Why buy speaker when you can just do this in 2017

it works 3 times powerful, why waste the cash on the portable (((speaker)))

holy shit

>buying a phone with a speaker on the back

why not? its better

>buying a phone


Because of this. I don't own any speakers but I acknowledge that they are very fucking good at what they do. This is like a $250 pair of speakers the JBL LSR305.

hahaha an then also haha

>speaker that points away from the screen is better than any other orientation
You okay user?

>90 db

if you point them at your window, can the whole neighbor hear? and hear good ofcourse

Jamal pls leave

well what do you suggest then? speaker from front?

"I don't own any speakers.."
Probably? I imagine it would depend on how much power your amplifier can feed them, I do not believe they are self-powered.
I am a headphone fag.

That or bottom
There's no point in having it on the rear

but then how can you do what i did in pic related huh?

Why would I wanna do that? Ever?
My one M8 is already louder than some dedicated speakers
So is blackberry passport

$300* i own them along with a shitstain emotiva basx s8 and yes i can play them so loud (and they do not strain or distort or anything) that the house behind, left and right of me can hear loud and clear. woo death grips for everyone!

meant for

I'm glad that even if i end up living on the street i will never be as poor as OP, both mentally and monetarily

Nice man, I would love to hear them. I've only heard 3 different pairs of mid-fi headphones and never any even remotely decent speakers.
I didn't know until very recently that speakers could be so accurate, that FR graph I posted made me lose my shit when I first saw it.

I'm also glad that I can afford a phone with actually good speakers unlike the rear mounted trash op has

oh hell yeah theyre fantastic and worth every penny. pro tip: theyre $100 used on proaudiostar so you can save a hundred on a pair of them. youll need a preamp, or a subwoofer with outputs (which is what i use) or a receiver with preouts so thatll be another 50/200+/300+ dollars but other than that shit's a steal for the quality

Problem right now is that I don't want to be rude to the people in the house. I rent a room.
Can you play them as loud as say a normal TV and still enjoy the music? I could play them at loud volumes for a few hours a day but outside of that I was just going to wait a few years until I have my own place.

ive got airmotiv 6s, very a e s t h e t i c and flat +/- 1.7db from 43hz-23khz. using with svs pb1000 for dat 19hz extension

yes you can, theyre very clear at pretty low volumes. the speakers can safely up to 110+ db but how high you can make them without your folks hearing depends on the walls and the placement of the speakers and if your folks are playing their own music or movies or whatever. see if you can get one of these for a day and do some testing and if you can make it work with your housemates then order the other one. if not then send it back and get a refund pic related, with two layers of drywall and some insulation these are audible around this side of my house when my phones volume is maxed (galaxy s7) but if i turn the phone's volume three steps lower then they're not audible at all outside of my room but theyre still pretty loud in here. sorry i dont have any measurements, i don't have a db meter yet

nice pusheen faggot :3

Why bother with an elaborate make with bog roll and tape when you can just place the phone in a bowl.

Sup Forums can shove their opinion up their ass. 3D Mako a cute.

>svs pb1000
I got a PB-2000, I love it, my neighbors do not.
