IPFS is a decentralized P2P replacement for HTTP and various other protocols

IPFS is a decentralized P2P replacement for HTTP and various other protocols.

Quick summary:
>files are addressed by hash, not by location
>like torrents, but you can build websites on it
>files and metadata are separate, so renaming or moving a file won't change its hash
>can add files with drag and drop like pomf
>can access network via HTTP gateways
>can stream video via mpv or VLC

How it works:
When you add a file, the files are split up individually into pieces and hashed. Any user can request one of these hashes and the nodes find seeds automatically.

>Is it anonymous?
As anonymous as BitTorrent: others can see your IP unless you use a VPN. You can build anonymity below (i.e. Tor/I2P/VPN) or above (i.e. GNUnet "fs" module) like the OSI model.

>Is it fast?
As fast as your network can offer, finding peers takes a few minutes for less popular files.

>How is it different from BitTorrent?
You can build websites on top of it. Rearranging or renaming files won't change their hash, so torrents where only a small text file is different won't steal seeders from the other ones.

>How is it different from ZeroNet?
IPFS is a file sharing network which you can build websites on, ZeroNet is made for websites, and isn't as stable or mature. IPFS layers with already existing infrastructure.

Websites of interest:
gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/ - official IPFS gateway, slap this in front of a hash and it will download it from the network. This is slower than using the client and accepts DMCAs.

glop.me/ - IPFS pomf clone. 10MB limit.

Planned features for next version (0.4.10):

pastebin.com/Xxz9qMkv - list of IPFS hashes

ipfs.io/ipfs/QmU5XsVwvJfTcCwqkK1SmTqDmXWSQW aTa7ZcVLY2PDxNxG/ipfs_links.html - more IPFS hashes
(remove the space, spam filter)

Other urls found in this thread:



It's shit


>I'd it more anonymous than torrents
Well then what's the point?

I'm not a pedo so I'm not interested

The idea is shit.
It's shit on FUSE

You can build websites on it, and various other applications are in progress. Look at Totoro: Anime Tracker in the list of IPFS hashes pastebin for an example. You can use a VPN to hide your IP. Including anonymity in a file sharing protocol is a bad idea since not everyone needs it and it decreases speed or throughput. Furthermore it attracts unwanted attention at an early stage of development. It's better to build it on top as a plugin (like gnunet, ask your neighbors for a file, if they don't have it they ask someone else) or below like I2P+BitTorrent.
IPFS doesn't even have any problems with CP.
How is the idea shit? The main interfaces are CLI and HTTP.

This. It's only slightly better than it so it won't succeed. Just like plan9.

>The main interfaces are CLI and HTTP
Then it's shit on FUSE with CLI and HTTP interfaces
It's still shit

It's no significant technological improvement, but there are some things you simply can't do with torrents. For example, torrents still need index websites. With IPFS, you can build the index websites themselves decentralized.


IPFS isn't about sharing illegal or copyrighted content.
IPFS is about creating a protocol for decentralized filehosting. This is great for the (stated purpose of) interplanetary CDN, or the more down-to-earth idea of running a bandwidth or storage heavy website like Sup Forums on a budget held up by hundreds of shoestrings.

But you can use it for regular piracy, as long as it's not CP first world countries won't care.

still don't understand the differences between this and zeronet lel
in what scenario would you use one over the other?

Even if you did, it wouldn't be worth the effort.
IPFS is clearly designed and geared for a greater purpose. It's for cloning and opening nodes of existing whole servers.
Torrents are for select files. Setting up IPFS just to pirate is a waste of everyone's time.

IPFS is more mature and has more future plans. Everything ZeroNet can do, IPFS can do better.
But it would increase adoption. Setting up IPFS isn't harder than installing a torrent client.

>IPFS is more mature and has more future plans
why and what are the plans

IPFS is older. Work is progressing on decentralized databases (orbit-db), integrating other protocols (libp2p, git), and many other things. ZeroNet is essentially only capable of distributing a static but updateable site.

Zeronet is built on top of Bittorrent. IPFS is a p2p network built from scratch, and at the design level is independent of network protocols like IP.
IPFS really is more of a general purpose file system. It supports object cryptography and deduplication.

Zeronet is 100% for running websites. Problem is that it can run on the TOR network, expect it to be slow as balls.
I would use Zeronet to run a website that must never go down, like WikiLeaks. By design, Zeronet is also easier to set up to make a website for.

I would use IPFS for literally anything else. IPFS does have some benefits though. Content on Zeronet is locked to a website, and inherits flaws from Bittorrent. With IPFS you are much more likely to find a seeder for "123.jpg" because it retrieves it from literally anyone that might have it, as opposed to bit torrent which relies on trackers and such.

Still holding out for Urbit tbqh

Years since I read this mad blog post and I still haven't understood what the fuck Urbit is. Mind explaining it in plain terms?

No one can. It's a meme.

I can't figure it out either. I'm getting the vibe that it's severe autism or schizophrenia. Guy seems to want decentralized cloud applications with personal control over private information (literally impossible)--read, digital communism.

He seems to have laid out all of his ideas and what he wants, but otherwise has no idea how to connect them into a tangible product.

Basically, he's a retarded web developer idea guy.

I tried it, it works.
No one cares though.

IPFS is the shitty version of the SAFE network.

explain me, how is it different than some fancy iSCSI ?
PROTIP:you can't

>have to pay to share files
Great network you have there pal
Not decentralized.

Wrong. Zeronet can do dynamic sites too

Give me a hash

Yes, but it still inherits the flaws BitTorrent has. For file sharing it's rubbish.
ipfs.io/ipfs/QmU5XsVwvJfTcCwqkK1SmTqDmXWSQ WaTa7ZcVLY2PDxNxG/ipfs_links.html (remove the space)

this shit is written in fucking go; I am never touching this shit