
Gdje ste, Slaveni, danas je jebeni utorak...

Brethren, assemble

SLAV > NIEMIEC """""liberator"""""

Poles are Wends

Hy, ты нaш, aмepикaнeц?

>danas je utorak

funny how some Slavic nations say 'today is an onatuesday.



evo nas


Torek bi moral biti Vtorek oz. Utorek kot imajo dol na jugu. Koren je staroslovanski "vtor-" (drugi po vrsti), rusko vtoroj...
V bistvu smo mi skrajšali

Spierdalaj s tym wandalami, kurwa

Blja. "Utorak" means "tuesday" and "je" means "is". I don't understand, friend

"Danas je utorak" - "Today is Tuesday".
Clean, simple

Dobro mi živijo, sosed. Kako vse?


Yes :^)

Še dlje nazaj je koren duo-, po čimer latinski duo, angleški two.

Moja učiteljica latinščine je zadnjič trdila, da zato mora biti tudi izvorni slovanski koren naš tor- namesto vtor- kot sem poprej sklepal jaz zaradi večje razširjenosti te oblike med Slovani (na Sup Forumsu, seveda, kjer dobim informacije o teh stvareh). No, očitno sem le imel prav.

Torek = Tuesday
V torek = on Tuesday

tako to vidimo Slovenci

I-E varianta bi morala biti dwo- namesto duo-, kajneda

>/slav/ nit
>Slovenci v večini

Da, ta latinska beseda "duo" prihaja iz PIE jezika. Kako mi Slaveni kažemo "dva"

Dobra večer slaveni.

Zdravo, zdravo. Vroče je za znort, sovražim to prekleto izparino.
Komaj čakam na dopust, da zginem v gore.

Pa pri vas?

dokaj vseeno v tem primeru
Ampak žal nimaš prav, sem preveril in res gre za poseben slovanski koren vъtorъjь (drugotno), PIDE koren pa bi bil *(h1)ui-tor-o-, sorodno z Skt. vitarám (spet) in YAv. vitarem (spet)

Tы poccиян? Oткyдa? Ecли нe, гoвopи, тaк дa мoгy пиcaть нa лaтиницy

Russian vtoroj means second and vtornik is tuesday

Dva se reče tudi pri nas. Dve ni tako pogosto.

>Enako je z vašim tu vs. našim tukaj
Pri nas rečemo kle(le) pa sem premišljeval, od kod ta beseda. Skrajšano od tukajle?

Tukaj samo najmočnejši preživijo. 34C. Ne danes, hvala Bogu. Veter malo piha pa je ugodno vreme, ali bo "havarija" skoraj/kmalu. Za vse krivim Srbe


drugače, tvoj google translate je kar dober

Jebiga, človek se trudi, ni Google tanslate, za tvojo informaciju, samo nekatere slovenske besede ki sem (zapamtio, u kurac)

Nisem imel boljše besede, a znam da vi Slovenci znate bosanske :^)

"Vtoroj" je "drugi" u hrvatskom

a drugi?

A чтo кacaeтcя o "дpyг", y нac ecть cpoкa "prijatelj"

He probably meant "drugoj" ("other").

>кacaeтcя o
the preposition is not needed here


>"Word" is "slovo" in Russian, not "srok", "pojam", "termin", "izraz"
Wew, lad

well, sometimes a wrong cлoвo can lead to cpoк, kek

you have to use the nominative after "y нac ecть" btw

Slovo doesnt mean word in Croatian?

/balt/ grills>slav grills.

In Slovene, slovo means when people say goodbye. Word is beseda.

>those niggers think they are slavs

Sloven=Slav is derived from Slovo=word because the people could understand each other.

Thats why Germans=Nemci Nemec=Mute

>use nominative
Blja. Genitive fits so naturally. "U nas ....(koga/čega)?"

"Slovo" means "letter" here. A single letter, not a word

"S" is a slovo, "Slovak" is a "riječ/pojam/izraz/word"

We have slovar for dictionary, Jožek.

We have slovník. So why did you niggers stoped using slovo for word? It even makes sense if slovar is dictionary

Słowo means word in polish

It's a weird word.

We have "rječnik" or "slovnica". Smaller phrase books are and legenda. "pojmovnik"

southerners confirmed for not slavs

We are the original Slavs.

Slovaks and Rusyns are the real Slavs

You are slovaks that got separated by Habsburgs

Slovaks are lost Slovenes and we are the first Slavs. Learn some real history, bros.


Slovaks and Rusyns are our lost White Croat brethren, who got xut off by the Eternal Magyar, as they invaded the Pannonia plain. We could have had a Croat superstar from the Tatras to the Adriatic, had the Eternal Laszlo not invaded

Which name is closer to the original name of the Slavs (Slovenin), Slovenec or Slovak?

Our original name for male was Sloven, it got changed to Slovak because of Polish influence.

The country is still Slovensko, not Slovacko.
The women is Slovenka, not Slováčka.

You guys sure can argue
Trying to refer to Slovenes and Slovaks in different Slavic languages is even harder than not mixing up Lithuania and Latvia

>literally "Slovene (property)"
Come back.

Slovene Karantanianists BTFO
Slovaks claimed champions of Slavdom

My good friend, next time you argue with a Slovene over Slavic matters, just remind him he says "ja" instead of "da"

Are there any Germanics saying "si" instead of "ja"? We need to complete the circle.

I didn't mean to bully Slovenes, they just left. These are hard to find fireflies around Sup Forums, and now we scared them away...

how hard is it to come by some ak47 in slav countries