I want to spy on my wife. Does anyone know how to view deleted WhatsApp messages...

I want to spy on my wife. Does anyone know how to view deleted WhatsApp messages? And how about GPS tracking of her phone? Preferably without installing any software on her phone, if at all possible. She has a new model Samsung Galaxy.

If you help me with this, I will give you anything you want. Anything

Other urls found in this thread:


get in touch with one of the eight dozen street-shitters spying on her already

>I want to spy on my wife
Install windows 10

>I will give you anything you want. Anything
World peace?

How would that help

get a divorce instead you insecure faggot

>wishing for a nuclear apocalypse
please no

>new model Galaxy

You sound like an old loser, kill yourself op

here's a better suggestion. Satisfy your wife in bed then she wouldn't have to cheat.

This. If you really need to, then it wouldnt hurt to use a penis extender to compete with Tyrone, OP.

Cheat on her just to be safe. You'll care less what she may or may not be doing.

Wait, nvm. If you get caught US judicial system will make you homeless

PayPal me 300$ and i'll make you a personal spy-APK for your needs and put it in the play store. You'll just need to somehow download it. Can even make it look unsuspicious.

Suggest an open relationship. When she tells you who she's cucking you with, pretend to accept it. Then, openly tell her you're going to fuck a different, sexy as fuck hooker every couple of days and show her pictures of all the hookers you're banging, when you go spend all your money on fucking hookers instead of her. If she complains, tell her that she's not being fair because you're in an open relationship. You get to show her how little her pussy is worth AND fuck a bunch of hot, barely legal girls with low self esteem. It's a win/win.

why did you make another thread

ask her son

There's nothing you can do if you are cucked just live your life

>getting married
Good one

Haha got you wife! I'm spending hundreds, maybe thousands to get a girl to go down on me! You mad? Enjoy those men fucking you for free loser!

Get a girl(male). They're cheaper.

Sup Forums in a nutshell. Bitter autistic guys whining about muh privacy because deep down you know you shouldn't be watching some hentai bullshit meant for fags.

Weak bait, no (you) for you

Just get a divorce.
You're not going to get a divorce, even with evidence that she's a cheating ho, that isn't going to end badly for you.

approach her, face to face, and tell her you want to look through her phone. Let her look through yours if necessary. Handle it like a man, not all sneaky and passive aggressive.

>quotespam still not an automatic seven day ban
proof hiroshimoot doesn't care

Broke up with my fiancee after 11 years like 3 months ago. It's still fucking me up but her inability to hold down any type of job and her tendency to just not pay her bills is what forced my hand. Still feeling bummed out about it

this, now for gps tracking you could try to get her google account passw, with this it is possible to access her playstore account if i remember correctly you can see the cellphone location on a map, battery status and all that shit in case of being stolen.
a keylogger would work if she uses the computer the access gmail i guess.

I wonder when feminists are going to call smartphones sexist for letting their husbands find out that they're cheating.


What? Hasn't she told you yet?
She was going to tell you she said the last time she was here

>ending an 11 year relationship over economic issues

>I want to spy on my wife
Give her back, Jamal.

You really should not spread that propaganda meme. He did nothing wrong. Hillary aids got caught in Bengazi smuggleing chemicals to make sarin gas into Syria and killed the dude who was going to leak the info.

>I want to spy on my wife. Does anyone know how to view deleted WhatsApp messages?

How about you just grow a pair and divorce her you insecure little bitch

Calling your phone a Samsung Galaxy makes you sound like a 45 year old housewife.

Theres like 50 phones under the Galaxy brand that are not at all similar.

OP use the new feature in Google maps. Use her phone and open Google maps. Press the menu and select share location until turned off and your done. You can now watch her location form your phone if you guys are contacts

>barrelbomb don't exist

Meanwhile Trump attacks Syria twice so far. And I was told he was not one of ((((((((((((((((((((((them)))))))))))))))))))))))

Nice lisp code user

>I want to spy on my wife
File for divorce before she can.

Where are you from?

>non-free software

They are also cuter and probably won't cheat on you.

>You're not going to get a divorce, even with evidence that she's a cheating ho, that isn't going to end badly for you.

>being a turboautist

The mysgonistic law made my men favors women


ITT Bunch of kissless virgins telling OP how to handle a relationship

Anyway, reply to this post if you're interested OP. I can make you a program to do the spying

Implying any of what you posted is actually true and you're going to go through with it, you'd get a less than favorable treatment in court shall we say.

>I am a retard
We know

I agree with Bill Maher that JFK needed to be eliminated.
He was fucking East German agents and random street hookers by the truckload and doing other crazy things on drugs while the free world was in mortal danger.
He was kind of like Trump.

i dont help cucks lmao

>I am a retard
>We know
Is there an argument you're trying to form? Or did I ruin your fantasy of believing everything posted on Sup Forums is factual?

>I am still on drugs
We know

What are you even talking about? At least have the decency to sage when you're shitposting.

>What are you even talking about?
Exactly what I was wondering.

Do you have any access to her phone at all?
If you know the PIN just wait until she sleeps and install some kind of SSH backdoor into it

my gf is pregnant and i don't marry her just because of this bs. i will have a dna test as soon as child is born.

>. i will have a dna test as soon as child is born.
Why? To see if you're human?

It does the spying for you.