/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/hrXxMHs9
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE REFERENCE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites

Other urls found in this thread:


first for OT

>another day
>another day with complex animu to watch

wtf is this shit? never make an OP again


Demonotaku has cucked you all from joining Bib

True Story :D

Any /pure/ way into tehc or jpops?

PLEEEEASE give me lots of attention!!!!!!!!

yes, through my butthole, I cleaned it today

>tfw cabal /pure/

Fuck off pedo

fuck off, you sad, attention-seeking, piece of shit faggot cunt


>tfw bought another 4TB feral box
help my addiction is out of control

Ha! good job, kyle! let's keep these scum out of bib and hdb.


there's no pedo content on AB

whoa now that's an announcement I wasn't expecting

holly shit user was right

>Latest Apollo announcement

MASSIVE announcement due any minute from now from APOLLO. RED BTFO

more like last amirite

So is Apollo dead?

Will REDdit ever recover?


kyle on suicide watch

throw more money at a sinking ship


holy shit, user fucking called it
bye bye pooloo, at least you tried

BakaBT is the new pooloo

Just get a dedi with some 10TB HGSTs and stop being a faggot.

path to * ?

Does Secret Cinema offer anything KG doesn't?


>pls give us 1500 euro
>btw, A ran off with all the previous donation money


They don't even give a breakdown of how the money will be spent. What crazy domain are they going to buy that they can't afford without donations?




>1500 euro
what the FUCK

They need a new IRC server :)

they need to pay the new curry chef's salary

they also don't seem to realise that buttcoin wallets are public.

>P-PLS donate bitcoin and we'll come back, I swear!
Where have I heard this before?




>have no idea what you're talking about
>say something extremely retarded just to fit in

As we have inched nearer to the final stages, staff have recently conferred and all have unanimously come to a sobering but important conclusion: Apollo was, is and shall continue to be a tracker built for the people and with the people's input/ideas shaping it's potentially grand future (hence the initial name change to "Apollo", our long-awaited bonus points system, etc). From staff's perspective, it was initially assumed that we would pay for this migration, which seems fair at face value but is ultimately a death sentence in and of itself. As such, we have decided against this plan. The fact is, if Apollo is to continue, it will be doing so with the support and continuing interest of our users. We believe this to be the only course of action that guarantees a successful reboot and potential re-imagining of the standard to which all music trackers currently adhere to.

>doubting /our/ aka /people's/ tracker for even a split second
shame on you, /ptg/

No more ripping boys.

why would I want to fit in? I'm here to shit up /ptg/. no more, no less

> if we only receieve half the donations and we cant get this up and running, we will be discussing with everyone who can possibly be there what we should do with it
Are they all NEETs?

Where the fuck am I going to download my kpop now?

haha curry filth, drowning in their own vindapoo

not really

fuck donald trump, fuck white people, and fuck redacted

TehC randomly opens signups

Waffles should take the refugees. Otherwise they will stay pretty much dead.

there's a bit of stuff that isn't on both trackers but not so much that you need both unless you want exactly 100% of both their content.

>using old, outdated pastebin FAQ

OP go end yourself you fucking retard

What about JPopsuki?

what kind of fuckin server costs 1500 EUR?

do something about it bitch

That is the entire infrastructure

>Apollo was, is and shall continue to be a tracker built for the people


a decent server (paid for a few months) + proxies with a bit of anonymity isn't cheap

i did you stupid nigger, updated it and put it in previous OP's text. current OP is too nigger retarded to do anything other than copy paste OPs from months ago

So since pooploop is gone for good where will curry go now? Will waffles take them in?


RED here we come!

>implying the ogg2flac elites can pass the interview


Doing pretty well :_)

your curry ways won't get you very far on RED!

>800 torrents
>y-you won't ever enter our secret club
ok I guess

APL is ded boys

uhm.. kyle is handling up

ripping apollo :'(

Rest In Poo


dont thinking on empty stomach everyall

I'm so glad Apollo is dead

t. Zed

>tfw bet on Apollo
>was offered red invite and declined
what doing ptgs

does AB have any exclusive content?

donate so apollo gets back online stronger than ever*

haha, enjoy your curry

interview for red. it's not hard. if you were on wcd you should be golden.


fuck off kyle. I hope you cry yourself to sleep tonight. fuck pooploop. I'm glad it's dead.

> tfw im so fucking based and friendly and fun
> new to any tracker and immediately just make friends with everyone, they all remember me and love me
> go hang out at any tracker community everyone is happy to see me again and offers me invites to all the best places
> (including stuff that isn't on any invites forums)


cool, how do I get in?

enjoy your 10mb ul a month!

It's probably because of your lewd avatar

Suck spaghetti's nipples

Pooploop wasted a lot of time and effort of people that made a bet on it. Well, they only can blame themselves for that, i guess.

i mean to be fair waffles asked for donations and they did in fact come back

I fucking hate it when scene releases of a show stop halfway through

>Jul 18th, 2017

It was updated. Did you just glance at the URL and assume it was from some past copypasta?

Yeah, but waffles had a proven track record and had been around for like 9 years.

Pooploop is the anti-waffles.