Why is Sup Forums obsessed with Karlie Kloss when there are actually talented coders out there?

Why is Sup Forums obsessed with Karlie Kloss when there are actually talented coders out there?

Kloss is a model

Cause Sup Forums would still give her a good dicking even though she is 202 cm.

We like to pretend women can't be good at programming even though programming in reality is a woman's job.

Karlie Kloss is a meme, thats why Sup Forums mentions her so much, is a walking stacy joke

That dress is pretty cool.

that's why
>she should join our startup

this is now a kloss meme thread



Good grief, those videos are pure cringe. They really nailed the I'm-13-years-old-and-only-watch-Wachowski-siblings-movies aesthetic.



like minds attract

who the fuck cares about these meme companies, diversity quotas, and women

i'll have you know i spend my days programming bluetooth enabled pacemakers from a basement, and my only debug tool is an oscillator. the only person who works with me is a man on his forties that has completely lost his hope of losing his virginity and the last time he talked to a woman was 15 years ago. i can only fall asleep watching season 4 of friends, and my diet consists of subway and diet coke. we don't have to fill any quotas because literally nobody else wants to do this job

thanks to people like me, a bunch of people with heart disease will live another day on this shit world. people who work in places like github will die with the sure knowledge that the only thing that they have achieved is the implementation of a couple of endpoints and a bad case of kidney stones

>cd code
>cd code
>cd: no such file or directory: code
My fucking sides, she is being sarcastic as fuck or she is plain dumb.
>coding on a macbook

she's a model, of course she is dumb as fuck.

You mean the Wachowski brothers?

this things happen to me all the time do

>she is 202 cm

Not even close. She's 185cm at most.

>she needs to join our start up
>let's invite her
By far the worst thing about this picture.

and you screenshot that and brag about your """skills""" too?

When you post your screenfetch on that shitty OS? You call that a programmer?

i have more cringe stuff laying around, both female and male. Might start a thread.

Please do

her it is, user

This must be fake... Look at the (aa)

that's why she is a meme, user.
>we need moar womenz in IT

200 cm at least

Fixed it

