This is what your average Sup Forums user looks like. Yes that's right, a fat, smelly, dirty, ungroomed...

This is what your average Sup Forums user looks like. Yes that's right, a fat, smelly, dirty, ungroomed, disgusting manlet.

Post a picture of your hand or be forever pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:

Lmaoing @whiteboys :O

>shave every two days
>shave head every two weeks
>shower every day
>wash hands every hour
Your stereotypes are shit bro.
And yes I'm OCD when it comes to being clean.

My hands?

They look like this right now


Here's your (You).

Help me

Wtf man? Did your nose bleed?

Jesus fuck man, seek help immediately if that's not fake.

Hope you bleed out you attention whore.

Yo wtf

Are you menstruating???

Atleast u didn't get ur laptop dirty

that's some thinass blood you got there
soaking in just like juice


Are you bleeding from both of your ankles? What the fuck did you do?

start by taking those stickers off. Then you can begin to respect yourself.

I bet Sup Forums still ignores EXIF orientation.

I've got pretty hands

But Sup Forumsalsoisn't my main board

Fuck you, this is fuck as hell.

which board is?



Sup Forums

I'm not fat.

>No other sizes of this image found

How do I stack up to Sup Forums?
21 year old Australian

Wrap that around my dick

Thinkpad edition

this is one of my favorite models. it's an Asus p52f right? my only complaint with this model over the slightly larger x series is that the full keyboard in this small shell makes the rest of the keys fit too close together. but how are you liking it so far?

>shave head every two weeks
Why? You just like the bald look?

Quit wanking off you idiot! For the love of mike. Never seen anyone wank so hard before. Must be some nice 2D girl you got there.

Aktually, it's the f502c and it worked fine as a laptop. Never had any issues until the A key broke.

I remember this thread

R8 no h8

Pretty much yes. I hate dealing with my hair. Plus I have several cowlicks that annoy the fuck outta me.

You really need to work on those intravenous drug skills. You're a fucking mess. Stick with weed, heroin isn't for you.

You actually got me to use my phone

>programmer hands


>Fat hands

Being retarded enough to not stop eating bad "trans" fat.
>Fucking your body up to get fat hands due to a life of shit Americuck style eating

>unironically being a nig

>t. Karlie Kloss

Trying to find some Koding tips?

If it was not for the shit screen resolution I would actually own one.

I own a lenovo y700 17-isk which I wish could have a dock.

I am not a cunt but I myself thought that same thing

Post legs

>I am not a cunt

I am 24 year old aussie and well your hands are kinda small.

I got this x201 for about $100 with the SSD. 9cell battery and 8GB of RAM. I like everything about it, except the screen is garbage. The resolution is so low and the viewing angles are a joke.


you niggas getting baited

$100 is decent.
My issue is with all oldish style thinkpads you tend to get resolutions and reading sizes which are not good for programming.

I did read about a few companies making 1080 and 2k screens. 10/10 would buy as a fuck around pad.


>he wastes a good laptop by running windows on it

trap bread?

im not american can you say what fast food parlour those fries are from? look nice but i dont recognize any of the branding

post feet please and also panties

How did you manage to stab yourself in the leg that many times?

Please call your country's emergency number dude...

not him but that would be Wendy's

we Sup Forumsuro now

