Sup Forums should start being nice to Indians
Sup Forums should start being nice to Indians
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Let's poo boys
poo in the loo first sagar
Only if you poo in the loo and install Gentoo.
and finish last?
all beta cucks should be beheaded
UNICEF made that video? I can't believe it. Is that official UNICEF channel?
Hello sir, care to repeat what you just said sir ?
Oh my God. They can surely beat the shit out of neckbeards
i like indians
had a few in my high school they were really nice
They only pretend man. Don't fall into their trap. They pretend to be nice to get what they want. They are snakes. They are just street shitters. Sub-humans, yeah, that's what they are.
They are not even sub-humans.
lmao, that roid gut on the middle guy
Pajeets are cucking Sup Forums both onshore and offshore.
Sup Forums hates indians because Sup Forums wants to think it is better than someone or something in a world where Sup Forums is just a desktop ricer.
Why would anyone marry a Indian girl? All Indian girls clean sewers and toilets. Their hands always have literal shit. Don't marry them
what an accomplishment
do you think they can learn how to poo in the streets too?
That's where the meme originated.
I'm taking about IT jobs fag. Go to any any tech company these days, the tech teams are the most """diverse""".
Even nigger girls are better than poo in loos. What's wrong with you?
Idk desu. I feel North Indian grills are kinda hot.
She has European genes. Her ancestors were British and they fucked with poo in loos.
Thank you Sup Forums. Most north Indians are indeed Aryan race. It's the southern Indians who are a meme here.
All Indians shit on streets fg. It is their culture.
I don't know how it helped to actually eliminate the problem but it gave us nice meme to make fun of Indians. kek
I dunno user
Looks like she hasn't shitted in months. Send her to designated shitting street immediately. DESIGNATED. kek
This is new to me. Indian even eat their own poo. Shitting on streets is one thing but eating shit is on whole another level.
All you NEETs are basically jealous while we cuck you out of IT industry. We dominate talent acquisition in Microsoft, Google, Apple and Facebook. Face it white Bois. We are the future of tech. We are the new Sup Forums. Go install Gentoo now
>can't tell the difference between thai and hindi
if you're going to be a racist cocksleeve at least make fun of the right culture.
also Poo is that woman's nickname, the book is not literally about cooking shit
Pic is definitely not related
what an idiot. People like these are who troll in Sup Forums saying poo in loo and pajeet. They are cancer.
I am usually polite to the ones around me, but when I see the shit they produce, I just lose it.
They can't even figure out the difference bash has, between quotation mark and apostrophe.
And they write smart SQL queries / front end code that generate reports/ build apps that drive business decisions. You maintain the server, they use it. Why should everyone be an expert in bash. Typical Sup Forums poster.
>Implying all 1.2 fucking billion people 25% of Earth's population can't figure out the difference. Very nice user. kys
It was in their job description to maintain servers. And to make things even worse, we were forced to accept it. So yeah, it was necessary to know bash.
And the quotation mark thing was explained to them several times. I still see scripts, where it's fucked up.
Pajeet should learn being nice first.
>We are the future of tech.
I am criticising the attitude. The ones I work with tend to lie about their skills, just to get the "easy" tasks.
Suprise-suprise, they are unable to do it.
Ruby was a error
>being this illiterate
>euroz da supererer raze
Let me surprise you by telling you that the likelihood of Europeans descending from Indians is much much higher than the other way around.
Plenty of researches exist that prove that Indians are in fact the "father" race in the Eurasian region.
Now guess why you didn't read any of this your textbooks or the popsci websites you visit?
But they're professional boot lickers and ready to work for 1/5 or market wage, that makes them super-competitive
Likewise, I was handed several thousand lines of plsql codebase developed by a yeehaw without a single design document and shitty unhelpful comments.
There are incompetent people everywhere. Leave the race behind.
Yeah, now now we have half a year delay, because our management thought they can cut corners.
Look at their faces. OMG I can't stop laughing. My stomach is gonna explode. XD
I, for one, welcome our new street-shitting overlords
Supahpawer 2020 kek
There definitely are. I am crossed, because Indian consultant companies are forced into projects, where they have no competence.
When I join a company, I am under heavy inspection if I can work in the field.
I have no problem with the ones who actually know something. They went trough the same interview.
Hmm yesss
Desi girl very horni for me
Indeed. They work for cheap. They don't have to pay alimonies for failed marriages or fight for child custody and pay exorbitant lawyer fees.
Stop spewing bullshit user. Arayans were not Europeans. They came from middle East. South Indians came before Aryan Indians. Later after Aryans settled in North India, they established kingdoms and religion. They also mated with non-aryans. Today, there is a lot of race-mixture.
If love for people to serve this video to people in my office [email protected]
It's full of curry shitters that need to be taken down a peg.
Not your personal army. Go somewhere else
Thank you Femanon, you are always so enlightening
You cucks have to fear the far more intellectual south Indians. Some of them have made it to top positions. (Pichai and Nadella) Your typical Rakesh from Windows support are all North Indian illiterates.
>top positions
Where they run companies created and built by white men straight into the ground.
*Native Americans, c'mon bro it's 2017
>"Please sir where do I get off the train to get to X?"
>"Yeah, just get off at Y mate. "
>Make small talk for a while
>"The people here are very friendly sir. May I ask what is your profession?"
>"IT mate. "
>"Oh I thought that you would be in finance sir, I'm surprised you helped me even when you are in IT. "
What did he mean by this?
Yes. South Indian states are more educated. North India is after cows and lynching Muslims for eating beef. North Indian Hindu nationalists are fucking dragging India behind with their barbaric mindsets.
>Aryans settled in North India
Then what happened to their culture?
Why is that the Indian culture and religion is vastly different from any population in any part of the world?
How come ancient Indian texts don't talk of a "homeland", like every other culture that migrated at some point did?
And, why are there no archaeological evidences to prove your imaginary hypothesis?
Should we bring our Facebook and Twitter warriors to Sup Forums, fellow Indians? I think our warriors will fuck Sup Forums right in the ass
as an indian, no. dont be nice to retards. it gives them more power.
Get out dirty indian
Kek I see hot vegana pic warriors incoming. Welcome pajeets.
Unironically kys. Not contributing to anything and spewing hate speech
What are u ugly curry fags gonna do, poo all over the streets?
I dont have to contribute indians are disgusting smelling individuals who should go back to india. Its a fact theres literally nothing to discuss u ugly cirry cow fucker
>Satya Nadella finally embraces Linux which Steve Ballmer once called Literal Cancer.
Do your research kid.
>Imaginary hypothesis
why are you so ignorant?
Yd u delete ur reply u ugly pajeet poo eating curry fag
>Europeans descending from Indians
BWA hahahaha
So you're countering my argument by posting a link to the Aryan migration theory? Really? Are you that fucking retarded?
Yeah I wonder why Indians are so backward, cheap, and can't build big companies.
I mean, it's not like they were suppressed economically for 400 years by some European country and deprived of capital, resources and opportunity, right?
Wait 20 years.
Everytime I played plagueInc I would start with india because I hate fucking call centers.
I don't mind Indians as long as they live in their own countries and stop leeching of white man's inventions and civilisation
You're a confused hypocrite to talk of "own country" if you're an American.
And in case you're from Europe, people didn't mind when British were leeching the wealth of India (which later funded many of those inventions that you're so proud of).
I could link figures and studies to back my arguments but I have better things to do than changing world history viewpoints of geektards.
Just know this: had the late medieval Indian rulers been more united, and not fallen prey to the cowardly deceitful methods of Europeans, you albino cucks would be licking the feet of your Pajeet lords.
>Pajeets trying to rewrite history again
Learn where you're meant to shit and then we'll talk about who should be running the world, my man.
what the hell. UNICEF has too much funding
Ahh did a rajeesh poo in your crush. It's ok user. Don't be so bitter
Why do drumpftards like to leech off the success of other people? Just because you share the same skin color of an inventor doesn't mean you are as smart or capable as them.
No, Pajeeta WAS my crush
Aren't north Indians Caucasian?
what the fuck?
P-p-p-p-poo in the lu-lu-lu-loo
I found the Bangladeshi
t. Tyrone Pajeet