>never eat at my rig
>meticulous hygiene
>go to clean my keyboard
>still manages to be full of food crumbs
how do i stop this from happening Sup Forums, it skeeves me out
>never eat at my rig
>meticulous hygiene
>go to clean my keyboard
>still manages to be full of food crumbs
how do i stop this from happening Sup Forums, it skeeves me out
Stop eating
I have seen the face of god and it was weeping
Do you think god stays in heaven because he lives in fear of what he's created?
Stop lying yourself, you know what you did.
- Spy Kids 2
>meticulous hygiene
either your keyboard is ground zero for large scale food crumb quantum tunneling or aren't as meticulous as you thought.
that shit is nasty yo
>thread hidden
do you fuck your keyboard? never seen that much hair in a fucking keyboard.
That shit in your keyboard is probably coagulated human filth not food.
Wash your hands more.
Just stop shedding skin and hair you filthy animal
>wash my hands every time before using pc
>never eat near it, even the same room
>clean it daily, ocd-tier neatfreak
Yet it manages to get dirty, fml.
>finger nails in the bottom left
And center too. This guy is a disgusting animal
seran wrap over the keyboard keys
I have to warn you though. I've seen somebody do this once and when you see this, you can't help but think the person with a seran wrapped keyboard has OCD or is on the spectrum
>food crumbs
It's called dust you dum fuck
You can't escape dust unless you live in a carefully controlled clean room environment
They make plastic covers for keyboards. Supposed to keep them clean and keep from getting shit in the keys or rubbing the keys bare. We has them on the mac 2s in high school.
kek, this
I eat at my rig all the time and it's not half as bad
- Steve Buscemi in Spy Kids 2
That's from masturbating. You forgot to not masturbate at your PC.
>not shaving your balls
wash your hands often
thats skin, not food crumbs
>never eat at my rig
>still manages to be full of food crumbs
>how do I stop this?
Stop eating on your fucking keyboard.
it's skin you stupid fuck
>how do i stop this from happening Sup Forums, it skeeves me out
Not doing your meticulous manicure on top of the fucking keyboard might help.
>how do i stop this
wash your hands after eating
don't bring food crumbs to your rig
Is some else using your computer without your knowledge?
-steve buscemi
This is the best argument for chicle style keyboards.
Clean your keyboard every three months.
skin is food!