Why don't you use KDE?

Why don't you use KDE?

KDE is for bohemianist utopians and autocrats

I do and mine actually looks good.

looks worse than op

try again with 3 monitors

> 3 monitors

I have two but I'm usually using just the one. Thinking about selling the other one desu. Whatever I do, I focus on. One is more than enough.

All I ask of my DE is that it theme windows consistently and that provide common configuration utilities and widgets for things I'm not going to dig around in config files for. LXDE is enough for this.


I'll use KDE when Kwin gets better.

The moment I enable it, any application gets some microstuttering here and there. I have not managed to fix it over the course of a week. I don't want any other DE, but I'm about to give up here.

I actually do!.

But it takes exactly 1 minute to boot with my 2005 Seagate HDD, lel

have you checked your hardware? I'm not having that problem so far

Yeah. I tried so many things. I even tried using a different VBIOS. I would be blaming my hardware more if it weren't because any other DE is fine (specially on Wayland) and I have no problems with Windows or hackintosh either.

But I tried many distros with KDE, I tried many methods. I don't know what to do anymore.

>actually looks good

Do any linux DEs exist that do not suffer from screen tearing and stuttering? Are there any file explorers that work well with thousands of thumbnails (windows explorer works absolutely find; thunar and nautilus all fail miserably).?

That's the thing with Linux, you spend a lot of time you could use otherwise.

I jumped into KDE Mint just to test the waters without spending too much time.
So far I've been lucky and most things work really well but I won't certainly spend days on fixing a problem if it occurs

Hats off to your dedication but I'm getting to old for this shit.

>using X
Top zozzle

>Do any linux DEs exist that do not suffer from screen tearing and stuttering?
my guess is that this is exactly the kind of streamlining and polishing of things that are not of priority for Linux devs.

veiled lady wallpaper please

I've never had any problems with screen tearing. Are you using Debian without the nonfree firmware installed?
May want to check out compton.

I may just give up since Gnome 3 with wayland gives me no graphical issues.

What I don't know is which distro to use. openSUSE was pretty good when I tried it, maybe I'll go with that.

Debian Cinnamon was by far the smoothest experience for me. Everything just worked with zero stuttering. I use KDE now tho and have a little tearing.

Because I use i3.

The issue with screen tearing is that it can be produced by many things.

For instance, maybe you wanted to use chromium and that'll tear it up. You need to set a flag for that because sometimes it doesn't detect your GPU as compatible.

Or maybe your tearing comes from the drivers you're using. Maybe you need to enable that tearfree option.

Or maybe the compositor is being a gigantic fucking dick and you need a better one.

You see, if wayland worked well on KDE it'd be fucking sick. But I can verify it fucking doesn't.

>trusting your stuff to a 12yo HDD

How do you get the KDE Dolphin/Kdialog File picker in Firefox? The default GTK one sucks ass.

Because I'd rather not have a memory-eating bloat stacking DE

>that maymay again


>forced to use shitty GTK file picker
>Cant even fucking drag & drop a picture into firefox

Seriously how the fuck is this shit allowed?

>Debian Cinnamon was by far the smoothest experience for me.
This is where I had most of my issues. It's the DE I like the most in terms of features but performance wise XFCE was far superior.

It's the sauce that makes free software so special.

>Do any linux DEs exist that do not suffer from screen tearing and stuttering?
XFCE has a sync to vblank option in the compositor. I never had any tearing issues on the laptop that had XFCE and Gentoo, but I never watch videos on that laptop.

Use the kde version of ff

I've had 0 tearing issues in Unity.

Automatic tiling WM suits me better.

which would be firefox-kde-opensuse

i tried this a few days ago, and 5 times out of 10 it simply would not select the file i picked.

it randomly just wouldnt 'pick' the file 50% of the time.

VERY annoying.

i do

I prefer MATE, that is why I installed Ubuntu-MATE.

because xfeces is too comfy to give up

Because I don't use Linux because I need industry standard software that isn't available on a server OS

Checked. Also, KDE+Openbox master race here.

big ass installation compared to alternatives, i use okular and gwenview and other kde apps tho.

but user i do use KDE

What decoration is that?