You will not be able to compete with male sex robots

You will not be able to compete with male sex robots.

No I am not saying chad won't be able to compete. I am saying you personally, user, Sup Forums user, won't be able to compete. The simple drive thrust you possess will not even be the same. You not be as patient or attention or even aggressive when necessary.

Other urls found in this thread:

Women already prefer their own sex toys over you and me OP, so how is this supposed to make me feel any worse exactly?

>Having sex

Who cares, the worlds overpopulated anyway, she can fugg all the robits.

That's great. I'll have a female sex robot, they'll have a male one and we'll fuck ourselves silly while the muslims take over.


wouldn't you need to first find a woman who wants to have sex with you before any sex happens?

its 2017, even 300lb rachel with unshaven legs expects you to have a 9inch dink and visible abs. she can just tindertrawl until a drunk enough guy says yes, what are your options? explain to stacy how to properly apply thermal paste? show her your thinkpad collection? in the game of looks you rolled snake eyes, forever alone now since other nerds invented software to make ugly girls passable your options have all dried up.




Should we?

We don't care because we will be busy having sex with our waifus

Sex robots don't pay for dinner.

That sums up their popularity right there.

>male sex robot

women don't need that, all they have to do is grab a teenage boy by the peepee

kek this and no alimony

> explain to a tacky how to properly apply thermal paste


wow /r9k/ I didn't think you left your bedroom or your containment board

can someone post that video about that whore reporter that fucked a male sex doll and wrote about it

Sex robots can't earn money
Sex robots can't listen to whiny bullshit

Insecurity is always gonna be insecurity, doesn't matter whether you're jealous of a dildo, her fingers, a robot, some guy at the store. You either get over your bullshit or you don't. Technology wont change what's inside you.

What made her a whore? Your insecurity?

>women who can get any man by simply suggesting
>needing robots
I've seen and heard many stupid people in my life OP,
and you are in the special category of stupid.

Fuck off failed normalfag

Lmao she describes herself as an "expert slut" and her entire career revolves around boasting about the number of men, women and objects she's fucked, I think the word might be appropriate here

And yet it is the end of the world when men even consider a robotic sex partner.


I rather girls are fucking sex robots than men uglier than me

>black teenage boy

Implying I need to compete with a dildo if I have the perfect fleshlight (female sexbot) available.

A small handful of overly vocal feminist fascists whining doesn't equate to an end of the world.
Robots are not living beings and not privy to any human rights or ideas of consent.
Objectification is long known as a meme and buzzword since 2nd wave feminism coined it and basically insulted humanity for daring to have subjective and relative preferences which is a core nature of being human that makes it possible for us to be creative and diverse.
Any arguments against sex bots are invalid when coming from a group of people who use dildos which reduce men to nothing but their dicks as opposed to sex robots at least encompassing a whole body and appearance.

Yeah cool she's a whore. Sorry for doubting you.

if they want acid in face or throat slit sure

The problem about vocal minorities is that the apathetic majority tends not to do anything to stop them.

i dont care cus ill be getting a female sex robot

No, the problem with vocal minorities is when members of that collective don't regulate the radicals because they find an excuse to wash their hands from doing it by "excommunicating" them by word of mouth.
Because excommunication doesn't make the problem go away, it just means you washed your hands from dealing with it while it continues being retarded, and your ideology's shortcomings haven't really been repaired because you act blind to them.
It's a catch 22.
>have shitty ideology/religion with problems
>problems produce retards
>retards produce animus
>excommunicate retards instead of reforming and re-writing your ideology/religion and the retards
>retards are gone but the core errors in the ideology/religion still stand and produce new ones
>you never reform/rewrite because excommunication is a tactic where you act like you are solving problems without tackling the core, and act like your shit is still pure and infallible
Same thing applies to Islam.

fucking Jews man

I don't care. There will be still women that will sell their vaginas for coin.

>implying I won't turn myself into a sex robot

we can't compete even without sexbots so that hardly matters, women won't be able to compete too and that's the important part

Who would want to compete once we have female sexbots that never nag, get fat or have headaches, have your ideal bodytype and will indulge your most depraved fetishes happily.

the hypocrisy is astounding isn't it user

>what are your options?
Get rid of your personality.


I'm already NOT competing right now. I don't want to compete. I want a robot waifu.

>You will not be able to compete with male sex robots.
Whom are you kidding?

>Technological advancements
>Using technology to satisy sexual desires instead of removing sexual desire in the first place.

Humans are so fucking stupid.

> Placing geeks, nerds, dweebs and trolls in the same category as street filth and rapists
what the fuck?

the only reason you have some sort of purpose to live in a world where life is absurd is that you can feel joy under some circumstances. stripping yourself of desires will only make life sadder

If I became a sex robot manufacturer, would that inherently make me an alpha male?

Desire is the cause of suffering, imagine how much more humans could achieve.

Cybernetic Enhancements for Chads, now what?

It doesn't get more cringe than this, why are these MRAweenies everywhere

What cybernetic enhancements?

It doesn't sound like MRA at all.

> t.buddha
people achieve things to get rewards out of it.we don't have the servile nature of an ant colony

More like it would make you closer to an alpha female, since you now hold the sexual power over a ton of guys and you're pulling money from them by basically giving them sex.
Go for it. It's a funny feeling being in that position as a guy.
t. an artfag who sells porn.

She is not a slut, you just think that because you are insecure and have never scored.

Everyone has sex, user, especially hot chicks.

What, are you saying all girls are sluts then?

Promiscuous girls are sluts.

What if I sell bots of both sexes? Would that make me da supreme leader of the sexes?

What's the point of achievement if there's no pleasure in life?

>muh women are all submissive to men inside
>muh all women want to be dominated deep down inside
>muh women are worthless without a man
>muh women can't gain status through their own achievements
Yes it does

i have my hand and the internet.

It says more about you if you read that and the only pattern it matches for you is "MRAs".

I bet you never get laid.

Why is it that when a girl has sex you call her a slut, yet when a guy actually gets some he is a "player", or an "alpha male".

Talk about double standards.

>I bet you never get laid.
It's a safe bet to make on Sup Forums.

not the dude you replied to but guys actually need to put an effort to get laid

Penis, and whatever Stacy wants.It doesn't remove the human parts like status if she needs them.

Ants serve their colonies because of their wired instincts, same as sex. I don't mind others using sexbots, I'd just rather ascent.

>What's the point of achievement if there's no pleasure in life?

Achievement for the sake of achievement.

I was going to say /r9k/ but it didn't reek of that amount of desperation, of the two it's closer to mra or maybe pol

>She is not a slut

>You will not be able to compete with male sex robots.

That's okay, women won't be able to compete with female sex robots either. It balances out.

Also, it solves the overpopulation problem.

Your LARPing as a feminist (complete with """Reddit spacing""") is not persuasive

>she is not a slut

>Calls herself a slut
>Not a slut.

I won't lie it does sound MRA related but there's no header or source so it could well be a salty sperg , also consider this user...have you ever seen a 35 year old woman driving an expensive car and saying to yourself "damn! I'd hit that" rather than the average 21 year old slim tanned dumb and poor college girl that calls you daddy each time you spank her ass?
The 35 year old may have muh respects and muh status, but I ain't fucking saggy tits there instead of flamin' hot and dumb Karen.
Pump and dump, pump and dump.

>wanting sex
>also most poster taking this bait
This place is filled with ignorant beta cucks

90% of male sex robots will be bought by gay men
the other 10% will be weaboo landwhales

>women don't want sex
Lol you fucking retarded Trumplerina.

>all women
It doesn't say that. Do you even stats?

This same as female sex bots.

What an idiot boyfriend, if you don't like the state of that used up 2012 camaro go get a brand new lexus


The least sexually active couples are lesbians and the most sexually active couples are gay men. How much a specific group of people fuck is directly proportionate to how many men are in it.

> stop being poor
> stop not having alternatives

the free market works in sex the same way as it works with jobs,if you aren't good enough you won't get a better position

Women calls each a other whore to limítate competition.

>everyone has sex with "a wide variety of men, women and objects"
How's life in Sweden treating you?

You can git gut, within reason.

>achievement for the sake of achievement
No thanks, sounds like a spook

Yeah I didn't get the feeling that it was a rigorously considered probabilistic classification of women, the absolute descriptors in there like "only " and complete lack of considering alternative personalities made it seem like absolute statements were being made

Unironically, there is more to women than just their appearance and the older woman is probably a better conversation partner. I have a thing for milfs anyway
Also, tits don't get saggy at 35 if the woman is fit lmao

Oh, you're just a leftist.

nobody said you can't get good "within reason" but everyone has his wall

stephan hawking is a genius as he was caught with prostitutes, no one can blame him but fact is everyone has his limits. you aren't going to get a 10/10 movie star gf as a loonix user

Women want men to pay for sex that is something robot can't do.

That implies I was trying to compete in the first place haha

Socially I'm pretty liberal I guess, which part of the post made you think that and why would you think that was anything other than a non response

OK so? what is your point besides being obvious bait?

Or you can make good money and get some game, then the hoes that have hit the wall will be begging for some of the moneyz and stability you have whilst you fuck their 20+ daughters out of wedlock.
> I have a thing for milfs
most women decline after 30, not all, but most won't compete with the ~20 average gal.
> there is more to women than just their appearance
there is more to men than just their wallet, there is more to luxury sport cars than just appearance. That's just a generic statement I can't see your point.
> the older woman is probably a better conversation partner
My grandma too, in fact she had more life experience than the average 35 year old. If you want deep insightful conversations go out and make some friends, if you want company and loyalty buy a dog, if you want to fuck go pump and dump from the huge lot of asses sex liberation has stored from you, if you want to inflate your ego go buy a nice car.

/fglt/ here. its chance to finally break virginity.
1. Buy female bot
2. boot kali on it.
(2.1 fall in love)
3. hack male boot that another femanon bought
4. forward your movement to male boot.
5. forward femanon movement to your fembot
6 1st cyber rape.
7. profit
pic rel

*pic rel

Sounds like a virgin wrote this. Women crave the emotional connection and that will never be replaced by a machine. The only women that will be robot only are the damaged ones that would be getting blacked anyway.

TL;DR: OP is a virgin. Thankfully summer is almost over.

Your style and tone give it away.

>woman is acting up and making drama
>oi, robonigga. fix that for me will ya
>robonigga goes to woman
>takes her into arms whether she wants it or not
>takes her to bedroom
>rips her clothes off with zero difficulty despite her protests
>proceeds to give her a pounding until her mind is blank
>bends her body into the lewdest positions
>shoves robonigga dick into every hole with the force of artificial suns
>administers aphrodisiac injections directly into her brain's sex center
>breaks her mind until it's free of any anxiety, worry or troublesome thoughts
>once treatment is complete, delivers her back to me as a docile little pet

It's always summer on Sup Forums.

>implying player is a desirable title
>implying the same standards apply to women as to men

>tfw data made a robodaughter but she died

would that be roborape?