Redpill me on e-ink readers. I want one with f.lux capability, waterproof maybe, good value for the money

Redpill me on e-ink readers. I want one with f.lux capability, waterproof maybe, good value for the money

I'm not above paying for books, I'm not NEET

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Negro just turn off the backlight and get a lamp.

nigga I want to read in the dark

i have an old kobo whatever i got years ago for around 60€
haven't red so many books since before getting into computers, scans look decent on it as well
don't get tricked into buying an expensive one, don't buy an amazon reader because of their retarded format support
bonus points for wifi + embedded browser so you can set a calibre server up and use it as your bookstore
you shouldn't pay for books that are freely available

Get some ebooks online
Use some eBook app on your phone
Plug your phone in
Use f.lux

(You can also replace phone with tablet)


e-ink feels realy comfy + it's nice to have weeks of battery life
getting a cheap reader is worth it

Reading books on my phone looks like shit during the day because its not e-ink and physically the phone isnt large enuff

It is literally impossible to have "f.lux support" on an e ink screen
Anyways I have a kobo h2o, I like it and it reads pretty much everything (epub, mobi, pdf, cbz, etc)
Kinda expensive though because of the waterproofing

>f.lux on a device that doesn't even emit light.

nah just kidding. I have a nook simple touch which other than its small resolution is great. I suggest getting one with high res (which most of them have nowadays). Get e ink, not a friggin tablet. Some have backlights but using a desk lamp is just as convenient honestly

I've owned three ereaders, a 3rd generation Kindle, a Kobo Mini, and a Kobo Glo HD
Very easy on the eyes to read with, takes away the temptation that phone reading has to switch over to another app, and the battery lasts for years.
The Kobos I owned I felt were better than the Kindle for format support (open standard EPUB instead of the proprietary Kindle formats) and because you can pop off the back covers and replace the built in 4GB storage with a 32GB card. However they are out of production, and you probably won't need all that space unless you are reading lots of manga or something.

Amazon readers can read everything a Kobo can read.

I've had a kindle keyboard, and a paperwhite. Love the paperwhite. it's been very comfy. illuminated screen is very easy to read in the dark, they're lightweight, easy to operate, and good battery.

Amazon readers can't read EPUB formats, you have to convert them to Amazon formats like MOBI or AZW first.

Most people use Calibre or Amazon's cloud service to add books, which handles the conversion automatically.

MOBI isn't exactly a locked down, super secret format either.

If you have money to spend, get a Kindle DX. Free 3G wireless for basic web surfing and buying books like a cuck,

The greatest thing about the the 3g is that it works virtually everywhere

>f.lux capability
The e-ink already causes no eye strain, that's the point of the thing. Anyways, most people would recommend an Amazon Kindle (you can hack it to circumvent DRM) or a Kobo. There's also the Obreey Pocketbook, they're rather affordable and support a bunch of formats, might not available outside Europe though.

I have an EPUB reader on my Kindle. works fine.

f.lux is a meme.

There is zero scientific data supporting the claim it keeps you up less than regular non-yellowed out screen.

whatever the new high end kobo is with the color temperature adjustable screen that doesn't burn your eyes out


>Redpill me on e-ink readers.

They're best used with ebook formats that support word wrapping/scalable text. Essentially, any format except PDF, preferably EPUB (or MOBI and AZW3 in the case of Kindles)

With scalable text formats, screen size makes very little difference.

For the price, whether you go with an ad-infested Kindle Paperwhite or a Kobo Aura Edition 2 with its smaller ppi.

Either will do the job better than the old readers in pic. Yes, that's a first gen B&N Nook.

>f.lux capability


>waterproof maybe

Save water and take a fucking shower.

>good value for the money

Probably the Kobo Aura Edition 2.

Amazon wants $20 extra to remove the ads in the Paperwhite.

where is kobo supposed to even be bought from?
i was under the impression rakuten owns them but even rakuten's site only offers fucking kindles

Then you don't want eink.

Any eink reader worth buying today will have a light.

shame there aren't other places to get it, while rakuten accepts bitcoin, kobo's site apparently doesn't

Even Amazon sells Kobos

Where do you live?

Kobo has local partner bookstore chains in most countries that sell them IRL stores.

You can buy with cash there.

No Prime shipping though.

That's where they get you.

Not that user but in the UK I recall them being sold at WHSmith in the past, however that seems to have been scaled back a lot. You can still buy them from John Lewis though.

you can't use f.lux with an e-ink display as f.lux requires a backlit display in the first place with the full colour spectrum in order to be able to change the colour temperature of the pixels of the screen.

e-ink technology is not LCD or any of its variants, it's completely different.

The newest Kobos actually do have yellow backlight capability.

yellow coloured LED =/= f.lux functionality
both achieve the same thing (less blue light emitted) but the former has no way to change the colour temperature.

anyway, what the hell is up with all the kobo shilling here?
there are lots of brands of ereader that are better than either kindle or kobo. kobo has no fucking expansion slot for christ's sake, and it costs out the ass.

It's easier to stare at you dum fuck. I don't care about the sleep thingy. Staring at screens is bad no matter what.

wow, you sound very intelligent.
if this is true, it's quite odd. i've read the studies myself regarding blue light and the effect it has on melatonin. f.lux (and similar) should be preventing pixels from emitting much blue light.

I got a Nook Glowlight I'll put on eBay cheap if you want.
Idk what they go for, but make me an offer.
Its barely been touched because I liked my old nook simple touch better. Kek.

flux is a fucking placebo anyway you fucking idiot

I got that model, it's excellent and the low light f.lux capability is pretty awesome and great for late night reading. Although it makes it so comfortable that I fall asleep reading more often than not.

Literally one of the best ebook readers you can buy today. Considering how they last for years and you can pirate everything you want, you won't regret it.

Where are you looking

>e-ink readers
You're not very smart, user.

>anyway, what the hell is up with all the kobo shilling here?

Reputable brand with EPUB support.

>there are lots of brands of ereader that are better than either kindle or kobo.

Then post them, faggot.


>install gentoo
>if not gentoo, at least something loonix

>e-ink with f.lux
>people shitting on OP

You make fun of OP, but the side-LEDs of ereaders, even on lowest brightness setting, can be annoying if you're using it in bed without an external light.

The Kobo Aura One has an option for low blue light with its LEDs, so you can yellow them as well as dimming them

I think they're relaunching the H2O with this feature as well.

Amazon's Fire tablets have a built-in function for reducing blue light output from the screen.

E-Ink readers don't need a backlight and don't display colour, so they can't use programs like flux.

I had an old Kobo Aura and it lagged like shit, but it could open pdfs so that was the deal breaker for me. I wanna get a new Kobo but the reviews say they're still slow. Any other good e-readers with Canada shipping?

Are Kobo readers upgradeable anymore?

I think the newer ones lag less but they're still slightly slower at page turning than Kindles for some reason. The Aura One is supposed to have more RAM and a faster processor.

PDF fags should check out this e ink tablet and shut up once and for all

it literally is made for pdf fags that is complaining about e ink tablets

inb4 too scared to click link

>Enough money to call us poorfags.
>Not enough money to get eye surgery and just read form his phone without carrying an otherwise useless device.

Assuming you mean storage, the waterproof ones definitely aren't upgradeable since the electronics are covered with a waterproof coating so the storage is soldered directly into the board. Not sure about the Aura Edition 2 though. The last one that I know was definitely upgradeable was the Glo HD.

Put orange plastic over the screen.

just get the old Aura H2O, it has a external micro SD slot and is cheaper now since it's being phased out for the new H2O

Get Paperwhite with ads
Put it in airplane mode when you get it (no ads)
Sideload all of your books (from #bookz, libgen, torrents), convert with Calibre if needed

Wa la

>wa la