Let's create the kinkiest way to explain a person programming:

Let's create the kinkiest way to explain a person programming:

I wanted to explain to a girl the meaning of "_" in a return variable
you can define a function

def get_cock():
balls, cock = "8", "==D"
return (balls, cock)

now you can write

balls, cock = get_cock()

but lets imagine you want to massage the balls

def touch_balls():
balls, _ = get_cock()
return "Touching: " + balls

I wanted to explain lambda functions

def porn( myobject ):
print("Boob" + myobject + "Boob")

do_porn_with = lambda x : porn(x)

do_porn_with(" penis ")
output: "Boob penis Boob"
do_porn_with(" dildo ")
output: "Boob dildo Boob"

Sex is gross, kys

I call this hard coding.

Why is this board so fucking underage?

I'm 30... and I think lewd humor is hilarous.

but seriously can we make a tutorial like this? I think it might work...

you gotta learn how to be funny man

that's what I'm asking...

I dont want to be funny for a programmer, I want to give an explicit concept to a beginner.

Where's a tutorial on that, I want to put in on my CV.

kill yourself you unfunny vulgar cuck

No tutorials... just find people that laugh at your jokes.

That is the point, making programming vulgar.

I always see:

class Client:
def __init__(name, amount):
self.name = name
self.amount = amount

cool shit, but if we make a lewd tutorial? anyway programming is about concepts.

What does it matter if is a bank or sex?

>I wanted to explain to a girl

Women will never be anything but "koders". Stop trying to educate them. They are not compatible with logical thinking, not even if you frame it as sex, which they are undoubtebly well-versed in.

think spermbank

I think that here you're wrong we always tried to explain women how to program in the wrong way.

Exercise: define deposit and withdrawal

They understand sex because it's in their nature. They do not understand programming because it is not in their nature. They will not be able to make the connection between sex and programming, because making connections is not in their nature. They do not think. They do not reason. They


they just have a different way of thinking, but they can be pretty logical when it comes to sales and prices or child care...

But this is an other thing... why dont we put feels in programming?

The underscore thing is a Python-specific idiom; it's not exactly a core concept useful in learning to program. And once they've already learned to program in a sane way, it only takes a one word explanation, instead of a cringy pseudo-joke.

And your lambda function is a terrible example. There's no reason for it to be implemented as a lambda, and also it doesn't add anything.

Lewd humor can be funny, but this isn't. It's spouting random sexual-related words. It's equivalent to lolsorandumb humor.

>they can be pretty logical

No, they can't. You're either too beta or too pussywhipped to see this. I'm guessing the former seeing as you're trying to explain programming to a female friend, and making sexual innuendos while doing so. Friendzoned faggots like you are the reason the rest of us have to put up with this whole slut culture thing. Kill yourself.

>And once they've already learned to program in a sane way, it only takes a one word explanation, instead of a cringy pseudo-joke.

true, I agree, I told her like you said
is just a variable name, is a convention in python that you dont need the return argument.
guess what? she didnt get it

penis joke et voila

> And your lambda function is a terrible example. There's no reason for it to be implemented as a lambda, and also it doesn't add anything.

true... I pulled it off my ass and I couldnt think anything useful to write in 3 lines.

> Lewd humor can be funny, but this isn't. It's spouting random sexual-related words. It's equivalent to lolsorandumb humor.

It's not about funny. Is about being explicit, is about teaching with body parts programming.

>Friendzoned faggots like you are the reason the rest of us have to put up with this whole slut culture thing. Kill yourself.

Shes coming over.

desu I'm really surprised it works, but strangely I learned that is more sexist to think they cant be logical than telling them that you would like to put your penis between them boobs.

>Bad idea
>Poor execution
>Friendzoned beta
>Bad grammar
>Twelve year old humor

> Bad Idea

> Poor execution
I'm asking a better one

> Friendzoned
actually not, surprisingly it worked

> 12 year old humor
yes, but aint intended to be funny

> Python
30% of the world projects are written in python.
easiness and readability >> performance
in many cases

Liars are losers.

Ratings =/= quantity

>guess what? she didnt get it
Just say it's a throwaway variable, and it can be ignored.

>I couldnt think anything useful to write in 3 lines
The best example of lambda functions is generally in the context of high order functions like map or filter or something.

>It's not about funny. Is about being explicit
What exactly do you mean by explicit? Do you mean like lewd? What's the purpose of that if not humor? Or do you mean explicit like specific? What does that mean in the context of programming?

>body parts programming
What does that even mean?

>Just say it's a throwaway variable, and it can be ignored.
did that

>The best example of lambda functions is generally in the context of high order functions like map or filter or something.

That was the subsequent explanation, I just wanted her to get the problem of assigning a callable function to a variable.

> Or do you mean explicit like specific? What does that mean in the context of programming?

I thought we could construct a lewd tutorial, with body parts and sex and apply it to programming rather than using the typical car and wheel example.

>rather than using the typical car and wheel example.
why is body parts better than the 'car and wheel' example?

Cause is sex, people tend to react to sex.

>people tend to react to sex
well my reaction is cringe, so good luck with that

yeh I thought would work... I'll think about something more deep than just lambda functions and _

I have no idea if it be useful or not, just that would be funny making it and see how people take it