Speccy thread

Speccy thread.

I've returned the 2560x1440 monitor because of banding, so now I'm stuck picking one again.
Ultimately I'd like to get a 4k display, but there's currently one at 32'' and it's quite expensive.
So should I get a 32'' 2560x1440 in the meantime? Specifically the Benq PD3200Q.
Going back to just 1920x1080 is painful.

>Benq PD3200Q.
That seems like a solid choice. That monitor also costs as much as i bought my 4k tv for.

>That monitor also costs as much as i bought my 4k tv for.
It's pretty dumb frankly. How come TV's are so much cheaper?
I'd even get one as a monitor replacement, but 43''+ is just too big for me to use as a monitor.


>all those drives

>All those drives
Mah nigga

Should I get a second fury or an 1080?

My newest build (please be gentle Q.Q).

1080Ti or wait for next gen IMO.

>1080 ti
>one monitor

3DCG rendering and simulating. My main softwares give you the option to use specific GPUs on the motherboard, so the 1080ti is for them, while the 980 is for everything else.

Ok that makes sense, thanks

Just got the 780 Ti yesterday, pretty large upgrade from an R9 270X


Shit posting machine, this machine actually has 2.5gb of ram idk why speccy thinks it has 3gb. (I kept the 512mb that came with it and added 2gb toit).



to be fair, the pentium 4 is still a fairly decent processor for shitposting xd
I have a dell pc that has 1.5 GB RAM and a Celeron D lol


I wish I had money.



I want a Zen+ with that sweet 5GHz based on IBM tech.

Fucking buttcoin miners.
I want a new GPU


hey yall


>Samsung 830
my man right there



that is a hot SSD



>all these low idle temps

do I need to replace my RAMs with 4000 MHz sticks?
sometimes my fps dips down to 190 and neither cpu or gpu are near 80% usage

please kill me

Step aside normies



How is it using a TV as your only monitor?

this is my media server, i mainly stream stuff from it to my desktop, which is this, and control it via teamviewer.

the tv itself is nice though.

From now on I'm going to call all Ryzen running on Windows 7, Wezen. The true gondola & spurdo OS.


That is one overpowered media server.

so comfy

its my old main pc. wanted to use the g3258 i have lying around, but the mobo wont accept it even after bios updates.

waiting for ryzen apu to upgrade.

This is such bullshit.
Got a better cooler, seated and reseated it for sanity, applied what I'd imagine is a little too much thermal paste, and have my side panel off for airflow testing.
Fuck DDR4 prices. I want off this ride.

Honestly see no reason to upgrade for a few years, just gotta buy a SSD and a nice 144hz display


Forgot the pic, lol

plz no bully for OS, it is a temporary measure

My nigga.


neat computer m8

Been running it stock since I got it. Didn't manage to hit 4.7 last time I tried, but managed to get it stable now. Also have the ram overclocked a bit (originally 2666).