>Sign up for “The New Internet” and create an account by using your Drivers License and Social media accounts. Once done, you are ready to surfThe New Internet.
>Everyone is Authenticatedon The New Internet and therefore held accountable for their actions so you are safe once again on the Internet.
>It is easy after you sign up and download the software for your gateway to The New Internet you are free to surf while rating and commenting all webpages on the internet while knowing each and every user is real.
Authenticated Reality introduces the New Internet
Other urls found in this thread:
>real identity
I don't even rate shit with my psuedo-anonymous identity. People get sued for that shit. I don't need that in my life.
>the people behind this are anti-Sup Forums
Sup Forums...
It's time you stopped hating Sup Forums and start supporting them.
three stars. not a meaningful interaction
Typical Sup Forumstard thinking everything is black and white
>implying this isn't related to muh hate speech and muh islamophobia that the "progressive" left is always bitching about
my clueless user-san, who do you think is proposing these initiatives?
>implying one needs to be a mindless Sup Forumstard in order to disagree with leftists.
alt-left and alt-right are exactly the same, fuck right off.
is this just clickbait video or will it really happen?
I won't watch the video either way.
woah, are you one of those badass centrists I hear so much about?
it's a real thing, homeland security is involved.
>hurr centrists just have no opinion durr
centrists have their opinions but aren't extreme about them.
>Chris Ciabarra is the CTO and co-founder of Authenticated Reality and creator of The New Internet
>He has worked with the Evian Group in their efforts to prevent protectionism and collapse of trade.
>The Evian Group undertakes educational programmes at IMD, but also in other educational institutions worldwide, on the key issues emanating from The Evian Group mission and main areas of concern, focusing on the multiple challenges of globalisation and linking trade to inclusive growth, to climate change and to global governance. The Evian Group at IMD has been an active member of the Garnet (Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation: the Role of the EU) Network of excellence, part of the EU Sixth Framework Programme, composed of leading-edge European institutions.
>Jessica Ciabarra – CSO and Co-founder
>Jessica Ciabarra is the Chief Social Officer and co-founder at
Authenticated Reality. While new to the world of entrepreneurship,
she was previously at Revel Systems where she managed social media
efforts and specialized in technical writing. At Authenticated Reality,
she is managing the social components of the product as well as the
company and also assisting overall product direction and development
of The New Internet.
This can only ends well
This can't be real. It can't be.
The big lizzards are forcing us to go underground. Time to go rogue protocol anons.
>can't censor the internet
>lets create our own internet instead!
You mean not a batshit radical in either direction? Absolutely.
>Sup Forums...
fuck off dumb fucking anime poster
>fuck off dumb fucking anime poster
that was really a smart and intellectual, very progressive reply to the objective statements I gave you.
>hating anime on anime site
Dont you see retards? now normalfags will move to their own stupid censored shit leaving us alone
these dumb niggers aren't even leftist you nigger Sup Forumscucks
This will become the standard, the internet as we know it will cease to exist. You'll see it when IANA starts pulling the plugs, screen cap this.
yea, they are centrists. no convictions just whatever advances their agenda
>not leftists
I am sure that china, south korea and other assorted shitholes do this.
Way to go burgers lmao
in this dark future will tor/i2p still function?
It's just going to get worse, and worse. And we'll keep eating shit. Eventually the world will have it's power consolidated and a new global despot will be named from the line of David.
>post yfw the deniers' jew fixation proves that the holocaust happened
You didn't say anything at all, faggot. You were copying and pasting wikipedia articles about the founders of this dumb new social network.
>typical problem glasses
but man, DA JOOS
Who made this?
nice triple doobz
>Everyone is Authenticatedon The New Internet and therefore held accountable for their actions so you are safe once again on the Internet.
meanwhile nobody is authenticated on anonymous imageboards about anime and most people have 0 reason to lie.
Why would anyone do that.
Liar, it was me.
the problem is when i don't lie on the internet. people get upset and want to lynch me. but they cant because its anonymous.
I'll support them the day they get reddit and twitter and facebook to fuck off, which from the looks of things isn't happening anytime soon.
>You were copying and pasting wikipedia articles about the founders of this dumb new social network.
I thought that's what we were talking about? why would I post them otherwise?
>putting word in my mouth
Point me to the reply where I mention da joos.
Globalists are leftists, regardless of their ethnicity, whether they're jews or not, they're globalists and if you support hem, you should pretty much sudoku yourself my dude.
I sincerely hope whoever made that kills themselves.
>copy-pasting wikipedia
does not qualify as
>objective statements
kindly fuck right off, 'my dude'. You're talking in circles. You have so, so much in common with the 'leftists' you hate, and everyone with enough of a brain to resist retard-radicalization in either direction hates you just as much, if not more than 'them'.
>guise! I got an idea! let's force everyone to use real names on the interwebs!!
>yeah cool idea dude!
>I know right? it's not like it will make it a tenfold times easier for the sjws to track people who don't agree with them and fuck their asses with lawswits, yeah...
>totally so true, dude!
I think we should dox her and give her a taste of her own medicine desu
>You're talking in circles.
Whatever you say user-san. Don't cry later when shit hits the fan.
Also I never said I was a radical nor an alt-fag myself, you've been assuming things for quite a bit of replies now, you also assumed that everyone in Sup Forums is radical, which proves you've never really lurked much in the biggest board of this site, which makes me think you aren't from this site at all... so, back to plebbit with you.
But when people at the other side catalog everything at the right of Marx as far-right, then yes, you'll be a radical in someone's eyes as much as you want to identify yourself as centrist.
I'm out of the loop. Is this still the same kek (lol) from World of Warcraft in a different form or not? When did it get mangled like this?
kek refers to praising a god of chaos called kek.
ITT: underageb& who don't remember that it was both common and expected for you to use your real name on the internet in the past
Sup Forums found out there's some Egyptian deity of primordial chaos or something with the name kek and seeing as how kek was already retarded Brazilian meme they took it as a sign of meme magic
Interesting. Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh and Nurgle were probably too hardcare for the little memesters.
>hold everyone accountable
>free speech
Fucking hell this was orwellian as fuck.
No, at one point you were told to never give out real info, not even your email.
yes kek was used like lol then some coincidences with digits and with history, also stuff happened and it took many different forms.
underage b8.
Nice try, NSA
No, that's a relatively recent thing (late-90s/early-2000s)
Not really, when I was 11 and got internet for the first time, everyone was advising to NEVER give your real identity because fraud was very common, even google used to have a sticked note when creating your youtube account that alerted to not give away your identity, unlike now.
You must be the underage one if you don't even know this.
kek to refer to lol and praise kek are two different things
Yes, exactly. A relatively recent thing. You must be seriously underage if you don't remember the days when everyone just used their real name as their screenname, or at least had it in their signature. How do you expect to find users' groups on the internet if you don't share your identity you fuckhead?
>relatively recent thing
>implying one needs to be a mindless Sup Forumstard in order to disagree with leftists.
Literally nobody was on the internet before that time except technicians.
Stop spreading disinformation, idiot.
This is a joke right? where's the part that says this is a joke?
underage confirmed
Sounds like satire honestly
I'm not underage, but keep projecting away.
in the forums I lurked when I was a kid I don't remember ever giving my real name nor being asked to do so and yes it was in the mid 90s which is when internet was actually being used in mass for the first times.
>Literally nobody was on the internet before that time except technicians.
You didn't have to be a "technician" to log onto compuserve faggot
now you're just getting defensive when it was pointed out that you're just wrong.
No, you're just projecting
Seems so. I was only familiar with the kek/bur/lol association before this thread. As well as top kek of course.
I was really annoyed but since I saw pic related I became triggered
I'm colorblind (not joking) and this color scheme make my vision blink like epileptic watching the Pokemon episode that induced seizures
nah, you're just too stupid to know why you're wrong
but by all means, keep on playing the "you're just projecting" defensive card and keep making an ass out of yourself
>users' groups
alright grandpa lol
I'm not even colorblind and even my eyes are hurting from that godawful color scheme
You're the only one getting mad user.
That was before www you geezer. After www it was pushed not to share personal info because it could be used for nefarious purposes. Now it's encouraged to share EVERYTHING for the purposes of datamining profits and good old fashioned gov't despotism.
So? as I said, it took many forms, it was always used as substitute to lol by wow players who lurked here, someone then found the coincidence that Kek was also a brand of turkish cakes, then also a Frog God, the frog (Pepe) has been a famous meme for years, it boomed especially in 2014 when /r9k/ took flight more than ever, people got many IDs on Sup Forums that looked like Kek while at the same time they got repeating digits (one I can remember well is the QuEK get). People started then praising Kek to get digits.
What's your point?
I don't like your face.
you were quick to focus on the insult instead of the reason for that insult
the only mad one here is you, probably because it hit a nerve
>enter thread
>these posts
>exit thread
>stick around for the yous on this post
The image on the right is made by a dumbass who is taking all the people who spew edgy hitler jokes seriously and conflating them with the actual fascists who even despise the entire kekistan concept. The left image, on the other hand, is the unfortunate reality.
Both are wholly accurate. It's an apt reply to
>wholly accurate
To a simple mind that doesn't understand the concept of jokes, sarcasm and irony.
Spotted the alt-whatever cuck
Jesus christ.
You mean back when most of the people using the internet were using it for professional and academic purposes, where using your real name would be appropriate and never stopped being common? Most people don't spend most of their time using the internet for that purpose, so that is irrelevant as opposed to the thought process of not giving out your personal information that came about after the internet started being widely used for non professional/academic purposes.
>alt-whatever cuck
Of course, my defense of dumb edgy hitler jokes would lead you to automatically assume that I support hitler. That's some really water tight leap of logic right there.
That is bad design, it's not your colourblindness. That colour selection is unreadable for normal people too.
>Where everyone is real
What do they mean by this? I know that no AI has arrived to the human level of retardation or intelligence
>le fedora meme
1/5 stars thread doesn't live up to promise of OP
(Probably, ain't no one got time for dat shit)
This is some Black Mirror level of bullshit
You're pathetic, you know that right
free software cannot coexist with fascism
>Our mission is to make the internet safe again.
>Safe again
What did he meant by this?
feels like a viral ad stunt
What is this and how is it meant to work?
I was fairly certain this would be a satire of sorts, but the website gives no fucking indication as to what it actually is.
This could easily fall on either side of the political spectrum.
>held accountable
>freedom of speech
How can you use both of those statements in the same paragraph?