Sup Forums meta thread

I was wondering how many thread doesn't belong in this board and started to filter them. I reached 79 threads.

How do we fix Sup Forums ?

So far people asked :
>ban all general
>automatically delete any shill / buying advice / technical support threads
>split board in two
>add OS flags

Other urls found in this thread:

there is literally only one way to save g

bring back desktop threads

>ban generals so people are forced to shit up the board with their dumb questions

Incredible idea.

Yes, it may be better to exile them to /gg/. I don't care. I just want them to leave.

Desktop threads belong on /w/ and /wg/, nowhere else. They are not technology related.

Generals have always been hated here, because they take up space. With the limit on how many threads a board can have, generals are an effective way of continuously pushing other threads off the board. An imageboard like Sup Forums was meant to receive new threads on a constant basis, with each thread slowly dropping off the board once nobody cares for it anymore. Generals are more like a message board topic, or even a sticky. They just keep hanging around forever. They belong on forum software, not imageboards.

My suggestions on this:
>shill bullshit should be considered a violation of global rule 11
>obvious intel/amd/nvidia bitchwar threads should be considered a violation of global rule 3
>buying advice and support shit should be moved to /r/ as they are basically requests
>consumerism threads like the watch and chink shit threads should be removed for not being technology
>global rule 6 should be given more attention on this board

Most of the issues here are simply mods not enforcing the global rules. Plenty of threads fail to meet them here.

ban all amd/intel fanboys. at any given point there's ten fucking thread about some minuscule benchmark nobody cares about. ban /wg/ and /ptg/ to a different board. keep actual good generals

get a mod/janny that does what he's supposed to do instead of just whoring his own chinkshit thread

>Same 10 tripfags positing their riced arch linux installs

>Desktop threads belong on /w/ and /wg/, nowhere else. They are not technology related.
And battlestation threads, smartphone/homescreen threads Sup Forumsermin and Sup Forumstant consumer threads are technology related?

Desktop threads are not wallpaper threads.
People talk about their setup and software configuration, share configs, learn GNU/Linux stuff, etc.
How is that not Sup Forums related?

Also, a lot of newfriends might switch to GNU/Linux when they see how customizable it is.
I switched because I wanted my desktop to look cool and aesthetic, like the ones I saw in the desktop threads.
And I learned a lot from them.

I'm starting to get the feeling that people who genuinely dislike desktop threads are just jealous wincucks.

Desktop threads were just archfags circlejerking how enlightened by their intelligence they were because they installed arch linux and it was full of tripfags.

Move /ptg/ to /t/

There's literally a fucking board for torrents and yet the "Private Tracker General" is on Sup Forums

The best way to fix this board (and most others) is to ban ANY sign of Sup Forums posting.

create a consumer electronics board and ban all smartphone/watch/chink shit/similar crap to there.

create a computer customization boards and ban desktops, homescreens, buttstations and other "how does my setup LOOK?" threads there.


/wsr/ allows tech support threads yet the mods refused to enforce the rules forcing them off.

jealous wincuck detected

/t/ is too slow for /ptg/
it would get overrun with /ptg/ threads

Archfags were always the cancer that killed desktop threads. Sometimes people would just set their screenfetch to arch linux so archfags wouldn't sperg out over it.

>Sup Forums - Technology
>discussions about technology aren't allowed

now I know you're just spouting bullshit

I once got banned for calling shills turbo retards. Really makes you think.

>lying on the internet
rly makes me think

Desktop was always mocked for being filled with archfags. To add insult to injury many of them used a trip to just add an additional layer of cancer to it.


>Desktop was always mocked for being filled with archfags.
no, they were always mocked for being filled with tripfag circlejerking
which is not far from the truth, although there were ~4 tripfags at most at a time
desktop threads are still better and more on topic than 50% of threads here
the reason they got banned was mod incompetence
3 people were spamming anime and creating a bunch of new threads and constantly ban evading
and instead doing their job properly and rangebanning those 3 people, the mods decided to ban desktop threads entirely

t. the retard that couldn't install Arch

>because they take up space.
As opposed to 20 "durr how do I install da graphics drivers" threads every fucking day.
Fuck off Sup Forumssshole, just because you retards couldn't contain your sperg-outs doesn't mean other boards need to be subject to your childish thread-spamitis.
Duplicate threads cannot be as easily managed as it used to be 10 years ago due to the huge userbase. The day this board goes full Sup Forums is the day I leave it permanently. That board went to shit after 2010 harder than even the Sup Forumsermins board did.

The only thing wrong with generals is e-celebs trying to make a name for themselves.
Report them and move on. Don't even fucking acknowledge them, report, ignore.

>And battlestation threads, smartphone/homescreen threads Sup Forumsermin and Sup Forumstant consumer threads are technology related?
Read my post, it's in there.

>People talk about their setup and software configuration, share configs, learn GNU/Linux stuff, etc.
They don't. Especially the "share configs" part because all of you scriptkiddies are to fucking full of yourselves and think you lose your streetcred if you fucking share anything. These threads are nothing more than circlejerks.

>I'm starting to get the feeling that people who genuinely dislike desktop threads are just jealous wincucks.
Global rule 6, now fuck off to reddit.

>Posting 10 commands from the wiki is complicated

That makes no sense whatsoever.

>As opposed to 20 "durr how do I install da graphics drivers" threads every fucking day.
Which are in violation with the rules for this board, but I can't fucking help mods not doing their job. So currently we have 50 hurrdurr threads AND a stinking pile of generals all competing with each other for relevance. How's that a good thing?

>Sup Forumssshole

wow you had 45 mins to think of a clever reply and this is what you come up with
>They don't. Especially the "share configs" part because all of you scriptkiddies are to fucking full of yourselves and think you lose your streetcred if you fucking share anything. These threads are nothing more than circlejerks.
you've obviously either haven't lurked in desktop threads or you're just a jealous wincuck (or both)
>fuck off to reddit.
you first, bud
apparently for you it is

You know who are the biggest cucks? People like you advertise that board every single day for free, "go back to le epic xD". If you could just stop mentioning that place for 5 minutes then maybe there would be less "Sup Forumstards xD" on this website.

>apparently for you it is
Actually, I've installed arch linux many times. That doesn't change the fact lots of archfags are cancer that have to treat their distro like a religion. Want to know if someone is using arch linux? Don't worry, they'll tell you.

So what would be allowed then? Elon Musk fanbois vs haters threads?


Not him, but I was once banned from Sup Forums for 3 days for using the (((N-word)))

There is an entire board for that, it's called /sci/

>50 of them
Try harder.

There's loads of usual Sup Forums shitposts, a few request threads and minimal stupid advice and review threads.

>stinking pile of generals all competing with each other for relevance

Again, what would be allowed here then?

>How do we fix Sup Forums?
How about we make it better by adding distro flags ala Sup Forumsflags?

>That doesn't change the fact lots of archfags are cancer
vocal minority on Sup Forums
some of them don't even use arch and are just falseflagging
and archfags were certainly not the problem with desktop threads
>Want to know if someone is using arch linux? Don't worry, they'll tell you.
nice meme
>I've installed arch linux many times.
high five xDD

user, you sound very insecure

Why do generals need to be banned? Cant people just filter the ones they don't want to see?

what is it with current day Sup Forums and everyone loving generals all of a sudden, you guys are fucking nuts.

ban all windows/linux fanboys

so what you want to do is to change Sup Forums to a linux circlejerks and "what language is best and why is x" only board.

>Why do generals need to be banned?
they don't, newfags are just trying to fit in by getting on the generals hate train

Not even memeing. I made a thread about shilling in general being the most brainlet thing ever and got banned for "twolling."

>makes an off topic thread
>gets b&
how dare they

people just need to look at 8ch's /tech/
that's what Sup Forums should look like
ban the fucking generals

No, they are too autistic for that. Literally too autistic.
They can't ignore shit they don't like, they need to shitpost in it and whine until it is gone.

Son I concatenated threads before Sup Forums even existed.
Containing popular topics is a Good Thing, especially on limited board real-estate.

What, did you get raped by a General or something?
Are you a rape-baby of a General?
Why does the word "general" trigger you so much.
You do realize regular topics were reposted immediately after well before the name "general" even existed, right?
There were long-term threads made constantly as far back as 2005 when the community finally settled down after the constant warring with SA and menchi.
Doesn't matter if it was photoshop threads or discussion about physics.

Sup Forums can be saved by a proactive revival of quality threads from its posters

>"if programming languages were like ways of cooking an egg" threads
>"C-plus-Equality" parody languages
>"I masturbated to a video of RMS playing on my Thinkpad running with Libreboot and made a video of it" threads
>"Photoshoping a sleeping RMS onto pictures" thread

I'm going to go look. Right now.
If it's shit you're getting punched right in the gabber m8.

>/tech/ Questions and Support
Literally a general on the first post I see after the sticky.
Fuck off cunt.

lmao, and it's a fucking cyclical thread.
Literally infinite general.
You people sure are special. I tell you that.

I just want Sup Forumseddit to leave

>They belong on forum software, not imageboards
While technically Sup Forums is an imageboard, certain board have surpassed being just an image board and they are a lot more like internet forums. Why would you even need a technology image board? This place is not about posting images at all. It's about discussing technology. The fact that you can post images is just a plus.

Discussion about technology are permitted, but tech support that can be solved in a 5 minute search isn't welcomed, buying advice shit either, and most hardware threads belongs to another board (/vg/ probably) since most of those people are just posting video games bench and always rely on video games.
Apart when there's a home server thread, you rarely see people talking about hardware properly.

It's a containment sticky, any tech support questions outside of it get deleted within 5 minutes

Most hardware threads these days are retro, servers, Mini computers and UMPCs, and shitposting about CPU/GPU/APU/ABC/123

The vidya fags have only increased recently because the children are out of school.

This. If a thread looks like something that could be in a LinusTechTips video, it doesn't belong here.

/tech/ is Sup Forums done right

Yet you still think all generals should go.
Those are literally the same thing, that's what a general is for, to contain.

Given how slow the board is, it is hard to even gauge if it would be worth combining other threads anyway. A large chunk of them are rather old.
Some are several months old now.

The problem with Sup Forums is that only a few generals are actually needed, others are just the same endless shitposting with no new content.

Hello Sup Forums
Go back.

So? Them don't read them. For example I don't read the desktop generals because I don't give a fuck, but I understand if some people like it and I don't want it removed.

That is true, which is why they should be banned and banned constantly until they stop or the universe ends if they are shitposts in them.
Same with the constant flood of requests, reviews, and advice outside of /sqt/ and others.

The day visible bans vanished is the day this site went to shit as a community.
Fuck you moot.
No ban-delete, fucking ban and leave it.
Deleting it doesn't revive the dead thread. Leaving it makes other dumb cunts learn.
This is a proven fact of neurological conditioning.

>le /tech/ is Sup Forums done right meme

According to the catalog I have 37 threads hidden, here is my 4cx filters:
/(every[- ]?day|daily) carry/i;boards:g;op:only
/(gaming|gayming) (desktop|pc|laptop|system|tablet)/i;boards:g;op:only
/(just|recently) (bought|ordered|purchased)/i;boards:g;op:only
/(small|stupid) questions thread/i;boards:g;op:only
/battle[- ]?stations?/i;boards:g;op:only
/Chink Shit General/i;boards:g;op:only
/Daily Programming Thread/i;boards:g;op:only
/Desktop (thread|thred|bread)/i;boards:g;op:only
/for gaming/i;boards:g;op:only
/hom(e|o) ?scree(n|m)/i;boards:g;op:only
/m(ous|ic)es? (thread|bread)/i;boards:g;op:only
/Private Tracker General/i;boards:g;op:only
/should i (buy|upgrade)/i;boards:g;op:only
/smart[ -]?phone (thread|bread)/i;boards:g;op:only
/watch (thread|bread)/i;boards:g;op:only
/worth (buying|upgrading)/i;boards:g;op:only

Sup Forums has the right idea. Post any porn of yotsuba and it's a public ban and left up to set an example.

>No, they are too autistic for that. Literally too autistic.
>They can't ignore shit they don't like, they need to shitpost in it and whine until it is gone.

You mean like how Linux users spend 18 hours a day crying about Windows?

And the other side, Windows users baiting Linux users.
And Intel and AMD fags whining constantly at each other.

The board is slow because all the dumbfucks are here for some reason

this, just do what they did to desktop/homescreen threads and banish them to the correct board

The problem with generals is that it means you are accepting the shitpots in the board, and the huge problem here is that it overflow from the thread to to board.
Now you have a shiton of threads about GPU, CPU, intel/amd/nvidia/[company_name_here] shills and it just maintain a population that can't discuss on actual technology. Same for the buying / building advice threads, there's way too much of them.

friendly reminder that the majority of Sup Forums wants to get rid of /fgt/ - fucking general threads



>two desktop threads alive
>the same circlejerk as always
Come the fuck on.

>watch thread
>cryptomeme thread
>blatant shitposting

>desktop thread (duplicated)
>gpu shilling general
Is this shit even welcome anywhere?

2 things killed Sup Forums

>deskterp threads
>programming threads after /prog/ was closed

both ends of a shitty spectrum filled with shit

Just shut the whole website down, please

I agree on all the others, but the last one I could see being useful in a more generalized form, something like "tech anticipation general".

> >programming threads after /prog/ was closed
Programming is technology related.

>he doesn't know what /prog/ is

neo-Sup Forums

Ban all generals everywhere and delete /vg/ those shitty threads were literally made for redditors to circlejerk in.

But I post on /prog/.
How did you even get that from my post?

>desktop threads finally got canned
>battlestation threads are still here
At the end of the day, I'd honestly take the group of autistic anime-watching Linux ricers over the group of shitty Sup Forumsermin showing off their $3,000 gaymen xD setups. Even so, now that one's gone there's absolutely no excuse why the other should remain.

Retards from Reddit/Twitter/Facebook still make question threads on the daily, and the mods still refuse to do anything to enforce the no questions rule.

>add OS flags
everyone would just use a gentoo useragent

it's basically proxies on Sup Forums and Sup Forums but with technology

Holy shit you're a gift from the gods dude

No generals
No consumerism discussions
and bring back /prog/


Hey you know what doesn't help Sup Forums?

report for shilling linus nigger tips

Adding shill, Jew, goy, cuck, and pajeet really cleans things up.

# Generals
/\b(?:official|daily|friendly|programm(?:ing|ers?)|head *phones?|desk *tops?|(screen|neo)fetch|keyboards?|laptop|os|(?:gnu[\/+-])?linux|windows|os[ -]*x|mac(?:s|intosh|book)?|ios|apple|battle *stations?|fizz[-+ ]?buzz|[cg]pu|thinkpad)\b.*(?=\bthread\b)/i;boards:g;op:only

# Cancer
/\bban *c\b/i;boards:g;op:only
/\b(?:ios|mac ?os|apple|android|amd|nvidia|intel)\b.*(?=\b(?:better|best)\b)/i;boards:g;op:only

36 hidden right now

You have no idea how slow this board would become.

>They are not technology related

Yeeeesh. Not only are the OS and the shortcuts listed within listed in a Desktop thread technology related, but so are the associated widgets and the technology used to capture it.

There is however something that doesn't belong here: your avatar. Check Global Rule 13. I will let it slide this once, but future posts will be reported.