Cringe thread

cringe thread



nice, did you make a program just to post that? amazing, simply amazing my fellow programmer! you must be so intelligent, just like me. what is your iq?





Can I join in on this?

Here we go again






>Not compressing the image
Stop wasting my bandwidth

>compressing images
>having limited bandwidth

>not landscapes




>Using your phone in landscape like some faggot

Why are all of you on your phones?

gook contributing

Dumb phoneposters

Anyone else in the last thread where this happened?


Phone posting is convenient if you have to balance having a life with shitposting.

>letting your life interfere with your shitposting
you need to get your priorities in order.

DESU I'd love the neet lifestyle but having copious amounts of expendable income is keeping me in the Labour market.
So is going drinking on a Saturday night.

I have no idea why DESU is in there instead of DESU.

Never mind just remembered how mods have word filters




Kill yourself you dirty normalfaggot.











Hahaha epic thread guys, recursion am I right? xD

Anybody mind if I post this on reddit?

Go ahead xD
Herp derp
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams XD


meanwhile on Sup Forums...

put me on the reddit screencap :DDDDDDDD


this thread is certified reddit

fucking mobileposters












Reviving this meme