Cloudflare declares war against adblockers

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adblockers will find a way.
and if they fail I will greatly enjoy watching every minor website utilizing this system fall into irrelevance.

Good thing I already avoid any site using that Cloudflare shit

Then why are you here?

They're charging $7+ a month and promise to block all popular addons. They will keep adding more walls and updating it. It's game over for freeloaders.

A MITM service wants to start another adblock war? This will be fun to watch.

I think they got high after looking at their own subscription numbers.

4chans the only exception, fortunately hiroshima seems to go easy on all the cloudflare shit and barely even has it enabled.

Good. People need to realize that blocking ads is the equivalent of piracy.

Nothing on that says Cloudflare is behind it, it just runs on their platform

>and promise
like everyone before them and everyone after them.
adblocking is still well and healthy.

I wouldn't use adblock if people didn't try to use ads to fucking track everything I do.

Im more paranoid about the malware desu

I dislike both

>choosing not to request ads that slow down page loading and track you more

It runs on their platform, is paid through their platform and also was featured on their store on day one. Do you want them to also embed a family picture of their CEO in the source code for me to be allowed to say Cloudflare is behind it for all practical purposes?

Yeah, but this time we're talking about the owners of the most powerful datacenters on the world.

What happened to the idea of hosting ads that aren't annoyingly distracting, don't open 20 new windows, and aren't ridden with malware and then kindly asking users to accept those?

It's not the ad blockers who started this war, we're on the defense and do what we must to keep our systems safe.

wouldnt just. editing your hosts file to block as many ad servers as possible work

I forget ads exist online sometimes

I assume the ads run some javascript to report they have been loaded.

Hosts files can't tell the difference between legit and bad resources served through the same Cloudflare domains, or hide CSS elements, MORON.


wow I changed my DNS server to cloudflare after seeing this.

What if we block NoAdBlock? Can we then use AdBlock again?

And the experience of sitting in front of a computer owned by a person who doesn't block ads is like getting hit by a dick-shaped train. Your pages are stretched 2x in size to accomodate every banner/gif, you get sound from unknown sources, cooling fan starts whirring dangerously fast, the CPU spikes and you see the browser and the computer genuinely struggles to keep up.

>a script to block ad block
No script to stop the no-ad-block script from blocking my ad block

more importantly, I'm in yoorup where we have limited bandwidth and at least 15% of that is eaten up with fucking ads

>in yoorup where we have limited bandwidth


England isn't Europe.

>I'm in yoorup where we have limited bandwidth
There are still places like that in yoorup?

>He doesn't use a hosts file, his firewall, or his router to block ads
When did Sup Forums get infested with so many casuals

Wasn't blocking ad blockers forbidden by the EU ?

greedy fucks


>disables javascript
Problem solved

>I'm in yoorup where we have limited bandwidth
There are places like that in Europe? Where?

can the adblockers win over this ?


He's just some stupid nigger living in a third world country prolly

Good thing me and everyone else will simply click off your niche-ass site when we see we can't use adblock.

enjoy that traffic loss friendo

Many websites require javascript because they used something like React or Angular to develop them.

>I'm in yoorup where we have limited bandwidth
all I ever hear from you yurops is that you have stupid fast internet for under 10 yurops a month

is this why the jews want net neutrality so badly? because everyone should be equally "free" to view all the advertisements on a webpage without those nasty adblockers restricting access to what some users see?

>Traffic loss due to AdBlock
Not everyone is an autist like you, friendo.

And yet you still use referrers. They still know where you came from, user.

What? NN has nothing to do with ads

Not even in Brazil we have limited bandwidth. I mean, we have, but no provider actually enforces it.



somebody should make a adblocking filter that blocks all websites that use anti-adblocking software

That's good.
People will stop going to websites who enforce ads.
Lost websites will die off and give us a freer Internet.

I never understood why website don't use "hardcoded" ads.

>website owners earn more
>ads are better targeted for the users

Also, Always remind that AdBlock steals/reduces legitimate profit for provider whether you admit or not.

it's hard to measure clickview.

HAHA! Sure... Except I'm using squid on pfSense.

Because implementing your own ads is much harder than just including some malware ridden external ad network.

Especially when you need to track users across sites to target ads.

Some use them though. Pic with ublock origin on.

What site is this? I want to test this anti anti adblock list.

a site to test this out?
will try filter it out with ublock origin

>limited internet


Central-Europe has the worlds fastest internet (fibre available to pretty much any place you could want). Also Central-Europe is the worlds first area which will be fully 5G covered. rating:explicit&commit=Search

Because this websites sell ad space, when you use 3rd party ad service, they pay you for clicks/views and you don't have to mange them.

>to block all popular addons.
they will make a fucking client side plug in that does load ads and doesn't display them in the end.
How the fuck can they make me look at their annoying shit?

Ignore him. The British and their offspring are known to have a limited view of the world.

To them, American crap (guns/freedom of hate speech/etc.) = "Western culture"

British crap (censorship, limited Internet etc.) = "Europe"

What if you use a VPN or proxy that blocks ads before it is even served on your page?

Fund it

no one cares they should get a real job if they want revenues internet is a worthless shit

I'll just browse Sup Forums via Links, images can't load in my cli you fucking faggot kike


this seems to remove that popup for me at least

You can just as easy charge advertisers for the time the ads are displayed.
Of course simple analytics methods should be in place.

Yeah, I've already updated mine right after I posted the ss.

Using adaway, it opened like 4 more tabs for shit.

No JavaScript means no posting and captcha won't work

Everything you want requires actual work to do.
They have convenient replacement, they opt out for that even tho in theory it's not as profitable.

Cloudflare is already blocking Tor users (in practice, since you can't actually get past the captcha they give Tor users).

If they start blocking people will adblockers then there will just be more cases where sites behind cloudflare don't work. Eventually those who use their shitty services will realize that it's costing them traffic. This will pretty much solve itself.

>paranoid about the malware
You do know that there's been numerous cases of malware being spread through advertisements?

You totally have a valid point. For those who don't get it, think about this: You have some page with content and in that page you have a img src= tag wrapped in a a href tag with some kind of advertisement. How many adblockers manage to identify that as an advertisement and block it? None, because it's not something you can easily tell from the pages content. A truckload of different javascripts from completely different domains, on the other hand, is generally not required to view the actual content.

anyho~ its not a annoying popup like blockadblock one
dont really get how they think that will make people not use adblocks when you can easily either add one filter or just close the popup
(((cloudflare))) are literally scamming site owners

Can't be. I had to turn ublock origin off to see them.

But otherwise true, they're not provided by 3rd party scripts (is hardcoded even a proper term for them?).
They also happen to be somewhat targeted but i'm not sure whether your average distrowatch user is a target market for a commercial voip solution and a commercial vulnerability scanner

>muh real job

Internet is not only for autism, faggot.

Their technology is shit, I saw it before and could easily disable it with NoScript. Yet another reason why JavaShit have to die.

Also, I actually stop visiting websites that want to take control over my browser. Fuck trackers and fuck annoying ads.

Why use this over umatrix?

> The British and their offspring are known to have a limited view of the world.
> offspring

Almost spit my coffee :DDD

I sometimes forget that:
- Americans are Brits with guns.
- Canadians are Brits with snow.
- Australians are Brits with tropical heat.
- New Zealanders are Brits with kiwis.

But all equally retarded Brits.

And? I can read other people's shitposts

>You do know that there's been numerous cases of malware being spread through advertisements?
That was exactly my point senpai.

Try these, adloser.

Except that the few losers who block scripts won't be able to access any site at all very soon because they'll hide all content by default and use scripts to show it (link redirectors already do it).

Because he's a retard, that's why. Noscript users read its meme description with buzzwords like "clearclick protection xD" and think that it does more than umatrix.

Except you can always chose which specific scripts you wanna load or disable.

You should write your own program using JSON parser then, better than HTML

Seems pointless to be only able to read shitposts and can't post your own. Technically I guess you could post if you bought a Sup Forums pass, but this place isn't worth 20 dollars.

>you yurops is that you have stupid fast internet for under 10 yurops a month

That is wrong. 433 SEK per month for 100/100mbit. That's $51 or 45 EUR. It's not cheap, just fast. 1gb/1gb is about 100 EUR or $112, not exact figures but it was around that last I checked (didn't bother upgrading, it's expensive enough already and I don't really need more bandwidth for anything).

There may be places in EU where the bandwidth is a problem, the fascist union is a big place and there are some poor countries with vast rural areas. Those are probably covered by 3G/4G but that's pretty expensive.


the same filter works for those as well

I'd rather give $20/year to a gook than have Jewish ads rammed up my ass every moment I look at the screen

>Try these, adloser.
I deleted the "cloudflare-app" elements in the inspect tool and it works

>the fascist union is a big place

LOL. Texas is bigger than it. Your so-called "countries" are the equivalent to our counties.

They're supposed to develop them as if javascript is disabled so their content still remains accessible.

Looks like flavor of the month wasn't the best way to go after all.

Have fun doing that every day again on every site that adopts it, because the code will be different.

I'm assuming there's a way to do that with the extension API. ublock origin might already support it, I just don't fully understand their extension syntax.

>What's a script

Adblock is piracy. You're literally stealing content by blocking ads.

Most websites nowadays serve nothing but inane bullshit anyway, 64 fucking ads for the opinion of some mouthbreathing faggot? Fuck no.

Hiro got into a lot of trouble with credit card management when he was with 2channel.

Thats a content I don't want to see though.
How can I pirate content I never requested.

99% of the Internet is web stores and top 10 lists. Good riddance and let it all burn.

no its my city

You can try to sell ads yourself and see how that goes or leave it to some advertisement network. I use Google Adsense, have for years and years. I do use adblockers myself, and if people who visit my sites do then that's fine. Plenty of people do view and click their advertisements.

I've tried selling advertisements directly. It's very hard and the result is that you spend a whole lot of time and effort on something that results in less revenue.

I've also tried having no advertisements and encouraged donations instead. That results in close to nothing.