/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux

CloverOS GNU/Linux

Official homepage: cloveros.ga
Current LiveCD: github.com/chiru-no/cloveros/releases/download/20170718/CloverOS-x86_64-20170718.iso
Github: github.com/chiru-no/cloveros
Package count: 2551 cloveros.ga/s/packages.html
Official IRC channel: #cloveros on Rizon
GPG: 78F5 AC55 A120 07F2 2DF9 A28A 78B9 3F76 B8E4 2805
License: WTFPL
Mirrors: useast.cloveros.ga uswest.cloveros.ga fr.cloveros.ga uk.cloveros.ga
Current CFLAGS: CFLAGS="-Ofast -pipe -flto=8 -funroll-loops -floop-block -floop-interchange -floop-strip-mine -ftree-loop-distribution"

Previous threads: warosu.org/g/?task=search2&search_subject=cloveros
Video: a.doko.moe/cngnzh.mp4
CloverOS memes: cloveros.booru.org
Validate ISO:

gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-key "78F5 AC55 A120 07F2 2DF9 A28A 78B9 3F76 B8E4 2805"
wget github.com/chiru-no/cloveros/releases/download/20170718/CloverOS-x86_64-20170718.iso.asc
gpg --verify CloverOS-x86_64-20170718.iso.asc CloverOS-x86_64-20170718.iso

CloverOS GNU/Linux is scripts that creates a Gentoo image and a packages repo (Binhost) that contains unique USE flags and CFLAGS. It aims to be a fast, poetterfrei, lightweight out of the box desktop.
Github readme might have the solution to your problem

Updates: top bar system stats, waifu2x in repo, vapoursynth in repo

Other urls found in this thread:


Which version of KDE you guys at? Looking for a new distro for all my machines (Neon atm).


I read someone managed to compile the OS in last thread. Can you update the guide?
CloverOS can have my full support, for what it's worth it.

I just run bash

You need xorriso and squashfs-tools

i3blocks-gaps is in (compliments i3-gaps)

Had a power failure in the middle of a kernel upgrade, now I have to reinstall due to kernel panic. Is there any chance of updating the kernel upgrade process so it won't destroy a system upon failure?

I'll work on that next.

You could fix it by chrooting and updating that way.

How much of a meme your distro is? Might try it out on my second PC

>gentoo automaticly set up

I like you, but I must admit this is close to redditfaggotry

I'm gunna throw this onto an old laptop I have laying around.
I've never installed or configured anything other than Debian and Slackware.

What am I in for?

Sup Forums has been trying to put together their own linux distro for almost a decade.
I think everybody got old enough to actually know what they fuck they're doing and actually managed to do it this time.

>Sup Forums is working on cloverOS

saving this thread

Is there an update to that zip with 100 CloverOS papers? It'd be a pain to have to go through the booru and download every single one

not sure, I did not make the first one.

good taste


What's the point of an automated Gentoo if the install script doesn't even work on modern machines with pure UEFI? It's broken the same way as the official Gentoo live dvd image that hasn't been updated in a year.



It's a pretty big meme.

>not using something with that color like gardevoir

fucken kys

How can I learn to use Clover or Gentoo?
I don't know how to start and maintain gentoo. I come from ubuntu, then debian, fedora.
I really want to learn something deeply like gentoo.
My problem is that after installation I don't know how to continue: for example I don't know how to correctly install a software, sometimes I don't completely understand the output in the terminal. Can someone give me a good tutorial or book to use as reference in learning gentoo/clover? Something to follow to reach a good level of knowledge.
I have read gentoo handbook but some parts are a little difficult to understand.

Which sound server does it use? OSS or ALSA? I'd really like to use distro with OSS and JACK.


sudo emerge program

>a little difficult
Which parts, user?
>installing software
emerge firefox

My question was a little "deeper" : )
I can use emerge program but I also need to configure USE Flag for example..
Is there a good book or course to follow?

What's your advice: continue whit gentoo or try something similar but a little easy like sabayon?


i think it's intentional at this point

You girls need a logo or am I too late?

Copy over github.com/chiru-no/cloveros/blob/master/etc/portage/package.use

Put that in /etc/portage/package.use to start out with


Recolored? Might keep doing these

Thank you Anons!!


fuckin sick

Alsa, kernel has oss though.
emerge oss alsa-oss

how to install open-vm-tools?

T60 Edition when

>still can't get this to work from livecd

It's not the boot order, could be UEFI, although I'm dualbooting and my Kali USB works fine

Does it work with Steam?

why wouldn't it?

No, only a .deb is available. But you could get steam running on Wine.

If you download from the website.. who even does that?

Thanks m8, its piss easy to do as well. Just prop up PS and go to Image>Image Adjustments>Color Replace.
There's only like 3 colors in the entire image.

I have to work with what I have. I wish other people made some alternate clover backgrounds, so I can go back and add them to the current anime wallpapers I have.



inb4 you blurt something retarded like "My CPU doesn't support 32-bit instructions"


I can't open these little shits as archives


Just the question about twm. How do I customise the programs I can launch from the launcher?

go into the .twmrc file, find the menu applications list, and modify the entries to your liking.

is this the new aloonix?



emerge steam-launcher

what http servers are available? I have apache2 running on my desktop so I could practice webdev.

emerge open-vm-tools



> those cflags
Okay, are those flags a big fucking meme? Or is that shit stable?

how do I select the uk mirror
how do I get permisison to use porthole and reboot/logout

Update your cloveros_settings.sh or edit /etc/portage/make.conf


Porthole uses sudo to emerge, it's fine. If you can't reboot, then it sounds like you need to edit sudo permissions

echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

still can't reboot in xfce but don't care
just two things: is it possible to have telegram in the repo and how do I change kb layout (I need us international)

logos was a much better name and had a better logo

now in: net-im/telegram-desktop-bin


last resort: wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout_switching

thanks, I'm going to use openbox so don't really care about reboot
also I've noticed that the timezone is not right, I've set Rome and now it's 00:26 while the clock says 02:27

maybe get ntp and do ntpdate pool.ntp.org if you haven't, idk.

maybe I'm too young to use gentoo
worked, thanks

I don't think you pushed that change up, I'm not seeing it

ah I fucked up, it's there now




last one for now

do you have 32bit iso? when I'm trying to boot it gives me
>This kernel requires an x86-64 cpu, but only detected an i686 cpu

does not work

What the fuck is this shit?


>like gardevoir
maybe its because he's not a furry

>tfw installing clover


In repo now

Wanted to try it, but it doesn't boot after install.

boot into the liveCD and reinstall. might be a minor issue with grub

putting the computer into sleep mode works, but waking it up causes the screen to flash red, and I can't exit X.


>not green

type in your password and hit enter bro


Pushed to cloveros_settings.sh

And it just works? slock doesn't display anything?

It's not furfaggotry if they look human

Welcome to true minimalism

should i use BIOS or UEFI? or does both work?

All packages are being built with gcc 7.1, repos should be updated in 12 hours.

BIOS, install script doesn't do UEFI yet.

alright, thanks

Damn, I was just hoping for a shell prompt