/bst/ - Battlestation - Comfy Edition

Post only the most Comfy Battlestations

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looks cramped to me. congrats on buying stuff and your home decor

It looks small in the photo but the desk is huge it weighs around 200lbs Empty and is about 5ftx5ft

>are you playing breath of the wild on a fucking CRT
Looks fine on a PAL picture


you barely have any room for your mouse. you don't get tired bouncing between monitor stand and keyboard?

I arc my hand movements and I'm planning on possibly getting a trackball mouse

I just realized I haven't had anything other than coffee in the last 24 hours or so. Neat.

If you bully me you will die in your sleep



I'm about to upgrade my bst, and pretty much settled on an amp dac combo, but don't receivers do all that? don't they do everything amps and dacs do? why shouldn't I hook up a receiver to my pc instead of an amp and dac?

Do it.
The kikes want to sell you new shit!

What are you doing with your life user. There are real girls out there.

>What are you doing with your life
Working a shit job and abusing substances.

exactly, but I really do need to power my headphones and convert the signal. Just looking for the most quality for the least amount of buck


What substances? Any rcs? 4acodmt is goooood

Can't really be comfy when you just moved to it I guess.

Yesterday/Tonight was a whole lot of speed, but usually just booze. I don't like rcs, for whatever reason I build up a permanent tolerance to them. I've only tripped twice on then despite trying various rcs. Plus they taste like ass, I'd rather just try to score some acid or booms.

Third monitor will be mounted soon.
Also second UPS, two HP T610 mini-servers, Dell 780 DT dedicated for processing LTO-4 tapes.



I think my subwoofer has died again, got it repaired last year.

It's been in use for like 8-10 years.

I got an idea on how I could do a new bst without drilling any holes. This death adds another reason to do it.

Go back to /r/battlestations with your dumb purple LEDs.

What's that?

Is this desk stable enough? And is it the big or the small version?
I plan on buying this one too, but with a wooden top.



Gee Bill, TWO waifus?

Just smoke weed you fucking junkies.

It's pretty damn stable, even when it's raised up.
If I was gonna buy a new one I would definitely spring for the more expensive one (bekant?) with the electric motor. Kind of a pain to manually raise and lower it, they geared it so that it's really easy but it takes forever.

10/10 this looks amazing. Can you share any tips on how to make mine better?

That is the Sup Forums tier level autism I'm trying to avoid. Trying being the key word.

That black CRT is sexy as fuck

>cramped and no mousepad

no one cares about that shit go fuck off to the meme threads

>dumb purple LEDs.

They'er usually RGBW, purple just shows up well in pictures.

The Ghost in the Shelves


Nice headset stand :)

>he doesn't like soft ambient lighting that can be changed to fit any mood

alright senpai, you do you. Chicks dig the RGBW shit, especially if you've got some good music going.

im not an angsty faggot that needs mood lighting

You're also probably not inviting any women over in the first place, so it's really out of your scope anyway.

neither are you, delusional faggot

oh uhm, thanks, can't really tell much since i can't see the area you're working with but monitor stands could be a nice first step.

Lol, i'm 24, fit, attractive, and somewhat well off financially for my age. Keep projecting though, it's giving me a good laugh if nothing else.

too bad you feel the need to boast so much on an anonymous mongolian tapestry board.

ps your mom doesnt count as inviting girls

Comfy station #1 (2014 edition)

Comfy station #2 (2013 parents home edition)

Comfy station #3 (Christmas edition)

>says the guy telling people to go to leddit because of some fucking lights

Wew lad, the only one looking for attention here was you.

Let's see how many wincucks this thread draws in,

im not the one that's so insecure he has to post about his income and looks in a desktop bragging thread cus someone called me names

Always chasing comfy.

I'm simply giving you context so you know you're full of shit and simply pretending when you try and insult me regarding my ability to invite over a women.

lmao get over yourself
>getting this butthurt
back to plebbit with you

Dubs of third world gaming

Nice setup

Here's one for the road.
I'm off to work now, maybe someday you'll know what that feels like too.

one day i might be as sad and pathetic as you

oh wait nvm that would be almost impossible

Oh idk, you're pretty close. I mean this is how you decided to enter the thread afterall.

>implying samefag

and you're the only one that was looking for attention since you posted in this thread in the first place, you daft cunt

This is my first post in this thread.
Not really looking for attention bud, just calling you out because you obviously were.

first time posting, r8 pls

nah you're the one looking for attention since you joined the convo


yamaha NS-10M studio

Need to clean my dust filters, I know


Rate my comfyness friends

u need new wallpapers

Yeah, I'll agree with you there
I only moved in a few months ago and I haven't got round to sorting out the walls. Probably going to just paint them grey

Rate my comfy.

>non-widescreen aspect ratio
My Afro-American

Widescreen is truly a designated shitting ratio.

i really recommend everyone to get some houseplants. i didn't know what i was missing before i bought these, they are so pleasant to watch and make every room so comfy.

Thanks user. I am going to use this as inspiration for my future build.


>/bst/ - Battlestation - Comfy Edition
>0 confy stations


It looks nice but also kind of full with things. maybe sit more stuff upright or off the desk?

The triangles are lit and they are called Nanoleaf Auroras.

I like your plants.

Indeed. It's also nice to see them grow.



im surprised the speakers arent worn out sound wise

the new version is hs8

they look pretty bad and off angle


>they look pretty bad
That is subjective.
>off angle
I think that is mostly from the photograph, I tried to get it as level as possible for the first one I put down using a bubble level. The Dr. Who poster is way more skewed.

This feels quite comfy.

Also I'll try the game.

when from an objective design standpoint its bad, it clashes with everything else without providing clean contrast. it brings an unwelcoming futuristic design into an otherwise classic looking room (which already had issues of its own (and a lack of cleanliness) )
you should have taken time to align your stuff


>it brings an unwelcoming futuristic design into an otherwise classic looking room
I cant really change the room in an apartment. I dont really have a choice in that matter. I just live here with my stuff.

>cable management is conflated with cleanliness
That is organization, not cleanliness, it is clean, just disorganized. The only complaints about it are on Sup Forums, turns out people in real life arent as autistic as you folks and dont even notice the fact that certain posters are not straight.


it is unclean, look at the sheer dust and the state of the carpet. besides you know what i meant, stuff everywhere. ammunition randomly on the desk, cleaning shit under it. cable spaghetti. focus on getting out of the apartment before you buy clashing furniture. you could change the look rather easy if you wanted. paint, a different desk and framed posters would modernise drastically if you wanted the triangles to work.

that right floral pattern used to be my firefox background.

Where'd ya get the desk fampi?

The drawers are from IKEA, the top could be his own.

Yup, finally a decent OP.
Now bin those garbage LCD's.

That looks like an electrical fire waiting to burst free.

>look at the sheer dust
There is little if any dust, I dust all the time because I live in AZ.
>state of the carpet
I live in an apartment, I cant change the carpet aside from vacuuming it regularly.
> stuff everywhere
Yes, the word you are looking for is disorganized.
>ammunition randomly on the desk
How else am I to load the gun?
>cleaning shit under it
Cat punishing tools.
>buy clashing furniture
I have had everything since long before lived here.
> paint
It is an apartment, I cannot do that.
>a different desk
I am not changing my desk, no matter how much it clashes and triggers strangers on Sup Forums.
>framed posters
I do agree with you there but sadly my lease states I cannot put holes in the walls larger than finishing nails/thumbtacks.

>3 headsets
why man? You have a nice sound setup whats the point in wasting hundreds on 3 headsets?

dust on the tablet
carpet cleaner to remove stains
organise yourself
why do you need to have a loaded gun at your desk though
cats learn faster through positive reinforcement. youre lazy
rent clauses usually allow painting/ desk are saying how easy you can update a look
3m removable hooks