Post your retro and generally obsolete devices Sup Forums.
Cleaning up my Heathkit HW101 transceiver, PSU and speaker, came out in 1970, still working great 47 years later.
Post your retro and generally obsolete devices Sup Forums.
Cleaning up my Heathkit HW101 transceiver, PSU and speaker, came out in 1970, still working great 47 years later.
And shitty phone pic
Didnt think to grab the DSLR until I put it back together
check out what i found at the local mom-n-pop for 20 bux! it's basically a NTSC ZX81 with 2kb ram on the board instead of 1. which it really REALLY needed because just having a full page of text up on the screen cost 768 bytes. it uses a mutant version of Basic that replaces common commands like "print", "goto" and "input" with single-byte tokens to cram a whole program into whatever's left of the memory after that.
It also came with a 16kb ram expander pack with a fucked cardedge connector that i'm gonna have to replace, and a couple neat books. I don't know why one of them's a cp/m book. it can't use cp/m.
>tfw the hard drive in my ibook is probably dying
Not too retro, but definitely obsolete. Also takes TWO FUCKING HOURS to do.
Have a shitty photo of my dual 450 and tibook.
Finally found a keyboard for my Osborne 1, damn shipping was 2/3th the price from the US to EU.
Even though I can't use the external case anyways.
Holy shit, that design!
How cool is that!
>answer: very
Man I'd love one of those monitors for my 500. Have you considered snagging one of the black pro keyboards to complete the set? Since you've got everything else already.
I have but every time i remember to look for one i then need to spend money on something else.
I wish it wasnt scratched to hell with some blurry shit on the screen. Its unusual to see them though because they were only made for a year.
I've started to appreciate Shitellites more, now they're taking over my desk.
Forgot image
This one's old enough to drink and still has a working battery for fucks sake
Fellow ham operator here. I like the old school radios
>ham operator
Yeah, I bet the prices for them are gay as fuck online. I was lucky enough to get one with mine when I picked it up, they're pretty nice, but so is the one you have already.
Is there no way to buff out scratches or anything on displays that are damaged like that? I just put a big fucking scratch in a cute little 15'' SuperScan trying to roll it into a low shelf the other week and I want to kill myself.
Ive asked before and looked at forums and it seems that there isnt, you will just make it worse.
Shit, whatever. I'll just be more careful next time.
Sweet! I've always had a soft spot for those machines.
Such a nice setup.
Here are my dual G4 and G5 machines (KVM switch) and iBook.
damn, I had one of those until about '88. Had a 64K expansion for it too.
I used it as a science fair project back in '86. gutted it and installed the board and rem expansion in a radio shack metal case, used a TI 994A keyboard which I mounted into a metal sloped case and wrote an extremely basic, not really functional OS in Z80 ml and had it burned to an EEPROM.
I kinda miss the thing. I spent a lot of time playing shit like Bat Cave and typing in stuff from various magazines and books.
Picked this up for 20 dollars a little while ago.
Monitor does not work but from what I can tell everything else does. Going to see about getting it fixed up soon.
That's a nice terminal!
Monitor doesn't work? Might be something simple as a blown flyback.
I can fucking hear Brian Eno
got a sweet 70's oscilloscope from my university when they replaced the electronics lab equipment with digital stuff
it's got 3 expansion slots for putting in all sorts of stuff but only 2 seem to be working, although I have a couple of the cards to play around with
not sure what to do with it yet, any ideas?
another scope I picked up after the first, seems to be mid-80's vintage
does it have two axis/inputs?
Zenith Stratosphere
What does it measure? Temperature on 5 local planes of existence?
I would not doubt it, but my knowledge in repairing older hardware is lacking.
Don't fry yourself tho
Fellow ham again - holy shit, I have that radio - the FT987D. What a coincidence.
I guess it's a radio and clock.
Very nice one though.
Yeah, swapped a hard drive on those once. It was something like 80 tucking screws.
Just bought a breadbox c64 off a friend.
Turned it on, no blinking cursor and the keyboard doesn't work. Opened it up to find the CIA that controls the keyboard has been replaced with an 8521. Thoughts?
8521 is CIA
Yes, but the newer HMOS version.
I'd assume it's compatible with the old one, but why else would it not be working? Were it and the chip it replaced just fried?
The most common fault with C64's, specially bread boxes is 5V rail has fried something. Most of the time a DRAM chip.
It's literary 90% of the faults.
>left all my old shit at my moms place
>my C64's and all the related gear
>my old PC's
>consoles back to NES
>ancient laptops
One day i come home and hear the following:
>"I sold it, i needed money for FOOD"
>implying implications could have called me etc
Are women hardcoded with evil?
>implying moms know what retro (costs) is
>copying that floppy
>kill Frodo
>implying they don't
She asked me about it before she sold it. She routinely buy and sell old shit off ebay.
Now some fat fuck hipsters are going to put pi's in my old tech to play games they pretend to be nostalgic about ;_;
>Now some fat fuck hipsters are going to put pi's in my old tech to play games they pretend to be nostalgic about ;_;
>mfw i plan on doing this to a mac plus case
Its not like there arent a billion of them and whoever i bought the case from probably sold the guts to people who actually used them.
True, no harm in it
Honestly the plus is in a weird place in the AIO Macintosh family because it isnt the iconic 128k/512k collectors go crazy about and cant be used as a transfer machine like a SE/30.
I use on of those bad boys for RADtracker.
>tfw having pre-release software
>put frodo in pipe
>smoke frodo
>You try to put in Frodo the pipewe but you can't.
>kill sam
Which weighs more, a pound of Frodo, or a pound of pipe?
a pound of pipeweed
i'll pound your pipeweed
Those nihm cells just don't give up
This 20 year old bastard still gets and hour and a half of battery life
>Throw Pippin in Mt. Doom.
I have some NiMH AA batteries that I had since 2012 and they still work fine.
It's the best of that first generation of compacts though, I fucking love mine.
I found this huge old ass TV.
Haven't properly tested yet because I have no SCART cables, but the electronics turn on and there is no noise on the screen (I guess it should, there is no analog TV signal in my country since few years).
A repair facture from 1994 was taped behind.
That case is fucking sexy.
Those screens are really nice to look at, is there any way to use them as a standalone monitor?
Myself for scale
the living computer museum is the shit my dudes
But... you're not a measuring unit, how do we know how big you are?
Also, real nice TV, I'd love something like that with a Atari 2600 or related, those old TVs, especially big ones, are really sensitive to magnets though, hope that speaker has good shielding.
I was too hype to stop and take pictures of everything, they've got tons of good shit though
here's the 3B2 controlling the BLIT, it came from SDF and still has a ton of their shit on it
the screen is 24", the box is 35" (90cm)
the TV is laying on a 300W subwoofer, I guess the TV is going funky/LSD
>I guess the TV is going funky/LSD
nice digits
Like the oldest thing I have
if you're retarded and kill the window manager you can restart it from /dmd/layers
but they work fine as conventional character mode terminals too
how does that game run on the ps2?
Meme magic
Nice GOROD shirt dude.
I also got this old networking equipment
Any idea what is this and how it works?
1/3 front
2/3 rear
3/3 bottom
Some kind of multiport serial modem I think, ports on the right are probably
Could you translate the labels?
>AUI port with screw posts
Spotted the newfag.
I finally made a video about the fan, guise!
It came with two cables :
>D-sub 9 to RJ45 on the "Réseau" (network) port
>D-sub 15 to ??? on "Jonction A"
>Horloges ↓ Boucles ↑
Clocks / Loops
>Usager ↓ Réseau ↑
Users / Network
>Jonction A/B
Junction A/B
And on the front panel
> JA / JB / G 703
No fucking idea
> Bcl2L / Bcl2D / Bcl3L
¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
> Normal / Boucle
Normal / Loop
Caddy drives are sex.
Too bad they are basically pointless today and there aren't any for DVD/BR except for some failed DVD-RAM thingamajics from Panasonic.
'ere you go mate
I think all your fans here have already seen it
thank you
have a sexy metallic d-sub 15 male connector
Caddy drives are bestest drives
The amount of puns you fuckers are making about my video is really blowing me away.
FANtastic !
That's a PSOne, user.
...and a PS4 game
Yeah, and 1+4=5.
It's plastic, made to look like the die-cast stuff that AMP and Amphenol put out.
Has anyone tried a C8050 with a C64?
How do you address the drives, will the serial drives still work?
What is the best way to go about getting a boat anchor radio, how much work do you generally have to do to get them working, what does one look for to minimize the work they may have to do, and how much does it generally cost once it's all done?
I fucking love the look of that machine.