Who else /CS student who lost all passion for programming and hates themselves and their life / ?

Who else /CS student who lost all passion for programming and hates themselves and their life / ?

Just become a pm you if you can't hang bruh.

>a pm

but i have no people skills

You can learn people skills you neet

Not OP, but I wanted to do this, but the more I look at the PM role it looks pretty shit, not sure I want to spend substantial amounts of my time buried in admin work and excel spreadsheets.

Think I'd rather just move further into infrastructure related work, considering moving towards a network architect role and get some AWS certifications so I can call myself a cloud architect and make loads of money.

You do you bruh

I'm a last year CS student and still passionate.

Sounds like you're just depressed OP.

>Hardware has no jobs but I dont want to be a codemonkey

Maybe I should go into RF

Nobody wants to be a codemonkey, you just do it for a few years until you move into something better.

Started lifting, situation got worse, I somehow became dumber.

See all the retards at my school chose CS all the big brains chose Computer Engineering. We've done a ton of stuff with MIPS, circuits, C/C++, robotics, and I'm working with a professor on GPU caching performance. I have great knowledge of hardware and software now. Not only is it fun and interesting, but makes me valuable as fuck.

Nice blog.

Hey man just sayin. Go with the specialized shit if you want to have fun.

Id rather not do it at all if I have masters in engineering. Do embedded engineers become monkeys?

what the fuck can you do?

work in the industry for a while and then do an mba, move up in the chain where you don't have to code or something

user, she doesnt want to work

brb Gensokyo this month!

good thing about CS is that you don't necessarily need to go into programming
I thought I was interesting in being a software dev but now I'm thinking I'd rather go into data science instead. Interests me more and seems to pay pretty well

Every CS student I know is worthless at programming because the school taught them piles upon piles of terrible, awful behavior.

>crippled when trying to use a new library
>instead of just fucking trying shit out, they sit there and agonize over the docs and write notes about how they think things will run
>something as simple as dropping down some print or log statements and running to code to see what's going on doesn't even occur to them
>when they DO drop logs, they spend 45 seconds writing overly verbose shit that they'll just delete later
>the very idea of getting a compile warning or error terrifies them to the point of such distress that they won't even fucking just god damn TRY to compile it and fix the errors when they pop up

Just fuckin' get in there and run the code already god damn it's so simple.


at least they can find numbers of characters in strings, sort stuff, and do fizzbuzz

>enjoy programming
>do it as a hobby for a few years
>get good at it
>apply for a programming job because why not
>get it; work in a small shop making web applications for the government
>none of my coworkers have any experience with web technologies outside of basic HTML and CSS
>giant 1-file web applications written in COBOL that contain COBOL, HTML, CSS and JavaScript

After about a year of this, I have completely lost my interest in programming.

I feel you bro, doing ACTUAL WORK is not fun, at all, I just want to program what's in my text files (some ideas for programs that would be useful for me like a DPS calculator for LoL that also does some extra stuff and has a dark mode interface) most of the stuff that I do is basic shit that won't get me anywhere and honestly I HATE programming when I don't feel like it, it fucking sucks, whoever says programming is "FUN" can suck my dick.

CS degrees are so devalued now. I don't how anyone can be passionate about doing dev work for less than what some assistant manger in retail makes.

reporting in
switching to EE this year

I started my first internship this summer and it was terrifying working on such a huge codebase. Seeing a segmentation fault makes me want to close everything and come back later

That was me while in school. You're depressed, take a break if you can. It gets easier after you get a job. Hang in there user, there's a light at the end of the tunnel.