Stupid Questions Thread
Thread for stupid questions, because mods suck ass and people don't use the sticky.
Not kosher or halal, subhumans are forewarned.
user from here , tried the solution suggested here but it failed.
I first tried with PhotoRec, and I thought the file type I wanted to recover could be unsupported, but it managed to list older deleted files that were in a different folder, and they were of the same file type i wanted to recover, so it should see the ones I need to recover, but they're nowhere to be found.
It did list a folder named exactly like the ones containing the files i needed to recover, but once restored, it was an empty folder.
I tried with TestDisk, and while it managed to recover a lot of files even from months ago and ones of the same file type of the ones i need to recover, the exact files i need to recover were not found.
Still, right clicking on the USB stick and checking the used space, they still take space, so they should still be there.
Anyone has any other solution to suggest?
If everything fails, at least a way to regain the space that is supposedly used by these files i can't seem to recover, without formatting the whole stick.
Should I go for 1060 or 1070 for 1080p max settings?
Is the 1060 enough for running new/future games 1080p maxed?
I bought a pair of earbuds a year ago. Bluetooth, escape brand like pic related. Initially they sounded not so good but I kept it anyway. About a month into use, I think I dropped it and was pressing some buttons that ended up changing its language and then the audio quality got a whole lot better
Unfortunately, those ones broke and now I bought a new one and would like to figure out how to change the audio quality or even the language, It's nowhere to be found on this tiny manual and google isn't helping. Anyone here know? They're Escape brand bluetooth headset, SPBT2
>If everything fails, at least a way to regain the space that is supposedly used by these files i can't seem to recover, without formatting the whole stick.
Probably not. It sounds like the file system was borked. So quarity. This is why you need to back up.
if same-type files are being restored, then the files you want are likely overwritten, fragmented, or damaged (a damaged header will make the file unrecognizable)
>a way to regain the space that is supposedly used by these files
you should backup and format it, the filesystem is damaged, and fat32, which i'm certain you're using, isn't robust enough to be certain there is no corruption after any kind of repairs performed
Someone mind helping with this First Order Logic? Converting sentence to FOL.
“Every student in the SCIS is a CS student or an IT student.
Therefore there is a student in the SCIS being a CS student or an IT student”
S(x): x is a student;
SCIS(x): x is in SCIS;
CS(x): x is CS student;
IT(x): x is an IT student
1st sentence:
Ax( S(x) SCIS(x) --> CS(x) IT(x) )
2nd sentence:
Ex( S(x) SCIS(x) (CS(x) IT(x)) )
Is this correct?
Thinking about buying a raspberry Pi 3.
Can I run it as a web server and media server using Raspbian? Or would it not be able to handle both?
better off buying an old laptop for 60 bucks instead
maybe even a fairly modern used chromebook
Probably not. The Pi 3 really is as slow as people claim. I/O speeds are shit as well. I can't use mine for anything other than Pi-hole, it's just too slow for anything that requires even the slightest amount of raw performance.
>too slow for anything that requires even the slightest amount of raw performance
Behold the power of ARM!
Thanks to you both.
well fuck. what do I do, then? I'd really rather not get an Nvidia just on principle (Maxwell driver gimping, 3,5gb, etc.)
do I just stick with my trusty 7970 for now? has Crossfire gotten any better?
How can you say that Windows 7/8 security updates don't have telemetry? They're closed source, so how do you know?
Because they're intended for corporations that get pissed about that kind of data leaving their network. Sure microsoft could throw in another backdoor, but they don't need to. They've had those built in long before Windows 7 came along.
>then the files you want are likely overwritten, fragmented, or damaged
Then they're damaged I guess, since after this folder disappearance i didnt use the stick at all except to check where this folder went, so i guess it's impossible for a 4kb cfg file being corrupted(the homebrew app froze/crashed while saving the configuration) to overwrite 3 over 600mb files and a bunch of 128kb files.
And i doubt they're fragmented, everytime i checked for fragmented files on this stick i never found anything except one time months ago.
>you should backup and format it
Yeah i'll do that
>and fat32, which i'm certain you're using, isn't robust enough
Being used on a PS2, is the only option i have for a flash drive, as the apps on it won't work on any different kind of filesystem unless they're stored on an HDD
By that logic, does Win10 Enterprise have no telemetry?
ANYONE? It's simple, I just really need help
>Because they're intended for corporations that get pissed about that kind of data leaving their network
Yeah, which is why a lot of companies and corporations still use XP for their machines.
A corporation using W10 for any kind of purpose other than plain office work is just stupid.
>there is a student in the SCIS being a CS student or an IT student
This is bad grammar, I'm assuming that is why no-one has replied. What does it mean?
>Because they're intended for corporations that get pissed about that kind of data leaving their network
No, if a company want's a special release then they pay for it. They don't you a general public one. Stop relying on some imaginary third party to protect you and look after yourself.
They have heavily reduced telemetry. But microsoft is playing a different game with 10 entirely.
Basically you're weighing risks here. The odds of microsoft adding significant telemetry to the security addons without end users and corporations detecting the network traffic and raising a big stink are minimal. The odds of a growing list of network vulnerabilities leading to some russian hacker's botnet assimilating you grow the more updates you miss. If you're really concerned about silent backdoors waiting in your system then windows is and always has been a terrible option. Yes, even in the XP era.
where can I get a copy of photoshop 2015?
>XP era
Try Windows 2000 era. Something called _NSAKEY
Most people here don't know what windows 2000 is.
It's propositional language. Logic semantics. It's supposed to be converted to propositional logic or first order logic. It's not supposed to sound like a normal human talking.
I'm assuming it means something along the lines of "There exists a student who is in the SCIS and who is a CS student or IT student." That;s what I'm basically asking though, if I'm correct in my conversions.
Ex( S(x) SCIS(x) (CS(x) IT(x)) )
lel. And I was wrong, it was NT 4 SP5. All Windows a shit.
Two questions.
Does that amazon prime free trial exploit still work with throwaway accounts?
If I type in all caps, is there a way to highlight the whole phrase and press a button to make them lower case?
I've noticed a lot of people hate on sysd, im little out of the loop, can someone tell me what's bad about it?
Is Prolog worth learning?
What makes it good for ML?
why isn't wirelessHD a thing
i am tired of having HDMI cables
i just want an ultragig 6400 and dammit man
Is Win7 Ultimate or Enterprise safer?
>If I get a mega link that links straight to the download of a single file, is there any way to see the folder directory behind it?
Manga rock on my tablet has been playing up consistently for a while now, decided to download it all on my computer instead.
Trying to wade through the cluster fuck of different formats scanlators use to upload.
The amount of bandwidth needed for full HD at 60 fps is too much to just make it wireless. And there wasn't a big enough reason to make it wireless because most people only need to have it go from a box under their TV to their TV.
VR headsets seem to be pushing for wireless HDMI though, because the wire really gets in the way there.
what's that bible quote about soldiers dying to the left and right of you?
"Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right, here I am"
John 16:9
That happens every time I jizz.
stuck in the middle with you
thanks but no thanks tfbahm
wat dis mean?
That feel/back in a hot minute
So I can touch type pretty well, about 90WPM when copying stuff, and over 100WPM while just writing my own thoughts.
I use all my fingers on my left hand to type, but on my right hand I pretty much just use my first finger for the character keys, and my little finger for pressing backspace. How do I break the habit and git gud?
Conscious effort.
Look for typing tutor software/websites for babbies. Seriously. Start over and git guder.
Plan to reuse a Pentium 4 HT. Is hyper threading with it even worth it?
Yes, supposing you are using an OS from the last ten years.
What are good news sites for tech stuff free from politics and shit-tier bait articles?
Either will piss all over 1080p, any mid-tier card of the last few years would. They are more intended for 1440p at max settings.
So yes, easily.
pls respond
Alright, that's good news, thank you.
Doesn't matter, they're the same.
Perfect. Thank you.
is this how i highlight code?
doesn't exist.
If I need to run a shady keygen from a torrent, Sandboxie should be good enough to keep it out of my shit right?
This is for the VPN poster with the image of the mole.
Just have to learn Dutch.
How do I rephrase "Unix wizardry" to something less autistic for the skills enumeration on my CV? I want some encompassing term for writing programs, kernel modules, scripts, and also general administration and use.
I used to have a samsung phone can project its screen to a samsung smart tv, and it was laggy as fuck. Its still far off
Hello guys, idiot here, what is a very powerful laptop, that also looks nice, I have three choices, a P71, looks kinda ugly but it can be extremely powerful, zbook studio G4, it looks nice and is somewhat powerful, or Spectre 360. I will only be doing animation/art type shizz.
is this just a meme or is it actually a decent career choice?
I would put *NIX proficiency in the 'platforms' area and enumerate the other skills separately; bash scripting, for example.
Semi professional(feel free to downgrade it if your level is not that high) Unix programming and scripting skills, including kernel modules, and efficient administration and general use.
Not that user, but is there a good resource for writing a résumé/CV from scratch. I'm totally retarded about this stuff and want to stop being NEET.
I wouldn't call it a career because it's mostly non-transferrable skills, but it's a decent choice for making money.
It's not that hard.
Your résumé's only purpose is to get invited to an interview. In the interview you'll be invited to talk about the things on your résumé in detail, so you don't need to explain anything or be very detailed on there.
The company may receive hundreds of résumés, so they'll take about thirty seconds to look at yours. If within those thirty seconds they understand just how many desktops you've riced, then you're in. So keep your CV one or two pages, keep the layout as clean as possible, don't include blocks of text because they can't scan through that quickly enough.
- your name REALLY BIG ON TOP so that they can find it in that huge stack of other résumés.
- personal/contact details, duh
- work experience, most recent first, unless you have something very relevant you want them to see immediately, make sure it's very clear what your function was.
- education, most recent first, make sure it's very clear what level
- a breakdown of your skills in whatever manner you think will make them gist what to hire you for, DON'T FORGET SOFT SKILLS (lol who are you kidding, you autist.).
- hobbies and interests, especially when applying in europe, used for smalltalk in the interview.
- if you can find any, someone who agreed to be a reference.
picture is optional, and if you browse Sup Forums you might want to leave it out.
Oh and this is how it's done in europe, where you generally attach it to an application letter. If you don't have an application letter you might want to include goals/motivation on your résumé
tl;dr: what is the process for sending a dmca takedown notice to a website? just fill out the website own form from the dmca page they might have.
Is anyone here a content creator? videos, pictures, books, ebooks, podcasts, live streams, music, anything really. when you see someone on a website is using your content and you don't want it on there, Do you send them a dmca notice to remove your content? do they respond and take your content down?
I'm just looking for information on how the process goes for you.
>picture is optional, and if you browse Sup Forums you might want to leave it out.
I'm a burger but I do have some of that coveted Scandinavian DNA. I am overweight because of thyroid, but am almost to normal again.
Anons is there a way to have a simple text file that I can access remotely (e.g. Dropbox) that updates my Main PCs public ip address?
I'm using Moonlight on my S8 to play vidya at work and I just found out that apparently my public IP changes sometimes as frequent as 2 weeks
In the RAM section in Speccy it says 16.0 GB Dual Channel DDR3 @ 798 MHz. Does this mean I am running at 1600 MHz total? and, if not, can the ram speed slow down the overall performance of the system (I use i7 4770 proccessor).
I have 4 x 4GB ram sticks (16GB total) in my dekstop. Theyre quite large, not like the ones I see in pictures of modern builds (dont know if thats relevant) .
Python script that updates a txt file in your dropbox folder.
If your home pc is on you can run a cronjob and a simple script to write the ip into a textfile. You can also set up a dyndns - most routers support that, i.e. no need to have the pc running - which gives your dynamic ip a hostname like:
>that also looks nice
Your kind isn't wanted around these parts.
Is there a way to use GitHub from a computer that doesn't and can't have Git installed?
Can I install a program on a USB and do it off there?
what program does Sup Forums use for their disk imaging your Linux/Windows installations?
Sorry, I meant imaging your entire drive of you installation not creating bootable usb's
What do I need if I want to turn an old PC into a file server that I can access from wherever I am on all my devices? Do you need some kind of big and complex enterprise solution or am I just a retard?
Macrium Reflect
So on a fresh 8.1 install ive been getting random NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM BSOD's.
Unplugged the only plausible HDD and its still happening.
Ran driver verifier but all that did was install a bunch of updates so i assume all is well there? Only now things are occasionally choppy but all is well cpu/ram/hdd wise so im at a loss.
Anyone run into a similar thing?
Yes, dual channel makes the reporting funky.
Single thread downloads are extremely (under 20KB/s) slow, what do?
squashfs (linux), wimlib (windows)
My laptop charger stops working for no reason, for about 2 seconds then suddenly starts working again, and it keeps doing this repeatedly every 5 minutes without fail
How do I stop it from doing that?
Clean the contacts.
Might just be time for a new charger, just has to be the same voltage and equal or greater amps.
but the charger has llittle more than a month of use, and it used to work perfectly until about yesterday, could it really be dying?
What's the best GPU to pair with an i3 540?
I'm using win7 because games. Is there any reason for me to upgrade to win10 aside from dx12?
try different plugs, make sure its a tight connection an all ends. make sure your laptops port is clean.
stop buying dog-shit cheap devices.
I've got a Windows 10 on a 2 TB Hard Drive. I'm thinking of getting a Linux distro and putting it on a new SSD that I would buy. I was going to try and reinstall Windows 10 on the SSD, but I realized that would be too much work for not a lot of gain (Windows 10 is still pretty fast on the hard drive for now), so I think I will keep the SSD Linux only.
Couple of questions:
1. Are there any big technical flaws in my plan?
2. What size SSD should I look for? What bands should I go for or avoid?
3. I'm planning to use Ubuntu MATE as my Linux disto, but does anybody have any other distro recommendations?
Is it worth rooting my phone?
What are the main benefits of it?
How to run a script automatically after boot. I have a script in home/pizero/ and want to run it every time after boot as user 'usr' not root. how can I do it? I tried placing the following command in crontab but its not working:
@reboot use /home/pizero/script
Plz help me. Using Ubuntu 16.04
Anyone else having problems copying large amount of files using MTP from windows 10 pc to android? For some reason the transfer randomly stops and I hear a windows error sound but no error message appears.
adblock, app backups, tweaking frequencies/governors for more performance/battery life, bloatware removal, ability to pass safetynet with unlocked bootloader (magisk), audio mods
can you folks help me identify this font?
its not courier
this is the girl that "unknowingly" assassinated kim jong nam