
Memorize the most common data structures, Linked Lists , hash lookup tables , heaps , parsing trees, etc
Read Code Complete
Write programs and READ other people code
Study a bit of linear algebra, and geometry if you don't already know
Learn a bit of Discrete math and graphs
And that shit should take you like a year and you should be qualified for you averrage code monkey job
Were they will teach you how to do anything anyways
Take this series, it's free, it's all you need to learn "how to program" edx.org
Everything not named lisp is a clone of Algol.
Learn one, learn then all.
But the hard part is not learning the syntaxes and shit, but learning how to make your head boil code for you, the whole "ok, how i get this if, variables, functions and structs and make it do what i want?".
And for that, you need to actually play and have fun with the coding pretty much.
If you're really dumb, maybe you should start with qbasic or something similar just to get the hang out of it, then go for a real language like C.
it is still not programming
According to whom?
are you for real?
>Computer programming (often shortened to programming) is a process that leads from an original formulation of a computing problem to executable computer programs.
CSS and HTML are not executables.
HTML+CSS is turing complete and so is JavaScript. I don't think anyone is going to deny that JS isn't programming except you.
>but I don't like web developers
>but I don't like functional languages
Not arguments.
>t. weblet coder
>protip: you can execute HTML files in browser
it complements a programmers skillset well
>A programming language is Turing complete if it equivalent to a Turing machine.
HTML and CSS has never been programming languages so this does not hold, idiot.
I personally am not but even if I was, attacking my character and not the concept is also not an argument.
citation needed
>I don't know the difference between executing and interpreting
sorry, you're not going to make it
>being this pedantic
nah but really, who were you quoting?
If you're serious about programming (i.e. plan a career in this field), do yourself a favor and learn some basic ASM, then C, then algorithms and data structures first. It might not be as much fun as jumping right into some high level language, but fucking do it and thank me later.
I had been a self-taught programmer in a couple of high-level languages for over a decade thinking I was fairly competent, before I finally manned up and thoroughly learned the basics. Not doing this from day one is one of my biggest regrets. You kind of can learn to run before you learn to walk in programming, but it's a run of a clueless monkey. Don't be a Pajeet.
You forgot Ruby on rails and node.js
There should be a sticky on programming languages.
technology that has been around the longest is more likely to be future proof (that's why its been around so long). So what's the oldest still popular language? C.
>What is the most widely used, cross platform, and future proof programming language?
Now picking a programming language really depends on what you want to do.
Each industry has its own adopted programming language, mostly because that's what its workforce is trained with and and hiring, and what the codebases are written in.
Embedded - C
web server - PHP
Game development - C++
Scientist/general code monkey - Python
Corporate Drone - Java/C#
Academic with no real world value - Functional languages
Each programming language has its own philosophy.
>C++ is about performance and handling complexity, giving you a big set of tools.
>C is about performance and not being able to learn concepts more advanced than pointers.
>Java/C# is about not requiring talented programmers and providing a big standard library to reduce costs
>Python is for people without a brain, so you wont need programmers at all
>Javascript is for webdevs because that's what some dude decided to put in web browsers
Hopefully you get the idea
>HTML+CSS is turing complete
>some basic ASM, then C
This is why I now you are either an old useless fart or a neckbeard with no job