What is the best Firefox alternative that has good ad blocker extension?

What is the best Firefox alternative that has good ad blocker extension?

I've used Firefox about 10 years now. I've endured all the changes and fuck ups they have made. I've endured all the SJW bullshit they have made. I've thought that it's always better than being part of the botnet.

Now Firefox 57 is just too much... I can't take it anymore. All extensions stop working, new retarded UI and animations (Photon) and more SJW bullshit. And on top of that they started the Google Ads data mining stuff...

But what finally broke my back was this video:


You can see that their top priority isn't the best browser experience anymore. No, their top priority is making everyone represented (call it diversity or what ever you want...). The browser comes second now.

So what is the best Firefox alternative that has:
- ad blocker
- isn't Internet Explorer 2.0
- is fast and functional

Other urls found in this thread:


best blocker
>Google Ads data mining stuff..

Qupzilla, Sleipnir, Brave, Vivaldi, Ungoogled Chromium, IceCat, SeaMonkey, Otter Browser, Waterfox, Palemoon, Midori and TOR Browser for full tinfoil mode. I named all of these browsers off the top of my head, I'm a bit of a browser fan, dunno why I like playing with new browsers in particular; wonder if anyone else has a browser fetish like me?


Just found out also about Iridium, according to alternativeto.net's description it is a 'libre modifaction of the chromium code base'... worth testing this out myself.

> not reading any technology news


QuteBrowser is developed by a fa/g/ if I recall correctly. If he has the right brand of autism, it could be a pretty good browser.

What's the most actively developed of those browsers? Also which ones do have a ad blocker extension? What about any other extensions?

I use QuteBrowser as my primary browser, it has a few issues but overall I enjoy using it

Ungoogled Chromium uses all chrome-based addons. But not via chrome's store: github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium/blob/master/FAQ.md#can-i-install-extensions-from-the-chrome-webstore

Vivaldi has most of the common addons and is actively developed but it can be sluggish depending on your computer.

Brave is actively developed and if I recall, has some addons but limited choice; by default Brave blocks ads with an option to use Brave-approved ads to support webpages (aka cuck mode).

Waterfox, Icecat and Palemoon are Firefox derivatives and you can install from the Firefox addon site.

im pretty sure my hosts list takes care of that

Qupzilla or midori, the rest are yellowjew browsers or firefox/chrome with disabled stuffs

>Do not track should turn off Analytics

That's why I hate people. Do-not-track is... is... I'm not even sure how to describe it but it's useless. It's all up to the tracker to decide whenever it will be "respected" or not. Unless it comes with actual tracking preventing measures in the browser. ID faking, bogus cookies, scrambler etc.

In the end tracking itself is just like stalking. It's a crime but in the internet is somehow becomes okay, which is not okay. Not doing your very best to prevent it from happening to you or other people is already despicable.

Firefox is over. So are all the other Browsers. The web is dead. It's time, to leave.

>It's time, to leave.

to where?


Said fa/g/ here - to be fair, I didn't browse Sup Forums (or didn't know about things other than Sup Forums) before I noticed people talking about qutebrowser in Sup Forums. Now I do when I feel like procrastinating stuff :P

qutebrowser is pretty focused on vim-like keyboard navigation and doesn't have the best adblocker currently (it's only a host blacklist) FWIW, but if you want something with keyboard navigation, it's probably the most actively developed one.

gopher? There isn't really a plan B. In addition to hardware level backdoor, we might as well just turn the computers off.... forever.

Thank you based user

Palemoon with this for ultimate nostalgic comfy:

So it's okay for a company, that claims to care about your privacy, to track its users because you can use third-party methods of avoiding it?

didnt say anything about that but you wont get much from me because i never looked into their claims and i never trusted them and actually kinda hate them
it just so happens there is no real alternative and i like the browser

plus those third party methods apply to everything not just firefox


Free and open source. Founded by the Firefox founder Brendan Eich. Also he hates SJWs as much as we do so the SJW crap isn't coming to Brave anytime soon.

stop using smileys or fuck off.

Fuck me I've been away a bit...
Do we really have to make all software our self these days?
SJW shit and datamining, FUCK

All these addons too, I get why you are at it making new browser again..

> lion
Why would you adblock in a browser when you can browse in a adblocker?

>he doesn't like diversity
I hope this guy takes your job.

>implying i have a job
checkmate fegit

Jut Kode your own.

cd ..
cd ..


You know this guy was the one that broke my back. First I was like "Oh look another diversity video..." but then when this guy showed up suddenly I realized that what Mozilla has become.

When you watch that video you see that they tried to represent everyone and by that I mean EVERYONE.

There is:
- white person
- black person
- asian person
- indian person
- trans person
- gay person
- and finally even nu-male person with pink hair

At this point you see that Mozilla is more worried that every group gets represented in some way in the video. When you watch it couple times you start to see how the video is constructed around equal representation and not around Firefox browser and new features coming with it.


Now their SJW rhetoric comes before functional software (at least for them). They have lost their ability to separate the product (browser) and their personal feelings. And that will eventually lead to browser slowly becoming corrupt.

RIP Mozilla Firefox

>Comments are disabled for this video.

Make gopher great again.


I've been using hosts file instead of an ad blocker for two years. No need in bloated JavaScript extension.
And I use Vivaldi as browser

I like browsers as well. I wish there was one that wasn't garbage. HTML5/CSS3's fault, not the developers' but still. I'll never forget what it was like switching to Firefox 3 from Internet Explorer.


>he values forced diversity

Thanks for being a drain on society

Qutebrowser has a ton of dependencies and is impossible to get working in a framebuffer

Does Waterfox or Icecat have anything over Pale Moon?


Easiest way to import passwords from FF into Pale Moon?

I stopped using Firecucks back when they first started their SJW bullshit. Never been happier.

Can some plz enlight me on cyberfox?

Decent design, and ever since e10s it's become much faster and responsive. Unfortunately it uses Google analytics and is a botnet.


Chromium based (still botnet)

Russian botnet


no build based on ff nightly or even beta
Also about:addons Google analytics?

Are there even any good browsers to switch to from firefox nightly?
I've been trying out qutebrowser and it's not bad, but the lack of extensions really bothers me.

I feel your feel man. Switched from Firefox to Brave browser 3 weeks ago. Never looked back. Native ad blocking, script blocking and HTTPS everywhere. Feels good man.

>hardcore users disable all telemetry
>telemetry team researches data gathered
>full of normie shit
>change the browser to make normies happy
>hardcore users cry

Imagine if telemetry was opt-in. Normies don't change settings; only people that cared in some way would give data. Wouldn't that data be multitudes more valuable?

Icecat is better is you need more plugins support

I feel you user. Try ungoogled chromium.



Pale Moon

This is sad, I have used that shit from version 3. I guess is time to move

So how do I use this?

qutebrowser works in a framebuffer when you use the QtWebKit backend and set QT_QPA_PLATFORM=linuxfb.

