The botnet-free POWER-based motherboard is back, this time with POWER9, and in cooperation with IBM

The botnet-free POWER-based motherboard is back, this time with POWER9, and in cooperation with IBM.
Official IRC-channel #talos-workstation@freenode


Yeah but how much will it cost and will it let me shit post on Sup Forums ?

Mind that the processors alone start at $5-10k.

An entirely worthwhile $20K+. I mean, c'mon! POWER CPUs, FPGA reprogrammable chipset. What do you expect for a swiss-army knife of computers!
Go buy a crApple PlebBook if you don't like it.

tfw too poor to be free

Libreboot-able hardware is cheap user.

Oh please lawd.

>botnet free
>IBM cooperation
pick one

No new botnet-free x86 CPUs are being made senpai.



A C2D is fast enough to shitpost and that's all we do anyways.

C2D (or core anything) has Intel ME

Use AyyMD niggas, it is botnet free out of the box

I thought they had their own different-but-similar equivalent

Where will they hide the botnet?

Not it doesn't. I got an ancient T7100 in a laptop and it doesn't have IME

What the fuck is this

That my friend is Raptor Engineering, the Power9 IBM OpenPower TALOS II.

In case you missed it, lets re-cap the last 6 six years, AMD is untrusted, Intel is untrusted, Politicians on all sides of the atlantic are still calling for greater power's for there Police to intercept peoples private communications, but what these CAPITALISTS fail to relize is the Web is in point of fact COMMUNIST. It's run by Communities of Volunteers, Socialism is Communism. So when you hear them on the TV demanding greater powers, you can sit back my friend's and laugh. They fail to realise that due to the nature of communism that means all that POWER goes directly where it should, into the hands of it's people!

Reported for subversive content. We gas Bolsheviks in these parts. They are like disease-carrying rats.

The Internet was a missile system to begin with, and the only communism the Internet was born for was the dead kind.

>Socialism is Communism.
>strong state is no state
what did he mean by this

>web is gommunist
>20K for botnet-free hardware

>open hardware

I'm almost positive my Core Solo doesn't have Intel ME and I'm pretty sure only certain Core2 Duos do.

But that's not Raptor Engineering website...

This is the real website:

>MSRP 12999.99




Not anymore

They do