Hey Sup Forums if I have an iPhone 5s that's jailbroken with unlimited attempts at passcodes is there anyway i can get...

Hey Sup Forums if I have an iPhone 5s that's jailbroken with unlimited attempts at passcodes is there anyway i can get into it without losing all my stuff?

Oh come on Jamal

If i was Jamal i wouldn't care about my photos

Return it, Tyrese.

You've got infinite tries but only 10000 permutations.


my phone isnt locking, it has my exgirlfriends nudes, i will dump

fucking take it back to the at&t store you took it from daquan

Brute force it you dumb shit.

Lemme show you how it works.



op you fucking nigger just destroy bulid destroy it and join the android master race

my brother used to love that show, i don't want an android phone, its kinda like being a smoker, i know its giving me cancer, but fuck it

>Be black
>Steal iphonz from white bish
>Asking these trannie nerds on Gee for help
Fuck off nigger

You won't dump shit faggot.

OP never fucking delivers and that's why you'll get no help.

Fuck off.

use an rpi and servos to make a robotic finger brute forcer

>reddit spacing
you can fuck off too

This. It might take a few days but if your pictures are that important to you you'll do it. Do a thousand a day and you'll be done in ten days.

Okay here is what you will need to do. You will have to buy an arduino, three motors, a touch pen, and a bunch of small rods. What you will want to do is to basically build a 3D printer which doesn't move around an extruder but a touch pen, and at the bottom you will place the phone. Now program it to go through every single combination.

Easy peasy opie

It's called a haiku you dumb slut

No it's not.

Yes it is, here's another one for you:

Suck my dick
You stupid whore
In you I cum

Brute force it. You should be good at that.

>4 digits
>iOS 9 upped PINs to 6 minimum
Oh please, why haven't you bruteforced it already?

72+ if you use the keyboard actually.

>iOS 9 upped PINs to 6 minimum

Not true. I'm using iOS9 with only 4.

72 minimum? that's a bit intense