Reminder that slackware is shit and should not be used by anybody. And people think arch is bloated. HAHAHHA

reminder that slackware is shit and should not be used by anybody. And people think arch is bloated. HAHAHHA

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Here's a pity reply, you're welcome.

and they say Opensuse is bloated LOL

And Fedora is bloated they claimed LMAO

what the fuck are you even referring to?

Slackware is fucking great, plus it is the oldest distro, without Slackware there wouldn't have a sight of what you call Arch.

um there would be plenty linux distros without slackware

Slackware is great, but I think you're overstating its importance.

dank mimis

also does anyone think it's strange that literally 90% of the packages are maintained by that one dude alienbob? Does that guy even have a life outside of slackware? Seriously the distro should be called alienbob/slackware or I as call it, alienbob+slackware

kek slacuckware faggots btfo

Without Slackware, the Linux kernel would only be used on obscure OSes/Projects and MINIX or *BSD would got more popular.
What do YOU think? Before, after and without Slackware.

>BSD would got more popular.
im ok with this

I'm using Slackware right now. Reading the manual was an important part of what got me into compsci growing up.

But, yeah, you're exaggerating Slackware's significance. It was popular, yes, but not profound--at least in the way you describe it.

And then they said PCLinuxOS was bloated KEK

>I'm using Slackware right now.
how are you liking that hot kde4 desktop? HHAHA

So it's being maintained by an alien. Now it's starting to make sense.

Yeah I also think this is what Slackware left us. People that know and like Linux.

I also think that a lot of popular distros are giving us more users that are learning and liking Linux that can use those skills to use it in production on a server oriented distro somewhere in the market.

I don't hate Slackware but it's more of a blast of the past for me than a distro I'd use now.

Let's just enjoy using the distros we love to use.

Great, it's my perspective, exaggerated or not, what i said here is just possibilities of past actions.

You know that most people running slackware build and package a lot of the software from source right?

then why not just use linux from scratch?

Because LFS doesn't give you a package manager.
It's fairly simple to package software to install on slackware and update it, whereas LFS requires stupid amounts of micromanagement for every package.

ok but who the hell wants to compile kde5 from source?

That one crazy german dude that loves KDE and releases the package so that other people don't have to.

why not Sup Forumsentoo then?

no troll



Disk space doesn't mean bloat you special kind of retard.

Well, not to sound like a fox and sour grapes here, but KDE4--even if I were to use it, which I don't--is significantly more stable than plasma. Plus, alienbob has a build of slackware that includes both Slackware and Lumina, so that's a non-issue.

To be fair, I want to acknowledge, first, the fact that Gentoo, in parallel with Sourcemage, was one of the first full-realized source-based distros, and it's contributions to the community are irreducible.

With that in mind, it's also and incredibly bad source-based distro, in relativistic terms. Portage is a grotesque, irredeemable, Goliath monstrosity.

From a Slack user's perspective, portage breaks dependencies all the time. It's not just a bumbling mess--worse: it's a bumbling mess that imposes its own ideas on how to maintain a distribution on to you.

From a source-based distro perspective, Paludis and Sorcery handle dependencies far better, and Ebuilds are just downright disgusting. I could go on all day, but just look at the Paludis team's website to see all the tiny little details that make Gentoo obsolete.

just use a package manager with LFS, I use and it works great

It was a long time ago I tried Paludis but don't they use ebuilds as well?

I personally like Portage (or any ports clone) but I strongly dislike that it is built in Python.

Yes, technically, but it's a totally different format.

What are the most lightweight distros? I want a non-bloated system.
Aside from Gentoo and LFS

Have you tried Gentoo and LFS?

I guess Arch or Debian are also alternatives - but remember only fags use Arch.

Void, off the top of my head.

And puppy, obviously.

Also Patrick kinda looks like Benedict Cumberbatch.

Where does the arch hate come from? Wasn't it designed with minimalism in mind?


Alpine linux can use less than 100mb of RAM with XFCE. The documentation and package selection sucks shit though.

No, it was designed with the idea of the maintainers putting in as minimal amount of effort required in mind. They say this outright.

Not the same user, but, I think what irks me specifically about arch is the way that arch packages binaries.

Something about those damn arch elitists in every single thread bragging about their package number like the number of packages you have means you're a better programmer or something is just stupid, because 200 arch packages =/= 200 debian binaries, so it just shows how ignorant they are in spite of their elitism.

Plus, this stupid meme where people think it's hard to install a linux distro. Like, how stupid do you have to be to struggle to follow a fucking manual?

Are you talking about Slackware or Arch?

He's referring to Arch.

Long time slack user here, is just me or the new version plus kernel 4 screwed everything around?

My old hardware is dying to run since updated from 14.1

And people think n00b00nt00 is bloated. HAHAHHA

I think you underestimate tech illiteracy among normalfags

Well they are all musl-based so it's normal for Alpine to have less packages.
According to Wikipedia it has more packages than Void tho.

Slackware began to decline in 2015. Things started to get buggy, Patrick foolishly added PulseAudio. And don't even get me started on the long boot times. Switched to gentoo, liking it.

>plus it is the oldest distro
Only a month older than debian and requires autism to use it.