So Sup Forums, why did you allow the feminists to ultimately have their way?

So Sup Forums, why did you allow the feminists to ultimately have their way?

I wantbto end it all. Im sick and tired of all this leftist this and rightist this. I just want people to stay where they belong, and the internet to go bsck to pre 2007. Women's rights ruined the minimum wage. Now 80% of people cant raise a family without both adults in the family working. Thanks feminism

This is what happens when you give idiots a platform to spread their retardation in a fast and easy way.

Sup Forums was a mistake

How the fuck is it Sup Forums - Technology material?
Get teh fuck out back to /r/drumpf and go cry there.
Fucking manchildren.

Dr Who is a dumb show for middle-aged cat woman pretending to be smart. A british version of Bazinga.

Sup Forums is a truth. Fuck off SJW cunt faggot.

I work for a military gov' contractor and they require a background check. You can't be affiliated with hostile or suspecious groups or countries. Your financial situation must be ok so can't be blackmailed. Your mental health is also assessed every half year.
There aren't many women, and no feminists at all, wonder why

>woman who lied about E3 badges
>woman who manufactured falsified, copy pasted, and worthless documents to a UN summit on cyber-bullying
>woman who criticizes games she doesn't play, lies about game content, and provides fallacious information, like for instance the Dying Light shit
>woman who isn't trustworthy or dependable enough to be true to a kickstarter promise
>woman who supported a Verge article calling for bullying of "nerd losers" despite allegedly being against bullying
>woman who joined the bullying and public shaming of the Rosetta scientist over a t-shirt, despite being against bullying
>listening to anything such a garbage person says

>l...literally who?

>t. butthurt Redditpilller
Go back to your containmet board

I'm fine with a female doctor, I don't see the big deal.

What I don't like is, wanting to cast certain people not because of their talent, but instead of some other trendy issue at the moment (transgender, homo or whatever) that is bullshit.

Most normal people are tired of shit like this and roll their eyes every time one of these loonies speaks

The "problem" with minority "problems" is that minorities are minorities, sometimes tiny minorities. If we spend more than a few minutes in a year worrying about "trans" people, that's too much time spent on a fraction of a percent of of the population. If every time you see a group of people on TV, or in advertising, and more than 1 in 6 of those people is black, then blacks are being OVER-represented. It is entirely rational and fair for minorities to get a minority's share of the pie. As it is now, they're getting a disproportionate share, and that's wrong. Also, women aren't minorities. And society has been structured historically to the benefit of women, and more often than not, the disproportionate benefit.

As long as she's hot it's fine with me. But the problem is giving these parasites ground, because when they get an inch they claim a mile

Because trans people are a minority within a minority and nobody should care about them.
They should be left alone, just as they always ask to be.
Leave them alone, not that you will ever meet one in your life considering how irrelevant and rare they are.


Sources on any of these? I never kept up with The Adventures of Anita Sarkeesian.

both of you faggots are jews

Google each one with her surname attached.
They are all well documented and known things.
God damn woman is a scammer and liar of the highest degree.

So basically every show has to contain all forms of diversity at once.

Who cares? Just put people in if they act good and are right for the role. Race or gender shouldn't even be on your mind when casting people.

I wasn't talking about Sup Forums but rather the Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr cancer.

>le nerdy program shit
>le gaymur shit

I don't fucking care about Doctor literally Who. Stop talking vagina politics horseshit on Sup Forums.

>woman who isn't trustworthy or dependable
Who would have thought

Get the FUCK off this board. FUCK OFF.
Stop spewing this BULLSHIT here. Go back to your board.