Chairs are Sup Forums

Chairs are Sup Forums

Whats the most comfortable chair to game/program in for 12~ hours a day?

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Aeron is nice in unconditioned room, embody better in conditioned.

Aerons are about $1500 where I live with almost no second-hand market.

Kind of leaning towards a vertagear 350SE just because it's $500 cheaper.

~1500 is a worldwide price, afaik. Worked 3 months for it.

I'll be the first of the dozen or so people who are going to say the Ikea Markus

Was it worth it?
Additional, had you tried other high-end chairs? It seems like the Aeron is almost a meme at this point so I'm unsure if it's $1500 worth it, or if it's $500 worth it but +$1000 for the name/brand.

No chair is comfortable for 12 hours a day in the long-term. If you sit for 1/2 your life eventually you'll get degenerative disk disease and then you'll struggle to sit for an hour.

Enjoy your youths while they last, kids.

Not him but I wouldn't pay more than 700 for it. It's comfortable but not 1500 comfortable. Use them at the office and theyre a little creaky, so expect to use it for years but it won't stay like new over a decade. Still solid though, makes Staples' stuff look like garbage even comparing an old Aeron to a new staples chair

I sit for 90% of the day and lift for 10% so hopefully I can keep my back muscular enough to support my deteriorating spine. I'm not exactly "young" in Sup Forums age either, about to turn 26.

Is there anything that that stays like new for over a decade? I feel like if creaks are all that's happening after so much usage it's pretty well built. I'm just struggling to justify that $1500 price point.

It is.
Nah, i upgraded straight from ikea ivar. And i got it precisely because it's a meme.

define comfortable??

most medical professionals agree that FIRM or HARD surfaces are better for long periods of sitting

the steelcase leap v2 is a cheap and good FIRM cushion chair

the aeron that people are suggesting is not firm enough and the mesh has uneven support

I've heard a lot of love for the steelcase leap and it is much cheaper than the Aeron. I think this is the problem with chairs. They seem arbitrarily priced to match their aesthetic and not their actual function of comfort/support.

I got an embody chair today and it's the comfiest chair I have ever sat in and I've went through them all, ikea chairs, gaming racer chairs, aerons in various sizes etc. The seat on this chair is incredible it's like a butt hammock

Congrats dude, that chair seems like end-game. It's $2500 here in Australia which is far too out of my price range to even consider unfortunately.

jesus fuck. I got mine for $1300 from HMs german dealer and I have 60 days to test and return free if I don't like it

Welcome to low population which equals low competition. We basically have one company in my entire state that stocks herman miller as there isn't enough demand for it.

Cheapest model is $2,235AUD which is around $1800USD

God tier

Live in a real city m8

Rather live in Australia that the united states of niggers.

Its worth it if you can get it used, but not $1500.

Its a comfy and durable chair, but its not $1500 comfy.

Yeah, my day was 80% sitting 10% walking 10% lifting (and a bit of running) but it still all went south from age 30.

There's probably genetics involved too but given that almost all of my coworkers started having issues at some point it's probably pretty ubiquitous.

I was thinking about getting one of these to replace my Markus (for £350 refurbished, with lumbar support). My current setup means I also sit in the same chair to watch TV and play PS4, but you can also recline in the Markus, and I don't think Aerons are good for that.

>but you can also recline in the Markus, and I don't think Aerons are good for that.

and you would be entirely right, and this is why aerons are usually terrible for home setups. the recline tilts the ENTIRE chair, which makes it impossible to sit reclined or lean back on the chair and trying to work. it tilts your entire body and lifts your legs up. it's also rough on the skin if you're sitting on it with some thin clothes.

i guarantee you most people who bought the aeron for "working from home" aren't particularly happy with it, not $800+ happy at least.


t. someone who lays on the bed/floor 12 hours a day while programming

Aerons are like $350 used.

I have the expensive one tho, $1500 with all the options brand new. Bought it like 10 years ago and still going strong. Love this thing.

I don't know how you properly reach a keyboard while reclining so not sure how this is an issue.

the true master race

just... roll closer to the desk? what

implying i wont get cancer and die in my 30s from all the shit food i eat

who gives a fuck

it's a fucking piece of shit actually. the hydraulic on mine just gives up every 45 minutes. I'm pretty heavy but still firmly below the limit.

save your money and get a real fucking chair.

It's not proper posture

Enjoy that rectal bleeding.

this was proved to be a meme recently and actually bad for posture and spine

Not importing a wooden chair made in the soviet union in the 1960s

Ok, I believe you.

This isn't even possible with how most chairs arm rests are positioned, what the fuck. What a retarded image

>his arm rests aren't adjustable

You have a shit chair then.

Not even the most expensive herman miller or steelcase chairs let you adjust the arm rests enough to sit like that stupid image wants you to.

In my experience Aeron chairs put my legs to sleep. I sit on a ball.

I'm sitting on a Leap right now but nice try.

So how are you able to sit like in the pic without constantly banging the arm rests into the desk? And is your keyboard on the edge of the desk?

There are Aeron knockoffs for like 500. Well, they're "replicas". American companies making aeron-style chairs

fyi if you sit like this you will kill your spine by constantly having to lean forward

I don't know. I don't fidget like a 12 year old I guess? Keyboard is about 6 inches in.

You can buy aftermarket cylinders. Theyre usually the same fitting size

just don't buy one from china or it will explode into your ass

I'd agree that DXRacer and "gaming" chairs in general are one of those cancer tech memes. But this DXRacer King i sit in is just so god damn comfy. Very firm materials and a lot of adjustability in the back and the armrests.

Only downside is the faux leather doesn't breathe so my fat ass gets sweaty in the summer.

But you are supposed to fidget and move around. I don't believe you regardless, even HM says sitting completely upright is bad for various reason.

>all these high-end chairs and not a single one has arm rests that fold back or out of the way like any actual ergonomic seat should have
Office chairs a huge meme. No one actually sits upright all day even if you're supposed to. Everyone likes to out their legs up and sit crossed legged or just hug the desk but instead of accommodating comfort these companies come up with fantasy scenarios that only show up in demonstrations of their products

>But you are supposed to fidget and move around.

lol what?

Don't believe me. I couldn't care less.

>HM says sitting completely upright is bad for various reason.

I see a lot of claims going on in this thread but not a lot of sourcing.

I remember that story
At least he didn't die a virgin

My Humancale Freedom does exactly that. It's the worst chair I own though.

the source is literally just visiting hms website, it's right there
arm rests are overrated and probably do more harm than good, some manufacturers/designers start to realize this finally

The best computer chair is a hybrid

Buy a cheap computer used off craigslist. Something with all the adjustments you want.
Then throw out the seat, and keep the base.
Then go to an automotive junkyard/pick n pull. Get a bucket seat you find comfy from a car there. Bonus points for a Recaro seat from a sports car or sport compact.
Make a custom bracket to bolt the car seat to the chair base, with arm rests you like.
The best computer chair you can get

They're comfy a
when you're reclining and sinking into the seat, otherwise they get in the way and are bad for you because they restrict shoulder and elbow movement, forcing you to flick your wrists to type and use the mouse instead of using the more robust muscles and joints of your arma

They tell you not to sit on your ass all day and walk around which is true, not that you should fidget like a child in your chair.

>flanges on the sides if the seat
The worst meme

I paid $800 CAD in overpriced Canada!

Find a office furniture store!

I paid $800 CAD which is about 800 dollary-dos

Steelcase, various models.

They good.

>on their latest chair
>doesn't let you sit straight upright
>say it's important to constantly move around and shift while sitting
>say it's better to lean back slightly and that upper back should be a bit behind lower back

a chair isn't supposed to improve your posture by constantly putting stress on your spine. go work out for that shit and be fit. chairs are for sitting and relaxing

sitting 90 deg upright is a meme

Get a steelcase or HM chair.

The faster you die the better it is for your employer since they can replace you faster with someone that will work for a fraction of what you demand after a few years of experience. That's part of (((their))) plan anyway. The longer you stay with them, the worse it is financially for your employer.

Whatever my company got for us. Pretty comfy, but not as comfy as they could be.

>Not importing your chair from yugoslavia
Enjoy the discomfort.

why didn't you get it in the thicker and cushier fabric?

How about just link an actual quote instead of pulling shit out of your anus.

you can't even sit upright in a leap so why do you care? the chair forces you to lean back slightly and curves your spine a bit.

yfw that's the exact chair you own

I guess I'm patrician

No shit, your spine naturally curves. The pic even mentions that. Maybe if you weren't fidgeting like a 12 year old and looked at it longer than 10 seconds you wouldn't look like such a retard mistaking where it says 90 degrees for a literal 90 degree upright posture.

The free ones I find in my OfficeMax/Depot dumpsters.

We toss out the on-floor display models even if nothing is wrong with them. We are told also toss out any chair that has it's box slightly dented or any chair that's been returned by a customer, even if the box has never been opened.
Spend a week stalking any OM/D dumpster and you can obtain that $600+ chair for free.

Your only challenge is finding a store that doesn't cut or spray-paint the chairs. It's normally the stores in the nig-nog areas that damage the chair before tossing them out.

I hope this helped some of you fags that are working with a limited budget.

note: this only works in america

Yes, and Canada.

steelcase leap v2 master race

went to a used office furniture FUCKHUEG warehouse, tried dozens of different chairs (including several HM which were restricting and uncomfortable), and the leap v2 was my favorite. it's so goddamn adjustable. $250 and probably sat in an office barely used.

Got the same at a warehouse for $180. Got a couple replacement parts for $20. Stains cleaned out no trouble. It still comes off looking like a shitty office chair with the bulbous arm rests, and I really wish it had a headrest. The drafting stool version in leather they also had was baller as fuck but wouldn't fit under my desk.

>wouldn't fit under my desk.
why wouldn't it? they go very low?

I've been waiting forever for a headrest version to pop up. They're like unicorns. The few times I've seen them people ask $600+

See tons of Humanscale Freedoms with headrests though. I bought a lot of 4 of them with issues for $150. Took parts from one and had 3 fully working ones after a couple hours and some spare parts. Has been my best find so far.

Recently I bought the Ikea markus for 80€ because it was on sale and it's very comfortable with a beutiful color and design

The Herman Miller dealers in europe are crazy with the prices. I wanted to get an Aeron but that shit is like 1600 euros, so I did some research and found out about the Mirra 2. Ordered one for about 730 and I'm waiting for it to arrive.

Does anybody have any experience with it? It looks good and it is super adjustable (even more than the aeron) but I still have this nagging feeling that I shouldn't have cheapened out and should have gone for the aeron. I'm scared of sitting on it and finding out it's terrible because returning that thing is going to be a nightmare

Idk about the Mirra 2 but the Aeron is vastly overrated. You're paying for the warranty and durability. I use one at work and I can't stand it for 8 hours. I wish they had standing desks or something but it's an old 90s style cube farm

if you're in eu there is a german dealer that sells for very cheap and they can ship to you for free

Care to give me a name or link? I already ordered the chair from a spanish dealer so I'm already kind of set but it can't hurt to see other options just in case.
you have to e-mail them and ask nicely
i got a new customized embody for "just" €1100 rather than getting ripped off where i live for several thousands more, and they shipped straight to my door without charging for it

Where did you get it from? I'm in SW Ontario but willing to drive to Toronto if needed

it's also the only chair I've found (though I haven't used the expensive ones) that locks in the reclined position. Most chairs only lock in the upright position.

I'm seriously considering buying another one just in case they discontinue the thing and mine breaks.

try newmarketofficefurniture

Aerons were designed by Knoll, literally an American company.

I bought my shit from a real Knoll store, but yeah there are fake ones out there but it's easy to tell. Also there are rebuilt ones with aftermarket parts.

San Deigo? Is it you, cucumber lad?

Drafting stools are higher and don't adjust much.

Holy shit is your desk like 80"

Bought this for $99 on Prime day, it's their big and tall chair. I'm 5'8 160lbs. Feels solid man

My friend just bought a dxracer similar to this one, and for me at least it kind of sucks... back pillow sticks out wayy too far, as well as the head pillow when mounted sits just under my neck. It was 300 bucks, he tried selling to me for 200 and im glad that I didn't do it.

The biggest mistake everybody makes, or rather the most common mistake, is either not having feet on ground or a footrest to have your feet on

tfw too poor to get the embody
tfw back is fucked up from sitting on a shitty chair for years now

fuck me, im gonna die a horrible death

Do you stick to it?

start running and working out. make your butt strong and you can sit on anything for hours

Humans weren't made for sitting in chairs. The modern office chair is a convenience that's like barely a century old.

Am poor fag :/

>humans best strength is being able to walk/run literally forever without stopping until you die or need to sleep
>we've gone to being still as much as possible in a bad position

really makes u think