How is this possible?

How can a system still work and only some text in messages gets corrupted?


Install Gentoo

You have to be some mad nigger to start wandows

Shit happens, you could edit that manually with cheatengine if you tried and the result would be the same, it's really just a message box, the variables are untouched ("minutes" and the number "2"). I don't know what they did to get this but they'd better undo whatever it was that they did because they're really lucky that only the message box was affected.


Is this Windows HipHop Edition?

faulty ram

bit flippin mad yo

That's exactly the question though. How can only the message box be affected? It just seems really unlikely if you have faulty RAM.

>How can only the message box be affected?
Damn sure all these systems froze at some point

corrupted bits

This, your memory is fucked user, simple

I think knows that. The question was why only the message box gets corrupted while everything else still works.

Because when ram goes bad it's not the whole thing that goes bad, usually it's just a single chip (on a stick where you can have up to 16 chips)

I'd guess the text in the message box is being stored on the faulty chip, while the rest of the OS is occupying the other chips instead.

Maybe it's a virus, like one of thoose oldschool ones that instead of stealing passwords or asking for ransom just did random shit for lulz like corrupting messages or wiping your hard drive.

Memory corruption. Either faulty memory or timing is faulty through OC or something.

you should probatly install gentoo user

Let's organize this.
1. Fucked up ram, run a diagnostics program in the bios.
2. Overclocking messed the timing, underclock to stock.
3. Pirate windows, install gentoo.

Isn't that really unlikely though? Especially after running the system for some time?


Does saging even work any more?



Found your problem

Literally made by Pajeets, that's how.

because that was the location in memory that was corrupted


Your ram is fucked boi.
Run MemTest86

You were lucky I guess.


announcing sage isn't allowed here

Needs more dedotated wam.