What is the comfiest keyboard you have used?

What is the comfiest keyboard you have used?



Better than this.


I've used this keyboard for 12 years now. I've spilled juice, soda, coffee, tea, water, semen, water-based anal lube, cheetos, Bad Dragon® Cumlube®, beer, vodka, stomach acids, cat food and whipped cream on it. I've hit my dad with it, it fell out of my car on the freeway and lost only one key and it's survived many occasions of autism-induced keyboard slamming in multiplayer games. It's plain indestructible, doesn't have a very ergonomic design and is absolutely filthy despite cleaning it only two months ago.
I couldn't imagine using anything else.

Unicomp Spacesaver M

>better key separation with the same switch

got pic related for a few dollars at a garage sale years and years ago and I've used it since.
It's built like a tank, I think it'll last me quite a while.

r8 my ergonomics, Sup Forums

Don't mind the Mac Mini, this is my desk at work.

Complete shit. Awesome to type on, but the wireless went out on mine within a month or two of getting it.
If MS had a wired version of that exact keyboard, I would buy it. But for now, I use an Adesso ergonomic one. It's great to type on but very large and unwieldy.

my G19 broke

probably going to get a G710+

Not fucking that

I have one of these laying around. I just prefer a heavier keyboard that doesn't slide around the desk.

This beauty

How are the keys?

What's with this shilling thinkpads on literally every other thread

I got this set in 2005, the keyboard still works wonders. Hard to get used to anything else afterwards.

how new are you here?

That big chunky Dell one from the 2010ish era, and it's still working fine. I should probably take another from work before they all get thrown out, I don't like the new ones...

It's autism.


I've had mine for about a year now with no issues. Too bad that yours came faulty, I love the keyboard. The mouse is nice too.

The regular mac keyboard and the tiny Amazon basic mouse I had before were killing my wrists.

Still using 15 years old logitech, comfy as fuck

Used to use that one, ended up deciding to go with a Corsair K95. Wireless isn't a big deal on desktop, you aren't moving a keyboard around like a mouse, and cherry keys means I don't have to press keys down as far to type.

I'm considering going the other way over, from a corsair k65 to a logitech

Got that one too, but it's in the storage now. Used it for about 10 years, and it was very comfy, but I got annoyed with the bad rollover and the size. Current keyboard is also comfy, and better in all other ways, but it's not as comfy as that crappy MS spaceship intelliboard.


Microsoft 7000

>no insert key

Unironically the HP standard. Shit's like typing on a cloud. I'll never go back to mechanical.

t. hipster faggot retard


>function in the far corner
fuck off

>that utter lack of self awareness


I have one of these I got from a thrift store for $2. I was trying it out today and I thought it was awful. I'll probably put it up on ebay for $20 shipped.

is pic related comfy


Dolch mechanical keyboard off of a portable network sniffer. Little funny with no arrow keys just the num pad with arrow function without numlock. Nice feel. Not too clicky and fast. ctrl and alt are in a better place too with ctrl being next to 'a' and the lesser used alt at the bottom left and even lesser used caps lock at bottom right.

Oh man, I used to have one of those at work and it was absolute bliss. My it department was the shit, you just asked for ergonomic whatever and theyd put it in your desk

It looks comfy. What is it? Aside from being Lenovo.

Standard dell optiplex rubber dome keyboard (and mouse). I hate that I fell for the mx kb, and gayyyymer mouse meme.