what did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
He means if you add more zeros your salary goes.
>assembly is paid well
ASM isn't 1's an 0's though. Higher level languages like C++ is productive
assembly is a higher level language that gets compiled by an assembler
Assembly language has nothing to do with binary code, that's ridiculous and this so-called "programmer" should be fucking ashamed of her ignorance, like most people.
Even machine language isn't binary, good lord, what a fucking stupid person she must be.
> trannyfaggot on twitter with a verified mark talks about things it doesn't understand
this person is a future congress critter.
I live in MA and I will make sure this abomination gets into office so that the democrat party will never get votes again.
Oh sweetie
Is there any programmer alive who works with just 1's and 0's? I learned assembly using opcodes.
Assembly is "higher level" than machine code, but nobody in computer science calls assembly a HLL. It literally isn't. It's merely a different syntax for machine language, with the same semantics.
>Even machine language isn't binary
It's literally zeroes and ones. Are you saying that because the opcodes and operands are more than one bit wide it somehow "isn't really binary"? Because by that logic you might as well say computers are "base-256" since memory is byte-addressed, rather than base-2.
Maybe Altair hobbyists, there are still use cases for "raw machine code", but it's usually done in hex rather than binary representation. And when you write the first assembler or compiler for a new architecture, even if you don't actually assemble it by hand, you do require a human with enough knowledge of the instruction set to write a code generator.
You can write programs in pure machine code, but I'm not really sure there are any practical reasons to a do so since assembly is just easy to read machine code.
Not too long ago I wrote a few things with just opcodes, I was writing a C program that generated functions in executable memory and called them (I didn't want to use a jit library or anything). Can't think of any other usecase besides the one mentioned by though.
Nothing but Applel shilling and that cringy af name "Giant Spacekat".
>not writing assembly in binary
casuals ITT
I can't find that tweet. Is it archived somewhere?
What does Applel have to do with it?
She may have just deleted it, I saw it on her Twitter just a few minutes ago, but I can't find it anymore. I have no idea how Twitter works though, maybe it arbitrarily rearranges things every hour or something.
It's still on google cache, but she appears to have deleted it.
Here's a pic of her several "thoughts" on the topic.
Yeah it looks right now that everything between 1 hour ago and 17 hours ago is gone from her Twitter. Maybe she purged it for some reason, or it could be the Twitter servers acting up (I saw a similar problem on Facebook once, when for like a week or so only old content was showing up).
Yeah I'm not sure why she thinks that every human has a unique "operating system". I'd say it's more like we're all running the same basic OS, but we're full of undocumented hacks and incompatibilities.
That's almost unbearable to read.
>m-m-muh ones and zeros analogy
god i hate dis
Is it actually mentally retarded? It's Twitter profile says "software engineer" but what has it ever made?
It finished the Ruby on Rails tutorial and paid some other people to make a terrible video game.
>It is Twitter profile says "software engineer"
Why call him a "her"? What points do you think you get? Do you want his respect?
Mainly because I think people should be called what they ask to be called. You can be an asshole about it if you want.
>"high level"
>"just 1s and 0s"
"She" should be slapped until "she" stops talking.
Because it requires no more effort than calling her a "him"? Even calling her an "it" only saves effort if you're shitposting from a coin-operated teletype.
>Mainly because I think people should be called what they ask to be called. You'd refer to me as "doctor" if I asked you to? That would make you an idiot.
C++ is pretty high level though. Even C is, strictly speaking, a "high level language", and let's face it, you don't have private virtual implicit monadic move constructors in machine language.
>Mainly because I think people should be called what they ask to be called. You can be an asshole about it if you want.
You will refer to me as your Dark Lord and Master. And if you do not then you are a racist, sexist, bigoted asshole.
>t. Your Dark Lord and Master
Grow up, kids.
He's popular because of politics, nothing more, but a lot less. He was one of the goobergate shitters that made a name off of fishing for knights. He would go on to make a game called 'Rev60' which, like most modern games, runs like shit, looks like shit, falsely advertises, doesn't even work half the time, and is the overall antithesis of fun.
He is not relevant anymore, aside from the Sup Forums-patented twitter-thread shitposters
Mid-level programming master race reporting in.
Writing code in hexadecimal >>> C++ brainlets and binary masochist.
Any proof that this specimen is a biological male? I can't find anything in Wikipedia.
>C++ is pretty high level though. Even C is, strictly speaking, a "high level language",
By the standards of the time when they were invented, yes, they were "high level" languages.
By today's standards? Well...I might have to agree that C++ is high level though still lower than other languages out there. C is low level by today's standards.
Does he mean reverse engineering? They work with 0's and 1's. Though if you're competent reverse engineering your skills are adequate enough already for higher pay.
>calling a boy "she" is so adult and progressive
>calling someone who is not a doctor "doctor" is so childish
Fuck off.
What has "effort" got to do with it? Usually it takes less effort to do what is easier, and what is easier is not usually what is best. Almost universally it takes more effort to do what is better. What sort of philosophy do you live by where you defend laziness and apathy with some sort pseudo cost-benefit analysis?
Any thread with a twitter post should be banned on sight.
You think you're a mature grown up cheerleading crossdressers?
It literally isn't, that's just your retarded neckbeard opinion.
You are mom sucks my cock daily.
>He is not relevant anymore, aside from the Sup Forums-patented twitter-thread shitposters
He's running for Congress and is getting pushed by the Democrats, specifically Kirsten Gillibrand, who is a fucking retard
>It's merely a different syntax for machine language, with the same semantics.
Now now, that is an exaggeration
Pretty sure most reverse engineering isn't actually done in binary. It works a lot with hex and asm though.
Well "boy" and "girl" are both equal in terms of "authority", while calling yourself a "doctor" is claiming to have qualifications you don't actually have. I think that's a pretty important difference.
Well what exactly is the benefit/advantage of calling her a "him", then?
Please explain.
>he doesn't use mechanical binary calculators as coding input devices
get on my level plebé
W-what are you saying user?
Not really. Each assembly instruction is a tuple formed of opcodes and operands, which may be expressed either as an array of bits or as an instruction mnemonic and decimal or hexadecimal numbers.
>Well what exactly is the benefit/advantage of calling her a "him", then?
It corresponds to reality.