Why is mine becoming slow? it's not fair bros. i've only had it since november...

why is mine becoming slow? it's not fair bros. i've only had it since november. i'm a frequent upgrader so my shit should be pristine by the time i upgrade again.
what is this shit.

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>buying gookshit

you did this to yourself


>Not a Nexus
Did it to yourself

do you now see why people buy iphones

the power of android

Yes, because they are retards who can't cook roms

If you're not going to put Lineage on your phone you have only yourself to blame.

Yeah, I had to make a text the other day, and then look up something online. I realized I hadn't cooked my rom that day, and this immense sense of terror and dread washed over me, and my face began to drip with sweat. I was literally shaking. Somehow, thank God, I was still able to use my phone. Incredible!

Behold, the power of Android.


Good thing you have a completely locked phone so you wouldn't do shit with it anyway!

Yes, my locked phone can't browse the web, text, or make calls. I'm not a computer hacker like you though. Can you imagine the danger we'd be in if you can't ssh into your cum-covered thinkpad sitting at home?

werks for me since may of last year. battery is probably one of my only complaints.

If I were to wager a guess: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_obsolescence

Yes, keep buying into a monopoly of locked devices, it's the right thing to do, we might as well see irl 1948 to appease normies, after all

All memeing aside, do the following:
1.) Download and install nova from the playstore
2.) set nova to default launcher and set all animations to "faster than light" in nova settings"
3.) go to dev setting and turn all animations off.

4.) Clear all active apps
5.) Go to storage and clear app cache
6.) reboot phone

Repeat 4-6 as necessary.

Also go to your app manager abd uninstall or disable samshit and jewgle bloatware.

If you want a good overall android experience oneplus is where it's at. Unfortunately their phones lack microSD slots though.

>having a s6 since launch
>fluid as new

you fucking pleb

Samsung. You have been warned.

Should've gotten a pixel

Is Nova the only worthy launcher?

Who did start the "changing the launcher fixes all UI lags" meme? It's like some kind of mantra for samsung faggots.

And this is why you should've bought the Apple iPhone 7 instead.

it was all part of that touchwiz is cancer meme

Remove every app you downloaded, enjoy a fast phone again


Yeah because paying 2-4X more and getting less useful features, specs, and abhorrent life is a way better deal.

To be fair the touchjizz launcher is ass. Nova even lets you disable all the gay animations nobody asked for.

>Buying Android
>Expecting smoothness for more than 6 months

Now you understand why people go with iPhones. My 5S from 2013 is still as flawless as it was on day 1 and it's getting iOS 11.

Between the worn SSD and the malware, you've got a literal piece of shit baby boomer device. Might as well set the background to the best porn you can find and switch it to low power mode so you can still get calls.

>iShills actually saying iOS is any better
>when Apple purposely gimps their older models in favor for the new ones

>>iShills actually saying iOS is any better
>>when Apple purposely gimps their older models in favor for the new ones

You have 0 fucking clue what you're talking about. I still regularly use my Macbook Pro from 2008 for work stuff and my iPhone 5. If you want the latest hottest shit, they'll sell it to you. If you want to stay on old OS releases they let you. It's not like any fucking Android device where the hardware fails within the warrantee.

Get a grip. Android is garbage. Absolute trash. The more you Sup Forumsoys shill for Android, the higher @APL goes.

There's a leak in your warranty juice.

Because you probably left all the bloat and did nothing but install more bloat.

Deactivate all apps that you don't use (That can't be deleted), and delete any apps that you rarely use.



Work at Best Buy, used to use Android - cant fucking stand it now. I was thinking of getting a Note 8 in the Fall, but then some lady brought in a GN5 today and for some unknown reason uploading to the cloud was just fuck all broke. It's an unmitigated shit show.

As someone who's used both Android and iOS, I can 100% say that Android is superior, even touchjizz


Mine was running slow after an OTA update. To fix it I did a full factory reset and reformatted the micro sd card from the phone's setting app. Now it's perfect again.

Android has no eligible alternatives, the other OSes are either limited and locked by a vendor or have a small market share.

Do your research next time.

Samsung and LG are the worst smartphone OEMs


Buy from these brands if you want your phone to last.

>tumblr type gif reaction with >5 frames
outta here buddy.

Have you been clearing the cache?

I would say buy an iPhone but have you seen the latest leaks?

is there even any good premium brand at all anymore? I just want a good phone not a meme


become full autist and buy a cheap android then root and flash. it's like linux.

Not really, each have their own shortcomings. Samshit is laggy, LG bootloops, chinkshit spies on you or dies in a few days, and sony is jerking off in a corner by itself. However apple is just being a fruit like always.

Though in the end i'd recommend getting a samshit phone. At least you can disable if not uninstall most of the bloatware and turn off the shitty animations. Better that then have to commit suicide over iTunes errors and aidrop being a piece of shit in the most important moments of your life.

This is the reason I went with iPhone. I love Android but I can't stand the fucking laggy they eventually get.

My wife's old iPhone 5C runs smoother than last year's Android phones. My iPhone 6 is still rocking latest OS version without a sweat.

I was in the store a couple of weeks ago and was excited to get either a P10 or a S8 but I went with iPhone 7 in the end anyway. They didn't feel as good as I thought they were. If doesn't help my kids uses iPad and we have an apple TV at home either.

"It just works" Sure, but that's only what it does. It's boring af tho but gets the job done smooth .

>No Sup Forums reader

This and the way I got addicted to flashing new Roms all the time. Could go through 2-3 roms a day sometimes

Guess you're gonna be one of those old people that stick with something because they can't be arsed to research for something better and cheaper.

Android's lag problem was fixed when they switched from DALVIK to ART. Samdung and other companies then realized they could now cram more useless apps nobody asked for due to this.

But there are phones out there like the Axon 7 that have unlocked bootloaders that can accept Lineage OS. But that requires more effort than getting off the couch and finding the tv remote right? Yeah better pay twice the price for a phone gimped to hell and back, renowned for terrible battery life, and having lower specs despite the price.

It's okay, at least you can sleep soundly knowing tim cocks will suck more cocks because of your donation to his fruit empire.


>frequent upgrader
>not owning the s8+

you are a bad goyim

I'm not teenager I don't have time flash phones one day from another and be arsed about latest Android that gets outdated faster than a pack of yoghurt.

As I said I'm not teenager with a summer job who can't afford a phone that lasts longer than year.

If you wouldn't be so lazy and actually read my post you would know that I love Android otherwise and I know my research but made the choice anyway.

I hope mom gives a tissue to dry those tears with soon or it will ruin your $200 laggy piece of shit that stopped receiving updates 6 months ago just when saved enough money from cleaning toilets as an extra job besides school

>Android's lag problem was fixed when they switched from DALVIK to ART.

>Proceeds to explain how OEMs ruin Android experience

Android can't handle it? Thought the lag was fixed?

I lold

>MUH 1948
Please kill yourself.

Android needs to get turned off and on every 2 weeks, else it starts to lag a bit.

Also remove your shitty social media apps, those are eating your battery and turning your phone laggy.

The power of Android

Same problem here brother. Last 2 updates fucked up my S7. I cleaned all the files/wiped cache too. And it seems especially susceptible to heat now/overheats. Google maps is slow af. I have 7.0 and a locked down ATT version (burgerfag)

>to appease normies
Are you denser than pulsars or what?

my 5x is laggy as fuck, almost completely stock

i'm going iOS next fuck this shit

Same. I used to be into to flashing ROMs when I was in the 8th grade. Now I only use my phone for music and communication which Android sucks at. Snapchat is horrible and theres no iMessage (which matters when literally every one you know has an iPhone).

Then get a oneplus phone then.

Also nobody uses imessage anymore excepts teenagers. Everyone else has moved onto whatsapp and other messengers.

The lag was fixed though, oneplus is proof of that.

>Just get a oneplus user, it's not laggy!
Did you not read his post at all? Not supported for more than 6 months. I used to love android too but every time there's a problem it's, get this, it doesn't have that. Then it's a piece of shit that gets abandoned. My 5X is laggy AF and it's WITH a minimal lineage install.

>Android's lag problem was fixed

exynos model, running aosp+tw (multiboot), i have no idea what you're talking about

Explain this then. This isn't even taking into account the iPhone 7 Plus's dogshit slow charging time and overheating and thermal throttling problems made worse on older iPhones.

Samsung is trash, get a oneplus 5 instead.

It's probably malware and/or exploits in the Google Play store and Google Services. I stopped using a Google Account paired to my phone and it works miles better.

I have a tablet for cummy fun time, user. My thinkpad is for working and shitposting, not for cummy fun time. We're not animals, we're hackers. I'm sorry if others' technical prowess on a technical internet message board triggers you to become so mad. Have you thought about becomeing elite yourself so that you aren't triggered so hard by others' eliteness?

because OnePlus uses F2FS, most other street shitters do not. Also turning off animations is a good placebo

At least you don't have to deal with an iPhone constantly overheating during normal use. My iPhone becomes disabled after playing a few games indoors.

Apple is a fucking joke.

>because OnePlus uses F2FS, most other street shitters do not. Also turning off animations is a good placebo
The animations were not turned off though. If they did that then it would go faster. In fact the old oneplus 3 is faster than the iPhone 7 Plus if you turn off all animations and install an app launcher with animations also turned off.

>not getting the C9 Pro
It's pretty much the same thing with a bigger screen and better camera mega pixels

So we're going to launch more monkeys into space?

USA got the SD Galaxy S7. Inferior performance compared to the exynosis version while also having worse battery life. The icing on the cake is that the SD version all have a locked bootloader no matter the carrier while the exynosis version has the glorious unlocked bootloader.

Also my op3t doesn't have this problem

Can't blame android for shitty apps. The app makers are incompetent, and all social media apps are basically constantly spying on you (what uses even more ram and processing power). For iOS they simply get forced to be a tad less incompetent, as iphones have less ram. But with android they give no fuck, as they know that android phone makers are constantly shoving more ram in the devices to have the highest ram number for bragging rights.

My stock Exynos S7 Edge is not slow at all after nearly one year of heavy use.