Do you miss the early-mid 2000s era of the Internet, Sup Forums?

Do you miss the early-mid 2000s era of the Internet, Sup Forums?

People seem to think things when to shit after 9/11 but I think things from Late 2001-2006 were still fantastic. It was 2007 with the iPhone, Big bang theory, Recession, social media, etc. where things truly went downhill.

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I don't.
Why would I, I like progress in technology.

Yes. iPhone brought an influx of phoneposters, and social media grew a lot due to it.

yes, mobile devices and social media kille dthe internet

being emotionally attached to things sucks

2000s internet mindset with today's technology would be ideal.

Yea Social Media the double edge sword that's caused more damage and controversy than good.

Late 90s internet was the best. Things were ramping up for the bubble, OS had no automatic updates, no one had NAT routers, people used mirc war scripts unironically. Warez on http was dying, but DCC bots and ftpz were in full swing.

Early 2000s when we finally got always on broadband, BitTorrent, Sup Forums and Wikipedia was great, but not nearly as nostalgic for me.

Yeah everyone's too pissy and uppity now. Now you can't go anywhere on the Internet without seeing white nationalists and SJWs having slap-fights.

smart devices and (((social media)))
brought on the normalfagocalypse

Usually it's a 'the internet was better when I was a teenager' thing, but 2007 really was the turning point, with the smartphone revolution.

Maybe some of it is coming back now. IPFS works much like the warez servers of old, but technologically like BitTorrent. And the fact that you need a computer for it helps keep normies out.

What do you miss from the old web? Is is just that old times were better or something more meaningfull?

no need to block ads+scripts
less normies

Great forums

03 internet user here

My memory is shot to hell so it's not like I remember what it was like anyways.

I miss 2000-2008 aesthetic so much.

I miss being a kid

*2000-2006 you mean

2007 is when everything started changing with HD-TVs, Facebook and Twitter gaining steam, iPhone, windows vista, etc. and a more "futuristic" feel than previous years. 2007 was when the modern Internet era really began, one could argue.

It was the golden era of having something the hide.

less people.


The internet community has always been shit but mostly everyone were pieces of shit back then, so it just felt like you were apart of one big gigantic dysfunctional family. There's way more normies and underage faggots on the internet now. Everyone wants to turn the internet into a fucking hugbox. I'm black and I'm not crying about some random user calling me a nigger in a thread so why do SJWs and homosexuals have to stomp their feet and cry like faggots? "Cyber bullying" and "revenge porn" wasn't even a fucking thing in the early 00s. Sometimes change can be good but in this case it was pretty awful.

And for the record I'm not saying those things didn't happen back then, I'm saying that those terms weren't a thing. If you weren't a fucking whore you wouldn't get your nudes posted and if you say stupid shit you're liable to be called a fucking faggot or a retard point blank. Everyone wants a label nowadays...shit wasn't like this back in the day. The casualization of the internet is the reason why everything goes to shit nowadays. You can't name a single site, app, forum, or community that hasn't gone to shit in this day and age.

this desu

I miss how a lot of people ran their own sites. Now everything is centralized and you cost customize how your website looks / background music.

This guy's site is still up

I only really started getting online in the early part of 2004 but I do miss it and wish I could have experienced more of it. Compared to now things were a lot less serious and a lot more fun. You could come across some great sites that had some interesting content where the person behind it wanted to simply share it, not try to make money off it. Similarly with jewtube. People made vids for fun, now there's a shit ton of meme content and like and subscribe guiz. It's pretty disgusting.

Newgrounds was one of the most cancerous sites from yesteryear. In fact, their shitty moderation policies and godawful community forced me to defect here.

>tfw when I still use Warez
I still hoard data from these sites

absolutely true, and it's really a shame to see how bad it is these days

I miss the small forum communities.
I used to post on message board dedicated to sprites and pixelart. Everyone knew each other and it felt like way more of a community than the big message boards we have these days (like reddit).

I miss the good times and the dramas.

What does the Big Bang Theory and the Recession have to do with the Internet?

Fack you man I had a NAT router in 1998.

>old web
The flash cartoons that you actually had to animate.
And self-hosting shit.
I miss the telnet BBSes the most.

>white nationalists
JOIN US BROTHER! [Ethnically European applicants only]

'95 baby here, the era you're speaking of was when I really started getting into tech and the internet, those were the days man

Some things yes, others not. I don't miss dial up, but I fucking despise modern web design conventions and the influence of phones.

You probably didn't *really* get into tech until 2008, by which time the Internet was going to shit.

True, you may've played some games before that, but most people don't really started branching out and exploring on the Internet until their teen years.

>muh sakrit club

Protip: there's still many exclusive normie-free places on the internet today, and guess what, the internet is currently better than ever and more useful than ever.

I got online around '95 and miss the late 90's era of the Internet tremendously. Not the technical aspects of it, but the fact that it was still this truly decentralized, ad free, social media free, "content monetization" free, government control free, surveillance free place of expression inhabited mostly by more or less nerdy people. and tags were a small price to pay for that amazing feeling of freedom and collective ownership of the medium. None of us will ever feel it again and I feel sorry for the kids that didn't get to feel it back in the day.


the rot was setting in well before 2007. Facebook, Reddit, and Youtube were all founded in 2005. Microsoft's Palladium TPM/DRM initiative started in 2003. Twitter went live in early 2006. Google's IPO was in 2004 and Google Analytics launched in 2006.

True but 2007 is when I remember it becoming noticeable, when all of the things that had been building up over the past few years fully blossomed. Felt like I was thrust into the future that year.


But I'm gay man... I'm so fed up with people "coming out" on social media and YouTube!!!

The thing is that we (gay people) got what we wanted. We wanted that we could be openly gay and marry without people rolling their eyes.

BUT IT'S 2017!!!

No one could care a less if you are straight, gay, bi... NO ONE CARES! There's no point to "come out" as there's nothing to come out anymore. Being gay is completely normal and no one cares if you are gay or not.

Sometimes I wonder if the gay community got what they wanted but that wasn't what they actually wanted. They just wanted to "come out" and have Pride partys. They wanted to make themselves a center of the worlds attention but now being gay is so accepted that people couldn't care a less if someone "came out" or publicly announced that they are gay.

This pisses me off seeing rest of the community still trying to make being gay a newsworthy thing. And they like to blast it on every social media page there is.


They continue to congrulate each other for being gay. It never stops.

t: programmer faggot

Movements without a purpose don't last very long. Those running the movements didn't have any fame or fortune without a movement, therefore, keep pushing and keep being seen.
t: programmer bisexual

But my point is that there's no purpose anymore. The movement already accomplished what it was originally made for.

No one cares if you are gay. People couldn't care a less if I went outside right now and screamed that I'm gay. That train has gone long time ago...

Now the gay mowement is only trying to keep up the fire...

It's like straight people would be marching for their sexual rights which are already there.

The gay movement accomplished what it was originally designed for and now people should just continue their lifes.

Or should gay people march in Prides in year 3000? Yeah no. It would be like straight people marching for their straightness...

As is this one:

Are we posting old websites now?

What was your favorite era of the Internet?

>1989-1994: Primitive Web
>1995-2000: Dot Com Bubble Era
>2001-2006: Classic Era
>2007-2013: Independent Media Era
>2014-present: Hashtag "Post-Ironic" Era

Pretty much. People have become way to sensitive to simple shitposting, even here really.

You're a special snowflake.

Newgrounds was the shit and still is. Idk why you thought that was a good image to represent it rather than w/e hilarious box art nvidia had for graphics cards

Lots of things about back then were nice and simple. I miss the internet of the early age for sure, but the technology of it not so much.

I miss the ugly website designs and old memes, all this flat and white material shit is burning my eyes

>It's an "I missed the 90's but I'm still cool right guys!" episode

Material design, especially the kind with a lot of animated elements, is a horrific turn in web design. It all looks so bland and is just fucking awful to use.

If Newgrounds had developed a streaming App, you think they would have still been around?

To be fair, the internet has been jacking off to the 90s for the past 7 years. So it's naturally that people would move on to the early 2000s (i often see early 2000s threads on /r9k/ and Sup Forums)

No not really, I like being an adult and having instantaneous access to whatever I want, even the stuff from the past.

The problem is having to spend every waking hour of life working. Shit's annoying.

I miss early Sup Forums. That's about it.

I liked those flash games and shit but don't want to go back to that time wastage.

>tfw I was in the Clock Crew

this. so much.

>The movement already accomplished what it was originally made for.
That's what you think.
Perhaps indifference was never the goal of these groups?
Perhaps they have used you for their purpose.


I just got hit hard with nostalgic feels

Why are people on this site so obsessed with the year 2007, The Big Bang Theory, and iPhones?

You must goto and you will see this internet still exists, I am trying to cobble it back together with a search engine I'm building only for simpler web pages free of the bloat we have today.

I miss Shockwave flash games.

1995-2000 and 2001-2006.

2014-present is fucking dogshit.

Because that's when things started going noticeably downhill.

I'm not even going to pin it on any one thing, but 2007 was the end of an era.

>surveillance free place of expression
Nigger what. The surveillance was already there, except the gubmint and the military didn't care for whatever data the peasants have. Don't forget how the Internet started.

Everything changed that year, it was the last good year.
The tipping point of our civilization.

Internet was better when the basic rule was "don't use your real name".

I miss how unprofessional sites were when I first started internetting, and old youtube where people made stuff for shits and gigs. Now everything is too well run, if that makes sense. Its like getting food at a chain restaurant compared to the sketchy local place. The quality / service is definitely better but its not as interesting a place to be

>2007-2013 in second
Why? That was the rise of all the fucking identity politics that's plastered all over tech nowadays.

Probably from people in their early-mid 20s who feel nostalgic for the Internet of their middle or high school years

>no mass interception of traffic in transit
>no economically viable means of storing fucktons of data
>no technical means of mining fucktons of data
>no Google/Facebook/Amazon behemoths centralizing large % of traffic/data
>no ad networks so no incentive for user tracking/profiling/fingerprinting by the private sector
>very little user-generated content
>perhaps most importantly: polititians didn't understand internet any more than my dog understands quantum physics

No. I don't really miss anything in regards to the internet. I also don't miss the time before the internet, despite being born long enough before it to remember that it didn't exist.

I miss the friends, family, and pets I've lost, and would let the internet do literally anything (including die) to bring them back for the rest of my life.

>being anti sjw makes you white
>tfw honorary aryan

well said

00s I finally got broadband, torrents were everywhere, Social media hadn't destroyed all the specialized forums. Now my old haunts that were full of like minded individuals are ghost towns if they are still operating at all.

>where things truly went downhill.
But this is wrong...

I bought a waterproof GPS, Cellphone, FM Radio, snapshot camera, and pocket-computer for ~130 USD that has lasted me for two years and is still going strong. Sure, it took some duct tape repairs and gluing in one of those new fangled magnetic USB dongles to really keep it going, and Google Play Services is as bad as iOS on old hardware, but I've realized that it's optimal to use Fdroid and downloaded .apk files and to avoid the Play Store entirely anyway.

You need to learn to embrace the filter bubble. If your social media sucks, that's because you need new friends.