Classic ThinkPads are obsole...
Classic ThinkPads are obsole
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Just buy a fucking Mac you poorfag
What am I looking at?
It's a 34mm single slot UBS 3.0 expresscard. It requires extra 5v DC power to run, so it has that 2nd port for power input, you can use an AC wall wart to provide power, or use up one of the regular USB ports on the laptop to provide power to the USB 3.0 port.
>UBS 3.
The fuck is a USB .0 expresscard?
i've got one of the larger ones with 3 USB3.0 ports, works great.
Just stop sucking dicks dumbfag
Need fucking power cable to run a fucking usb ort
Lmao why the fuck do you need additional power? I have this on my 2011 17 inch MacBook pro and it dosent need any extra power to power an external WD 2,5 hard drive (yes it is bus powered)
Why does it need power ext power? Mine doesn't.
What about the speed?
>USB 3.0
It's USB-C that will take over.
Not really a concern if you're rocking a T420 anyway.
The Thinkpad X1 carbon has 2 thunderbolt 3 ports which supports USB type c.
>Not really a concern if you're rocking a T420 anyway.
How come?
Because the platform is so old anything that NEEDs the speeds offered by USB type C will be bottlenecked elsewhere in your system.
who's dumbass idea was it not to power a usb port with a usb port (even if it needs 2)
and heres your (you)
fuck it have two for this shit thread
17 inch MBP was the best thing Apple ever made.
>that charging cable
>using expresscard for anything but egpus and storing extra sd cards
this picture is retarded so is OP too
like what? certainly not cpu or hard drives.
the cpu is good enough for almost everything you could want (still)
sata 3 is okay and certainly not slow enough to bottleneck usb c
>that cable
>immediately know it's Apple
>put a usb port in an expansion slot never designed with usb in mind
>be surprised when it needs extra power
nice fire hazard brah
I dont even mind getting soaked for the price. But I wont pay for shitty hardware from 2 generations ago that I cant upgrade.
One thing I love about Macs is its abundance of ports, my XPS 13 only has like two USB ports and I am now struggling to find places to plug in shit...
>it's retarded to be able to add USB 3.0 ports to a laptop that only has USB 2.0 ports
Yeah, nah. Shit's cash.